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Chapter 1733

Grace smiled in confusion and asked Maria in a calm tone. "Maria, since when do you tease yourcousin? I didn't hear it."

Only then did Maria realize that Grace was not someone to be trifled with.

She looked at Grace and slumped her shoulders. "Yeah, no. I didn't."novelbin

Gary shrugged his shoulders. "Maria, you'd better not provoke me. I'm your cousin, so why do youkeep trying to piss me off?"

"You're right, Gary." Maria nodded. For a moment, they seemed to share the best relationship ever.

"Don't change the topic, Gary," Grace's tone was sharp, and she glanced at her son, Maria andLiam. "Liam, you and Gary should eat this. The butler has specially prepared it for you, and this is amatter of your pride as a man. Don't be ungrateful."

Grace's serious tone frightened the two men.

Both Gary and Liam looked terrified. They looked at the dish and felt a chill run down their spines.

"Mom, Liam and I are young, and we are very virile. There's no need for any supplements." Garysmiled.

"Really? You seemed to be very weak two days ago, and you had various supplements. I know thatyou gave Cindy your blood. I knew even though your father hid it from me. Your pale face had us allworried, especially Celeste. Are you really okay with letting Celeste worry about you like this?"

Gary felt as if he was about to go insane.

"Mom, you knew about this?" Gary felt as if he was hit by a truck. "I'm fine. It's been a week."

"Then don't eat it," Grace's voice became even more calm. "You don't even have the bravery to eatthis for your girlfriends. Celeste, Maria, I think Gary and Liam don't really love you at all."

"Mom, you can't just say things like that." Gary was startled. His mom was forcing them to eat thebull's p*nis.

No one would actually dare to eat that part.

He felt that those who were able to eat that were either too mentally strong or simply not humanbeings at all.

"I'm being serious here." Grace glanced at Celeste and Maria before she said in a stern voice. "Yousee, Celeste? Gary won't eat this even for you. He's so lame. Do you want to switch to a boyfriendwho is capable of doing everything for you?"

Celeste paused for a very long time.

Grace was practically trying to murder Gary and Liam with her words.

Before she could answer, Grace pointed out her hesitance immediately.

"Gary, did you see that? Celeste can't answer because she's very upset about your body'scondition. She doesn't want to hurt you or lie to me, so that's why she's so silent." Grace smiled asshe looked at her son.

Gary opened his mouth. Just as he was about to speak, Grace interrupted him.

"You too, Liam. Can't you sacrifice just a little for Maria? Yet, you say you love her. It's just not right."Grace smiled as she looked at Liam.

Liam had no idea how to reply.

He glanced at Grace. Although she had a hidden meaning behind her words, they were right.

If he couldn't make himself eat a disgusting dish for his girlfriend, then he was basically a failure.

All his words would be empty.

The idea took root in Liam's heart.

Then, he made his decision immediately.

Liam nodded and replied, "You're right, Aunt

Smith. If I can't do this, I can't say that I love Maria."

As he spoke, he took the plate he pushed away earlier and prepared to eat the bull's p*nis.

Maria was stunned by Liam's actions.

When she saw Liam stuff a slice of the meat into his mouth, she screamed, "Don't eat it!"

However, Liam just gave Maria a reassuring look before he continued eating.

Maria felt incredibly sorry at the sight of Liam eating, and she looked at the smiling Grace.

Maria's eyes were filled with sorrow and she looked at Grace aggrievedly.

However, Grace just smiled at Maria.

Then, she turned to look at Gary.

Meanwhile, Gary was frightened by Liam's actions. He pursed his lips and said, "Come on, Liam.You threw me under the bus just to prove you love Maria? Where's your honor?"

Liam glanced at him and swallowed the meat. "I think Aunt Smith is right. If we can't bring ourselvesto eat this, then we can't say that we love our girlfriends. You can refuse to eat it, but I'm eating itbecause I feel that I can accept it. I also want to prove that I can do it for Maria." "You've alreadyeaten it. If I don't eat it, wouldn't that prove that I don't love Celeste anymore?" Gary protested, histone full of disdain.

His eyes flickered between his mother and the dish in front of him.

Grace replied, "Gary, I thought you loved Celeste a lot. However, I didn't expect that your love wouldcollapse before a few slices of bull p*nis. Guess your love for Celeste is very fragile."

Gary replied, "Mom, stop talking. It's just food right? No big deal. It's edible. Also, I can take beinghumiliated too."

Grace frowned in displeasure as she heard the disdain in Gary's tone. "No one is trying to humiliateyou."

Gary glanced at his mother. "Are you sure you're not doing this out of boredom?"

Grace shook her head with a serious expression. "Do you think I have the time? I'm super busy,alright? Gary, I'm doing this for you and Celeste. Ah, you've hurt me so much by questioning me."

Gary quickly cut in. "Stop it. Stop saying that! I'll eat it, alright?"

He grabbed the plate that he'd pushed away earlier.

By then, Liam had already taken several mouthfuls.

Gary watched as Liam held back his urge to vomit as he ate, and he burst into laughter.

"Delicious, isn't it, Liam?"

Liam glanced at Gary. "Well, you'll know after you try it, hm? It tastes okay, and who knows? Youmight actually end up liking it."

Gary took a deep breath, picked up a mouthful of the dish and stuffed it into his mouth.

Celeste sucked in a breath as well, and she froze in her spot.

Gary was a proud man, and yet he still ate the bull p*nis.

"Gary, if you don't want to eat it, then don't. You don't have to force yourself," Celeste muttered.

Plus, this wasn't the right way to prove whether or not Gary loved her.

She wasn't a shallow person at all.

Gary observed Celeste's worried face and grinned happily. He swallowed the food quickly and said,"Don't worry, well talk after we finish eating."

He refused to speak, afraid that he wouldn't be able to stop himself from throwing up.

He had to hold his breath and focus on swallowing.

Celeste's reply was muffled, "Okay."

She lowered her head, but she was very moved on the inside.

She switched her gaze to Grace, who was quietly eating her own food.

Meanwhile, Gary and Liam shoveled the food into their mouths without saying another word.

Maria and Celeste were worried about their boyfriends, so they stopped eating and stared at Garyand Liam.

Their eyes were filled with infinite amounts of concern.

Grace said, "Celeste, Maria, why are you watching them? Have some as well."

"No," Maria immediately shook her head. "Aunt Smith, this is an aphrodisiac for men. Celeste and Ican't eat it."

"It's not just for men, you know?" Grace replied.

Both Celeste and Maria were rendered speechless.

Maria was silent for a moment before she asked, "Aunt Smith, has Uncle Jones really eaten bulland donkey p*nis?"

Coincidentally, Heinz walked in and heard what she said.

He frowned and said, "What are you talking about? Maria, you're a girl. Your dad would be worried ifhe heard you say this."

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