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Chapter 1800

After leaving the police station, Leah did not say anything for some time. Ernest couldn't stand her silence, so he turned to her and asked, "Weren'tyou at schoal? Why did you leave?"

"Ah, let's not talk about it. Something came up at first, but I realized after that the class monitor and Lydia wanted to ask me out because I lookedunhappy recently. They wanted to take my mind off things, but we cancelled the plan once they found out that we got back together.”

"Is that so?" Ernest still frowned. "Is your class monitor the guy who held your shoulder yesterday?”

Leah nodded. “Yes, that's our class monitor. His name is Rudoph."

"Hmph!" Leah was shocked when Ernest suddenly made that sound.

"Why do you look like that?” Leah asked.

He then said, "No reason. I just don't like the fact that he cares about you so much, since you're a girl.”

Leah was stunned. "You have always been a very gentle guy. Why are you suddenly being like so intimidating?”Ernest took Leah into his arms and looked directly into her eyes as he said slowly. "That's because you're mine.”Leah's heart suddenly pounded inside her chest.

She didn't dare even peek at Ernest anymore.

She lowered her head and blushed. "Okay, got it. You've changed, you know?"

Ernest agreed and admitted generously, "That's because I feel that I need to be more high profile sometimes. I need to be more assertive, if not, Iwould become a pushover."

"Well. I'm not yours either. I belong to myself only," Leah muttered.

Ernest glanced at her and said, "You belong to me, and similarly, I belong to you. We are still individuals, but we belong to each other too."He was so serious when he said it that Leah blushed even harder at his words.

Just then, Ernest's phone rang

He picked up the phone. "Shawn?"

"Master Ernest, Rowane has finished her checkup in the hospital. Her injuries are also determined to be minor injuries.”

Ernest replied, “Then, Hogan can be detained. Get in touch with the police about that and make sure Rowane gets a new place to live.”As soon as Leah heard that he was going to get a new place for Rowane. she reached out to stop him.

However, Ernest shook his head at her.

Hence, Leah understood that he had his own reasons for doing that.

“How is Hogan's injuries?" Ernest asked again.

Shawn became a little hesitant. "Master Ernest...”

"Just spit it out." Ernest commanded.

Shawn replied, "His nose is broken.”

Ernest chuckled softly at that.

“That scumbag was yelling up and down the hospital, saying that he wants to sue you." Shawn told Ernest about what happened truthfully."What did you say then?" asked Ernest coldly.

Shawn said, "I told him that I would wait until his nose heals and break it again if he dares to do that. Once that heals, I'll break it again and again untilhis nose falls off. Then, he'll never have a nose again.”

Ernest couldn't help but to laugh. "Great, that's the way to do it." "He was frightened and he shut up for quite some time." Shawn chuckled over thephone as he spoke. "Don't worry, Master Ernest. He's a coward. Only cowards hit women.”

"You're right. Shawn, have someone get Leah a new phone and send it to her place,” Ernest replied.


Ernest looked at Leah after he hung up the phone.

Leah had overheard the conversation earlier and she gave Ernest a surprised look. “Your bodyguard is pretty aggressive.”"Well, it's true." Ernest nodded, confirming what Leah said.

She burst into laughter. "Well, he wouldn't be able to deal with a scumbag like Hogan if he wasn't aggressive.”

“Hogan's a coward. Come on, let's go home." Ernest grabbed Leah's waist

"I can buy my own phone.” Leah said, "You don't need to get someone to buy it for me."

"It's a gift for you,” said Ernest. "I have to buy it."

"However, I don't need you to buy it." Leah felt that it was better to maintain her financial independence.

However, Ernest wasn't having any of it. His tone was domineering as he said, "Why not? Not only do you need me to buy you you gifts, you need mein general.”

She was stunned and looked at Ernest's handsome face helplessly.

They quickly returned to the apartment, and once they entered, Ernest pinned Leah against the door and kissed her.Leah almost couldn't keep up and she was frightened by his swiftness.

She recalled how he hugged her fiercely when he saw her at Rowane's place. Ernest was so panicked back thenHe must be in fear as he was worried sick about her.

Hence, she could not help but to respond to him passionately.

They soon became tangled with one another, and Ernest carried Leah into the bedroom.

They kicked off their shoes and Ernest pinned Leah on the bed. His eyes were dark with lust as he stared at her hungrily.Leah was also very nervous, and her eyes darted everywhere.

Ernest smirked at Leah and said, "Although you came back fine today, let it be a lesson."

Leah nodded obediently. Ernest really enjoyed managing her life.

"I know, I will be more careful in the future."

"Hogan is a piece of filth. If we don't crush him, he'll try again once he gets a chance. He's so petty.”

Leah nodded in agreement.

"So, I want you to learn a lesson." Ernest said the sentence very softly.

Leah was rather anxious. She indeed had no idea what Ernest meant or what he was going to do

She looked at him nervously and said, "What do you want to do, Ernest?"

She had a strong feeling that Ernest was up to no good.

Sure enough, Ernest peppered kisses all over her body, getting lower.

Leah was taken aback, and she pleaded with Ernest for mercy. "No. Ernest, don't do this."

"No can do." Ernest shook his head.

Then, he looked up at Leah and smiled. "You told me you'd be more careful in the future. So, you have to cooperate with me to show that you're reallyserious about it.”

Leah felt embarrassed. "No, I feel really embarrassed if you do this. I'm nervous.”

He looked at eah with embers ofdesire raging‘in his eyes. He smiledlazily, meeting Leah's gaze. "I wantyou to remember this for the restofyour life. I want you to think of thiseverytime you want to throwsyourself i in danger." Content belongsto NovelDrama.Org 4

He was doing it on purpose.Leah took a deep breathAs he moved lower and lower, Leah felt absolutely defeated by Ernest.

He was just too good at it.

Leah was thrust into the throes ofpassion as she felt like she was inadaze, ancd'she seemed tohave ==>ascended onto cloud nine. She =wanted to look down at Ernesttotakea proper look at him, butshefelFdizzy once she did so.. Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org ©

An hour later, Ernest was finally satisfied and he looked at Leah. He smiled and asked, "Did you enjoy that?"

Leah was in a daze, and she had no idea what was real and what wasn't. Her mind was still blank when Ernest asked her the question. So, she wasanswering it absentmindedly too.

"Mhmm.”" She answered blankly. Then, Ernest burst into laughter immediately.

His laughter was full of joy.

Leah immediately came back to her senses and

became alert when she heard that

She looked at Ernest and asked woozily, "What are you laughing at?"

"Seems like my efforts weren't in vain, and you enjoyed it very much. Feels good, hmm?" His eyes were filled with love as he spoke to Leah slowly.

Leah paused for a moment before she realized what he was saying. She blushed furiously as she felt shy and said, "What nonsense are you talkingabout?"

"Silly girl, you're so shy." Ernest hugged Leah close to his chest. "Come on, let me carry you to the shower."Leah didn't feel like moving at all, so Ernest picked her up and carried her into the bathroom

When the new phone arrived, Ernest and Leah were busy in the bathroom. Hence, they didn’t even pick it up, and the delivery man waited outside forover half an hour.

It wasn't until Leah was being carried back into the bedroom and tucked securely into bed that Ernest dressed himself to get the phone.

He was just wrapped in a bathrobeas he stood a he door. He foundthat ShawrNvad personally deliveredthe phone When he opened the doer.On the-sther hand, Shawn was atfirst stunned, then he nodded...”respectfully at Ernest as he: saw hisface. "Master Ernest, thisds the newphone. It comes ina set with yours."Content belongs to NovelDrama.Orgnovelbin

Ernest took the phone and nodded in satisfaction as he smiled. "Very good, Shawn. Good job.""I'll be heading back now, Master Ernest."

"Sure, go ahead." After that, Ernest closed the door and returned to the bedroom with the phone.

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