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Chapter 1796

"Don't think you can use that to scare me,” Hogan didn't seem to care at all, and he sneered at Leah. "I'll have my fun first. Who knows? You mightend up enjoying it so much you would forget to sue me.”

"You're disgusting. Get out of my sight!” Leah shouted indignantly.

Hogan was furious at Leah's dismissal, and his expression was truly unpleasantHe narrowed his eyes and walked towards Leah.

Rowane roared, "Get away from her, Hogan! I'll kill you if you touch my sister.”

“Rowane, I think it's you who should leave," Hogan's eyes were full of disgust as he looked at her. "However, you're not going anywhere today. I wantyou to watch how I screw your sister today. I want you to see how Leah succumbs to my charms.”

"My sister's boyfriend is much better than you," Rowane retorted. "I've seen him, and you're no match for him. You're putting yourself to shame bycomparing the both of you.”

Hogan sneered. "Both of us are the same when it comes to that. Furthermore, I learned how to be shameless from you."

“You're an animal, Hogan." Rowane shot back.

Then, she walked towards Hogan, wanting to stop him from approaching Leah.

However, Hogan pushed Rowane aside and continued to rush towards Leah.

Leah was also a little frightened. She was so scared that she took a step back. She stepped on something and almost fell to the ground.

"Be careful," Hogan chuckled. "Don't be so nervous. I don't think you should be so jittery either. Didn't you lose your virginity to Ernest? You must be aseasoned veteran now, so you shouldn't be so scared. Who knows? You might enjoy it a lot."

"Shut up!" Leah reprimanded him.

Leah couldn't stand hearing his dirty and obscene tone.

Leah really felt that she was blind back then. How could she have a good impression of this person?When did Hogan, who looked like a good person, turn out to be so vile?

He was a pervert.

Did something possess him, or was he always like


Leah wasn't sure.

Perhaps it was her fault as well.

She hadn't been able to see Hogan for who he was back then.

She continued to retreat, looking for an opportunity.

Hogan walked very slowly, as if he was enjoying the fact that he was scaring Leah

The delight in his eyes grew as he saw the fear intensify in Leah’s eyes.

He was enjoying the process, as if seeing Leah anxious and afraid made him very happy.


He was a complete freak.

"Stop right there. Hogan.” Leah wanted to stall for time so that Ernest and the police would arrive.She knew that Ernest would definitely come to save her.

He knew that she was in danger, and she'd sent her location to him.

Ernest would come save her when the time was right.

However, how could Hogan let this opportunity go?

He smiled and walked towards Leah again slowly.

Then, Rowane rushed over and pounced on Hogan. She held him in a death grip and prevented him from moving. She shouted, "Leah, run!”Leah panicked. She had no idea that Rowane would do that as she'd never experienced much affection from her younger sister.Before Leah had the chance to use the stun gun, Hogan acted first.

He was so angry at Rowane tackling him that he shoved her away harshly.

Rowane let out a muffled groan as she fell to the ground. Leah was vexed as she watched Hogan approach her. He grabbed hold of her hand, butLeah grabbed him as well and activated the stun gun with her other hand and shocked Hogan

"Ah!!!" Hogan did not expect this at all.

Electricity flowed through his body and Hogan let out a shrill scream. Then, he collapsed to the ground.Leah felt that it wasn't enough, so she continued shocking Hogan for a very long time.

It wasn't until Hogan lay paralysed on the ground that she let out a sigh of relief and went to pull Rowane up.

However, Leah was still in shock.

Leah's entire bedy was stilltrembling ant the two sisters wereboth in a sorry state. Rowane was->covered In injuries after being .~beatemand pushed, and she smiledat Leah in surprised. "I didn'texpectyotFto have a backup plan, keah."

Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Leah smiled softly, but her lips werestill pale withtfear. "This is the selfdefense weapon you gave me.Honestly never thought I'd havesthe chance to use it. The pieceosh*t just too vile. Do you have anyrope here? Let's tie him up."“Contentbélongs to NovelDrama.Org <>

Leah nodded and replied, "Yeah, I do. Let's tie him up first."Rowane glanced at Hogan briefly before she went to help Leah find some rope. After that, the two worked together to tie Hogan up.

Hogan felt numb all over after being shocked. His body was devoid of strength. He'd learned his lesson last time, but he didn't expect Leah to havethis with her.

Hogan locked at Leah with resentment, but that was all he could do.Leah tied him up and said to Rowane, “He's disgusting, and I will never ever pity him again. Also, you need to draw a clear line with him with."Rowane nodded and said, "I got it, Leah. Hogan is a piece of sh*t. and I'll never have any hopes about him again. I'll stay single forever."

Leah comforted her. "There's no need to be so pessimistic. Just take care of your body, and you'll be back to normal in no time. Study hard, and you'llmeet someone way better."

Rowane feared up when she heard Leah comfort her.Leah locked at Rowane's wounds and swollen face.

She paused for a moment before she said, “When did he come to harass you?"

Rowane pursed her lips. "He arrivedaround noonyand he was yelling soloudly that he scared me.I didnt ™»expect hitn to be free of custody.and hewas extremely proud ofthattoo.Hé feels like the police cantevea control him, so he becameeven more sure of himself” Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

Leah glanced at Hogan and sneered. “He's too arrogant. He thinks that no one can touch him."

"Let go of me. Untie me, Leah." Hogan managed to eke out his words as he slowly recovered

"In your dreams." Leah sneered. "I won't ever untie you."

Hogan struggled with all his might to break free, but he couldn't. Then, he started getting irritated. "I was too careless with you batches.”"Stop talking.” Leah waved the stun gun in front of Hogan.

Hogan subconsciously dodged it

Leah chuckled at his fear and said, "Looks like you're scared of the stun gun. You coward."

Hogan averted his eyes. He was afraid of the stun gun, and it had traumatised him.

He was scared even at the sight of it.novelbin

However, Leah still used it to intimidate him.

Rowane's tone was sarcastic when she spoke. "His fearful expression disgusts me.”

Leah stood up and said, "He’s only powerful against the weak. Leave him alone, and don't clean the roam. The police will be arriving soon.”Hogan and Rowane were stunned after hearing this, and they both looked at Leah.

Leah said, "I called the police, but they're a little slow. However, there’s no rush now."

“Leah, contact your boyfriend first. He must be really worried.”

"Oh, yeah. Ah, but my phone is broken.” Leah picked up her destroyed phone. She felt a little annoyed, but she figured that the police could use thisas evidence.

"Use my phone instead.” Rowane handed Leah her phone.

Leah took Rowane's phone and called Ernest.

Meanwhile, Ernest was worried sick about Leah. He couldn't reach her phone, so he knew that Hogan had broken it.

He looked at the live location Leah sent him and immediately made his way there. He also sent a few men to the address to search

His emotions were all in a jumble. He didn't expect Hogan to be so reckless.

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