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Chapter 1798

Ernest drove his closed fist into Hogan's face once more, and blood spurted out.Hogan's nose was broken, and it was crooked to one side.

Leah was frightened. She was afraid that assaulting Hogan would affect Ernest, so she said, “Ernest. stop hitting him. I already called the police, andthey're on their way. You shouldn't waste your energy of a piece of sh*t like him."

Ernest was unhappy at being stopped, but what Leah called Hogan turned his mood around quickly.Leah did not care about this scumbag, but she was looking out for him.

Right at that moment, the bodyguard at the door shouted, "Master Ernest, the police are here.”Ernest smiled faintly at Hogan and he punched him again savagely in front of the cops.

"What's going on?" The lead policeman shouted at once

He stepped forward to stop Ernest from hitting Hogan. "Why are you beating him up so badly?"Ernest stood up and gave the cops a piercing look.

His gaze was oppressive, and it startled the policemen. It was the first time they'd ever seen such a sharp look on a young man.It was as if he was born with a leader's temperament, and it surprised them

The policeman opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

He looked at Ernest and lowered his voice. “What's going on? We received a report.”

"You should know what's going on, no?" Ernest did not spare the cops any dignity and admonished them right away. "If you'd come any later, thisscumbag right here would have hurt an innocent woman."

The police were stunned. They had never faced such a blunt person, and they didn’t know how to respond.The atmosphere became a bit tense, and it turned into a confrontation.

Hogan took the opportunity to wail, “Officer, you need to see what's going on here. They're trying to kill me! I'm the victim here! My entire face iscovered with blood, and my nose hurts like mad!"

Hogan's nose was crooked to one side from the force of Ernest's punches.Hence, his complaints made him look like the victim.

The police obviously misunderstood the whole situation.

They said to Ernest, "You're our main suspect!”

Leah was stunned by this and she quickly stepped forward. "Officer, I called the police. The whole situation is actually very different, and we're thereal victims here. Don't get us wrong."

Leah presented Rowane to the police for them to check on her.She also explained the situation in great detail

"This is my sister, Rowane. She was beat up by that man lying on the floor, and this is my boyfriend.” Leah pointed at Ernest and said, "He was.pissed at that man hurting us both physically and verbally, so that's why he hit him."

"Even so, this is considered assault.” The cops frowned at Ernest.

Leah replied, "Yes, he shouldn't have hit him. However, accidents happen, and I feel like we shouldn't hold back against scumbags like him. The lawserves to protect the innocent, and it's not to be used as a shield for the guilty.”

The police were taken aback by what Leah said and made a call to confirm. Surely enough, Leah was the one who called the police.

Rowane also explained how the whole thing went down. In the end, the police said to them, "This has gotten a bit more complicated. If you hadn'tassaulted him, then we will detain Hogan. However, now we have to detain the person who assaulted him as well.”

Leah replied, "I don't care about the complications of the case, but detaining my boyfriend is a no. I just wanted to ask if you have any other measuresfor someone as stubborn as Hogan. For example, perhaps protecting the victim by restricting his freedom. You can't just sit by and watch while hehurts us right?”novelbin

"Let's go to the hospital first and check on Rowane’s injuries. Both of you have assaulted someone. If it was one-sided, then it would be easier." Thepolice said.

"Is that so?" Leah was starting to get impatient. "Easier? Then was it not right for us to defend ourselves? What you're saying sounds like we shouldnever even try to defend ourselves even when we're under threat."

"Miss, don't you worry about that. We're doing this according to the rule of law," The officer replied.

"I'm a law student, and I just recited one. I also know what laws you policemen operate under, and I don't think you've done things with quotes toprocedure, right?” Leah asked.

The police were stunned.

Leah continued, "Yesterday, whenmy younger sister called the police,you interrogated Hogan. However,you did not protect her and releasedHogan itstead. Did you inform mysister.that you'd released him?Youknewthat Hogan would take> Irevénge on my sister after he gotout, but you didn't infornyher nor didyou send officers to keep an eye onher. This is your fault.” Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

They were stunned and said, "We're not assigned to that case."

"Wow, looks like you're shirkingresponsibilitynow. Are you going toignore this just because it’s not yourcase? Aré you going to pass it offtoyour calfeagues? You're from the’same police station, no?" Leatrhitthepolicemen with a barrage ofd@estions. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

Then, Ernest pulled Leah behind him and faced the cops. He said, "You should check the time you left the station. From the time Leah called it in towhen you arrived, wasn't it a huge delay?"

They were all stunned by the question and looked at Ernest.

Ernest's tone was indifferent as he said, "If you think my presence is hindering your investigation, but instead protect Hogan, I would like to ask yourcommanding officer Jensen Charm whether or not

this is allowed.”The expressions on the policemen’s faces changed.

Then, the bodyguard said, "Master Ernest, are you planning to see Officer Charm?"

Ernest replied, "Of course. Shawn,have someone take Rowane to thehospital with the police for a ~checkup to determine the extent ofher idjuries, Hogan should go’aswell, and I'll pay for his medical bills.”Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

"Yes, Master Ernest." Shawn nodded right away.

The policemen were unsure what was going on, but they understood that Jensen must share some sort of special relationship with Ernest afterhearing how Shawn addressed Ernest

Twenty minutes later.

At the police station

Ernest brought Leah straight to the police station

As soon as Jensen heard the news, he rushed over at once.

Jensen appeared tall and strong in his police uniform, and he exuded an aura that demanded respect. Everyone stood up unconsciously when hearrived

Jensen looked at his subordinates and said nothing.He went straight to Ernest and Leah.

Leah's heart skipped a beat in her chest. She didn't know what relationship Ernest and Jensen shared. All she knew was that this officer looked quiteserious indeed.

Although there was a gentle expression on his face, there was an imposing air around him.

Jensen strode over and bumped Ernest in his shoulder with his fist. Then, he let out a bright smile. "Not bad, kid. You're getting stronger by the day."Ernest stood up and smiled at his uncle.

"Hi, Uncle Charm," Ernest called out.

Leah was dumbfounded. This was Emest's uncle?

Jensen was Ernest's relative.

Good, then there's nothing to be afraid of.

If she had known that Ernest's uncle was a policeman, she would have called Jensen right away.

Oh right, they hadn't made up yet when she called the police yesterday.

Leah stood aside them with anger in her chest. Well, if she couldn't use that method, at least they could bring Hogan to justice.It would be good if they could handle this impartially.

Of course, Leah was still very optimistic.

"And this is?" As a policeman, Jensen was very observant and spotted Leah standing next to Ernest right away. She was a beautiful girl, but she hadan interesting expression on her face.

Then, Ernest introduced Leah to Jensen. "Uncle, this is Leah Winston, my girlfriend."

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