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Chapter 1817

Grace and Heinz wanted to ask Ernest to bring Leah home for a meal so that they could get to know her better.They wanted to meet Ernest's girlfriend. As even Jensen had met her, it made them feel even more impatient to want to meet her.

The next reason was because the New Year was just around the corner. Gary and Celeste were going to come back from Boston to celebrate theNew Year. They wanted the whole family to gather together. The twins had both found their girlfriends, which was a good thing. Naturally, they hopedthat everyone could spend time together.

However, they could not reach him by phone. Of course, they were smart enough to know why.

The two of them had been separated for so long, and they were so young too. Naturally, they would want to stick around together for some time whenthey finally reunited.

Grace gave up after trying to call him twice.

Heinz dared not protest or do anything to his wife. After all, his wife was pregnant. and could not be angry at all

He dared not make her angry at all, so he could only laugh along with her.

"When he sees the missed call, he will call back."

“Okay.” Grace nodded, she put down the phone and told Heinz, "Celeste and Gary are back too. Let's get together tonight.”

"Sure, I will listen to you. However, there's one thing you should remember. Don't get too tired." Heinz was afraid that she would be too tired, forGrace was not young anymore. She was getting old and was pregnant. with twins at that. Naturally, it wouldn't be easy for her.

Everyone cared for Grace a lot, for fear that something bad would happen to her.

Dinner was held at six o'clock sharp.

After Gary and Celeste came back, they took a shower and changed their clothes. After that, they accompanied Grace and chatted with her."Was your trip back a smooth one?” Grace held Celeste's hands and asked.

"It was, Aunt Grace, please don't worry about us." Celeste smiled as she told Grace, "Everything was well in Boston too, Uncle Lowell and Gary tookgood care of me. Don't worry.”

"That's great. It seems that Lowell isn't coming back again this time.” Grace was a little worried. Lowell seldom went back, and he spent most of histime in the lab.

"Uncle Lowell said that he had already come back this year, and there is still a lot of work for him to do in the lab, so he won't come back." Celestewas worried that Grace would be worried about Lowell. so she purposely comforted her. "However, don't worry. Uncle Lowell said that he will takegood care of himself, and he was afraid that you would worry about him. He also said that he would come back to see the babies after you give birth."

Grace was stunned, she laughed. "Lowell has been very warm-hearted ever since he was a child. He is a good kid. I wonder if he is in a relationshipnow.”

Celeste shook her head. "We don't know that.”"Mommy, don't worry about Lowell. He is great. He will be in a relationship when the time is right." Gary continued, "He's not in a hurry anyway.”

"He might not be in a hurry, but I am.” Grace looked at Gary and then at Celeste. She sighed. "Gary and Ernest are both in love. As an uncle, Lowellis over three years older than them, but he doesn't care about his future. So, of course I am worried about him.”

Celeste nodded. "We will convey your worries to Uncle Lowell." "All right. let him know that I'm very worried. Tell him to find girlfriend to accompanyhim fast. They could take care of each other so that we won't be worried anymore." As she spoke, she suddenly felt gossipy and asked Gary, "Gary, isLowell normal?"

Gary was almost shocked to death by his mother’s question

He looked at his mother, shook his head and laughed, "Mommy, what's on your mind? Why would Lowell be abnormal? He’s normal. Don't worry. Heused to like Janice, but I don’t know if he still likes her. I don't know. He is always staying in school. He probably didn't come back because he wasafraid of disturbing Celeste and I. I don't exactly know what's on his mind."

Gary was extremely calm when he mentioned Janice.However, Celeste lowered her gaze.

Ever since she went to Boston, she had met with Janice several times. When they met, Janice was still the same as always. She still had a deepobsession with Gary.

However, Celeste herself had changed.

Ever since she experienced some matters, she no longer troubled herself or Gary because of Janice's affairs. After all, Gary did not have too muchfeelings for her.

When it came to Janice, Celeste was still indifferent. and she did not want to have too much interactions with her.

Seeing Celeste lowering her gaze, Grace could not help but to glance at her again, and she even glanced sideways at Gary. His son was really slow.He had almost lost Celeste because of Janice, yet he did not learn his lesson.

Gary was also surprised when he saw Celeste acting that way. He felt greatly aggrieved

He brought up Janice only because he wanted to prove that he had nothing to do with Janice at all. That was why he was so calm when hementioned her name, instead of actually having any other thoughts about it.

When he looked at Celeste, he could not help but to feel worried. Celeste had better not misunderstood him again.

"Janice won't do," Grace said in a deep voice, “Even if Lowell likes Janice, she won't do. We won't allow her to be part of the Jones family.”Gary blinked, as it was the first time he saw his mother showing so much dislike towards a girl

She wouldn't allow Lowell to go look for Janice.

"She is really not suitable to be a member of the Jones family," Grace said once more

Celeste was stunned, and she looked up at Grace subconsciously.

She felt amazed at her for so directly disapproving Janice.

Gary did not speak.

However, Celeste had no choice, so she replied, “Aunt Grace. if Lowell really likes Janice and only Janice, then he will definitely feel sad if he heardwhat you said."

"Only people who are devoted to Lowell is worthy of him, unfaithful people won't do. Lowell has already suffered enough in his life. I won't allow him tobe unhappy in his marriage.” Grace was firm when it came to her choice. "Don't worry, I know what to do."

Celeste pursed her lips and did not say anything else.After they finished their meal, Celeste chatted with Grace.Gary went to look for Heinz.

The pair of father and son talked in the study.

When Heinz saw his son coming over to look for him, he could not help but to ask, "What's wrong? What do you want?"

"When we left,the airport, we met ajournalist." Gary cut straight to thepoint. "If thejournalists were to take,photos af ine and Celeste, theywould Start creating gossips. It’snota bi geal, but the problem is that[ ra.worried that there's somethingwrong with the reporter's-integrity. Itfeels like they were coming right ats." Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Heinz raised his eyebrows, his gaze got a lot sharper. "Were the reporters waiting to go after you? However, you are not part of the entertainmentindustry, and you are not worth being photographed.”

"However, you are." Gary looked at Heinz. "If you are implicated, won't it be bad for you?""Me?" Heinz looked at his son and said, “From your tone, it sounds like you don't think too highly of me."Gary nodded. "Isn't that so? You have always been that way.”

"A son should pay for his father's debts. I am a very influential person in Northern City, so you don't have to feel ashamed at all. Itis not a shamefulthing for my son to find a girlfriend," Heinz replied flatly.

"Look at you, I Knew that you have turned numb and heartless.” Gary could not help but to go on. “Yet, what if this isn't a good thing? What if they areactually plotting something against us as they photographed us?"

Upon hearing that, Heinz raised his eyebrows and asked, "Since you are so worried, why are you still asking me? Shouldn't you be the one whoshould go and just deal with it?”

Gary snapped back, "Isn't Northern City your territory?"

He meant to say that since it was Heinz's territory, then Heinz would naturally have to deal with it.novelbin

"Boy, don't tell me that you don'teven have thé ability to deal with thiskind of thing how. Aren't you a NNhacker? [sit it easy to hack into thereporters’ system and delete theirfleszHeinz was rather optimisticand.riot anxious at all. "I willteave itteryou. I don't have to be teoworried." Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

Gary stared at deeply Heinz. "Are you not going to meddle in this matter?”

"Call me dad.",Heinz took theopportunity t6.put forward hiscondition. iByou don't call me dad,.lwon't hayé the motivation. Now, myprimary task i is to accompany yourmonentil she gives birth. You. arenotyoung anymore, you have theability to deal with this kind of thing.Why would you need to bother me?"Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Gary laughed. "I really am speechless towards your excuses.”

"So, that will be it. Deal with it yourself. If you can't, I will naturally handle it for you.”

The two of them reached an agreement.

Unexpectedly, the news immediately came out early the next moming.

It came with an exaggerated headline.

"The Jones Estate's President's Wife Exposed Exclusive News on the Jones Family's Eldest Son's Girlfriend. Heinz Was Infuriated."As the news was published, everyone related to the Janes family were very shocked.

Was it Grace's relative? Who was that?

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