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Chapter 1794

"Yup, I'm gutsy, so what?" Rowane shouted. "Not only will I trap you, I will report you to the police. If they don't take action, then I will sue you. I don'tcare, I will make you pay the price for what you did to me."

“You b*tch!" Hogan flew into a rage, "How dare you do this to me? I was blind to have treated you so nicely.”“You're an evil person, Hogan! I must have been blind to fall in love with you!” Rowane yelled."So was I for being gentle towards you. I gave up Leah for you," Hogan was deeply regretful of his actions.

Rowane sneered and said, "You're ridiculous. You never know when to stop, do you? You were good to me only because you thought I was betterthan Leah. However, you turned around and thought she was better when she ignored you after you managed to pursue me."

Hogan was stunned by Rowane’s words, and he immediately raised his hand to slap Rowane.

Outside, Leah was shocked when she heard that. Then, she remembered the self-defense weapon that Rowane had given her yesterday.She took it out and held it firmly in her hand as she walked to the door.

Rowane was right. Hogan would never ever be satisfied with what he had.

What a cheap, lowly mindset.

The sounds of Hogan beating Rowane harshly only increased.

Rowane groaned, but her tone was still harsh, "You're better off killing me. I'm taking you down with me.”

"Kill you? Wouldn't that be too easy for you? I want to torture you slowly.” Hogan sneered.

Leah heard the beating get harsher and she couldn't stand it anymore. Then, she reached out to open the door, but it was locked.Hence, Leah had no choice but to slap on the door.

Hogan's impatient voice suddenly came from inside. "Who's there?”

"Hogan, it's me. Open the door." Leah commanded in a serious voice.

Hogan immediately let out a soft chuckle when he heard Leah's voice. Then, he got off Rowane's body and walked towards the door. He opened it tofind Leah with her hands behind her back. She raised her head to look at Hogan and said, "What are you doing, Hogan?”

Hogan seemed relieved that Leah had come alone.

He pulled Leah in. His strength was so great that Leah stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

She quickly righted herself and hid her hand behind her back. She couldn't let Hogan see what was in her handLeah felt that she had to strike him down when he was unprepared.

“Leah, you shouldn't have come!" Rowane protested

Leah then looked towards the source of the voice and saw Rowane lying in the midst of broken and scattered objects. Then, Leah frowned. "I wasworried about you, so I came to visit. I didn't expect this b*stard to be so shameless.”

Rowane shook her head at Leah with worry in her eyes.Hogan's appearance was no longer the gentle and refined Hogan from before. He was ugly and disgusting

Leah looked at how badly Rowane was beaten. Her lips were bloody, and her face so swollen. Her hair was in a mess, and she looked absolutelydisheveled

Leah's heart was filled with anger. No matter what happened in the past and how much she detested Rowane, Leah hated men who hit women.Rowane was her sister, and that was something that couldn't be erased.

She looked at Hogan coldly and said, "Hogan, you really are amazing. You managed to escape the police station even when I called the cops on you.I have truly underestimated you."

Hogan snorted. “Don't waste your time, girls. Rowane consented to sleeping with me, and now she's pretending that I forced myself on her.Furthermore, she wants to sue me for rpe."

"Don't be so full of yourself." Leah sneered. "The reason why the police didn't arrest you was that they didn't have enough evidence at that time. Butnow that you've hit Rowane, this can be considered as assault."

Hogan glanced at Leah and sneered, “You're worried about Rowane, huh? I wonder if you remember how Rowane treated you back then. You seeRowane as your sister, but does she feel the same way?”

Rowane tensed up at Hogan’s words and looked up at Leah.

Leah looked at her as well, and they exchanged loaded glances.

Leah shook her head slightly at Rowane, indicating for her not to worry.Rowane's eyes were filled with guilt and apology, and she bit her lower lip.

"You don't have to worry about that. Our relationship has nothing to do with you, and an outsider like you shouldn't be trying to tear us apart." Leahreplied coldly.

Hogan was stunned. He didn't expect Leah to say thisRowane was also shocked for a moment before she cried. She wiped away her tears as she stood up shakily with the help of the table.

"My sister is right. We are a family, and we won't be fooled by a piece of sh*t like you." Rowane told Hagan off harshly.

Hogan sneerés, "You're trying toshow off your sisterly bond to menow? What an act. I remember how>much your two were at odds withone arrother at first. Don't yout thinkit's disgusting to put up withan actlikethis?" Content belongs tNovelDrama.Org 4

"You're the disgusting one here!" Rowane shouted.

"Rowane, there’s no need to argue with him." Leah immediately shook her head at Rowane. "This is how he is, and you don't have to take it to heart.”

Rowane nodded. "Got it. I guess I know what it means to be truly put off by someone." "There's no need to remember him in the future." Leah said asshe hinted to Rowane with her eyes.

Rowane was intuitive. and she immediately understood what Leah meant."Stop giving each other looks. Don't try to play any tricks on me." Hogan saw them hinting one another and warned them.

Leah sneered at Hogan and said, "You beat Rowane up so badly. I hate violent men the most. If I don't punish you. then I'd be doing a disservice toall of womankind.”

Hogan laughed coldly. "Who do you think you are? How dare you do this to me? I want ta see how you intend to punish me. Are you going to call thecops? Will they even believe you?

Leah chuckled darkly, "We'll see."Hogan narrowed his eyes and said, "Leah, I've always been nice to you, and Rowane deserves all the bad treatment she got. Don't interfere.”

"I'm very objective when it comes to stuff like this. Your actions have shown that you're a piece of sh*t, so I won't stand idly by and watch you hit her.Furthermore, she's my sister."novelbin

Hogan acted as if he'd just heard thefunniest joken iivhis entire life. "Haha,are yOu looking for trouble? Do youthink youten defeat me? What, areyou going G to ask that boyfriend-ofyours,Meinz Jones, for help? Youalready broke up with him anyway.Of Gourse, how could someone fromthe Jones family ever waft you? Hewas just toying with you." Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

Leah felt that it was rather amusing when she heard, and she shot Hogan a harsh look, "So what if the Jones family doesn't want me? You lock sohappy that we've broken up.”

Hogan admitted, "Yes, of course I'm happy. I'm delighted that you got dumped.”

Leah glanced at him and said, "Well,so sorry to raifyon your parade, butwe've gottetback together. I'm .going to Wse the Jones family’s xinfluence t to beat you back, andyboyfrieha Ernest Jones will makesure you go away forever." ‘What didyour say?" Hogan's expressionimmediately soured, "YotPguysmade up?" Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

"That's right. we did." Leah found his shocked expression very funny.

"Ha, you must be bluffing. I won't believe what you said, Leah. He's just toying with you, and he doesn't have any real feelings for you. You're nothingbut an object to him.”

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