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Chapter 1759

"Do you really think we should ignore the elephant in the room?" Leah pondered. In fact, she thought that it was rather suitable in this situation.

Sometimes, turning a blind eye to some matters could guarantee happiness.

Hadn't she been clear-headed before? Why was her mind suddenly muddled when she encountered love?

Leah gave a wry smile. She was starting to dislike herself.

"Yes, there are some things that you just have to leave alone. Otherwise, you will be the one who suffers in the end," Maria knew how Leah was feeling as she had felt the same way before as well.

"Well, that doesn't sound good, does it?" Leah laughed bitterly, "I'd love to pretend that nothing happened, but I just couldn't. I didn't expect Ernest to react like that when I made the innocent decision. It looked as if he had been trying his thoughts muddled before I had a reason, he suddenly felt that it had to go. To be honest, I know he hasn't done anything wrong. But I just can't understand why he would act like that." She then added, "You're not blaming me because of Celeste, right? You're just offended and frustrated that he got angry at you for asking him questions. Is that right?"

Leah had nodded firmly.

That was true.

Maria nodded in understanding and sighed, "If I were you, I would feel the same. However, Liam is still able to face Celeste without cowering away, so I think it's really your love for Ernest. After all, as you said, if he hasn't, it won't matter to me, I will still love him."

Maria proclaimed her love for Liam very boldly.

No one in the family would be able to love Liam as much as she did.

She had flown all the way to London and enrolled herself into the same university as him.

When he had gone back to Northern City, she had remained in London.

When she was younger, she had pursued her love for her idol endlessly.

It seemed like this had made her grow.

Liam had finally become her boyfriend. As such, Maria would not let anything trivial come between them. There was no way she would focus on something bad.

To her, the important thing in this world was to have Liam remain by her side.

She admitted that her love for him had made her foolish.

However, there was nothing she could do. She just loved him so much.

"Leah, in a romantic relationship, the first person to fall in love will always be the most foolish one." After Maria had said that, she turned to look at Leah and found that Leah's face had gone pale.

At that moment, Maria realized that Leah must have fallen in love with Ernest at first sight.

They had only known each other for less than a year since summer vacation. However, it seemed that falling in love with someone was not limited by the time spent with the other person.

Leah had really fallen head over heels for Ernest.

Between the two of them, Leah was probably the one who confessed her feelings first.

When Maria saw Leah's reaction, she instantly realized what she was thinking.

The first person to fall in love with the other in a relationship would always be the one who had to suffer most. Leah seemed incredibly disheartened.

They were in London.

She was the one who decided to come to London.

Therefore, even if she was suffering for her decision, she had technically brought it upon herself.

She calmed herself down a little and nodded in response to Maria's words, "You're right. I fell for him first, so I'll have to endure it. I liked him first after all, isn't that right?"

"Leah, I didn't mean it like that. I'm just saying that you should just let it go. I'm sure that Ernest feels the same way as you do," Maria was worried that Leah would say something wrong. She didn't want to see Leah look so disheartened. She could only comfort Leah by contact, "Leah, I think you should just let the past go. Think about it. If Ernest doesn't like you, why would he still be with you? I really think that he's made up his mind to stay with you."

Leah gave her a wry smile and asked, "Maria, do you think that I'm probably his rebound? He might just be with me because he couldn't get who he wanted in the first place."

Maria suddenly froze.

After a long pause, she nodded, "So what? You love him, don't you? Since you love him, why should you care about that?"

Leah was stunned and fell silent.

She picked up her glass of honey lemon that was served to her by Pedro and took a large gulp. For some reason, the lemon made the drink especially sour.

After swallowing it down, the sour taste it left in her mouth made her clench her teeth.

Her heart felt just as sour.

In the end, she smiled and thought that she was just wallowing in self-pity.

Then, she drowned the whole glass.

As she drank was over, she thought that it would be best to down it all at once.

She was the one who put the glass into her mouth. No one had forced her to drink it.

Since she had decided to drink it, she decided that there was no reason for her to wallow or prolong her suffering.

She remained silent for a few minutes.

"What are we going to do? Shall we continue going on? Let's listen in on what they're talking about," Maria noticed that Leah still looked down, so she tugged at Leah's arm gently, "You're the one who will not do or have a look."

"Where are they?" Leah asked.

"Well, my father and uncle bought most of the land around here. We have bodyguards and staff members living here as well. We usually work out in the villa next door." Maria explained.

"Oh, I see," Leah nodded.novelbin

"Do you want to take a look?" Maria asked again.

Leah agreed, "Sure, let's go."

Soon, the two of them walked out together.

Upon walking out of the entrance, Leah caught a glimpse of her reflection in the mirror. Her face was pale and weak, and she looked very dejected and lonely.

She was reminded of a dream where she was wallowed in her own pity?

She did not want to be like that any longer.

Leah shook her head and managed to regain her composure.

Then, she smiled into the mirror. She only walked out after she was sure that her smile was convincing enough.

When she saw the sun outside, she suddenly felt her spirits lift.

"I've made a decision," she suddenly announced.

"What have you decided upon?" Maria was shocked by Leah's sudden declaration.

"I've decided to let it go," Leah smiled, "Like you said, I shouldn't care about what happened in the past. Anyways, I was the one who fell for him first, so it makes sense that I have to endure a bit of suffering for that. Besides, I believe that your cousin is not a man to be trifled with. He will definitely keep Celeste away from Ernest." Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

"That's more like it," Maria grabbed Leah's hand and was very happy for her, "Leah, I'm glad that you thought this through. You're right, Gary isn't someone to be trifled with. He's been keeping a close eye on Celeste. Celeste barely has any time to herself. The two of them are a matched made in heaven." Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

"If that's the case, what else would I still have to worry about?" Leah chuckled. She looked back at Maria whose eyes were dotted with hope and happiness and laughed, "Thank you, Maria."

"There's no need for that. Don't mention it." Maria tilted her head cheekily at Leah.

"Thank you for listening to me and giving me advice. I feel much better now." Leah looked at Maria solemnly.

"Let's go and eavesdrop on them," Maria said in excitement.

"Alright," Leah agreed.

With that, the two of them headed for the villa next door.

They walked there on a small path through the garden, enjoying the scenery along the way.

Meanwhile, the men were in the gym of the neighbouring villa.

Ernest had started running once he reached the gym. He set the treadmill to a comfortable pace.

When Liam came in, he turned back and nodded slightly as a polite greeting.

Soon, Liam got on another treadmill next to Ernest.

"I'm just exercising," Ernest smiled faintly and continued to run.

As he was running on the treadmill, he had to keep a constant face pace.

After Liam noticed that he had run for a few more minutes than he had intend to, he turned off his own treadmill and walked over to stand in front of Ernest.

It seemed that Ernest didn't plan to stop anytime soon.

After a long while, Liam couldn't wait any longer. He reached a hand out to decrease Ernest's treadmill speed.

"What happened? Did you fight with Leah?"

Liam asked Ernest straightforwardly. They were all familiar with each other, so there was no need to beat around the bush. It was best to be direct about it.

Ernest turned off the treadmill and stepped off. He wiped away his sweat with a towel and looked at Liam, asking, "Did Leah say something to you guys? Did she tell you that we had a fight?"

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