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Chapter 1725

Grace was also very helpless and speechless at her son's reaction, but at the same time, she wasvery pleased that he cared so much about Celeste.

Her arrogant son finally knew how to cherish a girl. That was not bad at all. At least, it meant thathis future happiness was assured.

Heinz shot a mischievous look at Gary, which made Gary feel embarrassed.

Celeste was also thoroughly embarrassed. The fact that Gary wrongly accused his parents madeher uneasy.

She blamed herself for it.

Taking a deep breath, she blushed as she hurried to explain to Gary, "It's all my fault. I've never feltsuch warmth in a family before. Over the past four years in the Jones family, I've lived a very freeand happy life. It was possible because of each and every one of you. When your father said that Idon't have to worry about doing anything wrong and that they'll clean up the mess I make, I was somoved that I almost cried. You saw me tearing up, and then you misunderstood."

Gary's lips curved upward into an awkward smile. He then glanced at Heinz and said stubbornly,"Heinz is to blame. Knowing that you've just come around, yet he still spoke those touching words.He was intentionally trying to make you emotional."

Heinz pulled down the corners of his mouth and looked at Celeste, saying, "Celeste, did you seethat? He's very unreasonable."

Upon hearing that, Celeste nodded immediately.

Gary was taken aback. He gave her an aggrieved and surprised look.

"You're on his side now?" he complained.

Celeste's face turned even redder.

Of course, she had to take the elders' side. Unlike Gary, she would not find fault with Heinz.

Even though she felt guilty about it, that was her only option.

Seeing the situation, Grace immediately intervened.

"Well, it's only natural for Celeste to side with us. That's what a mature and clever person would do.If she's like you, won't the atmosphere turn fraught? I'm guessing that after the two of you getmarried, you won't address your father as 'Dad' even if Celeste has done so."

As soon as Grace mentioned that topic, Gary froze. Subsequently, he glanced at Heinz.

There was a mix of emotions in his gaze.

The two most important women in his life sided with Heinz, and there was nothing he could doabout it.

However, Heinz was able to read the situation. Sensing that the joke had been taken too far, hequickly said, "All right, let's drop it. Don't you know Gary's temperament? Trying to persuade him toaddress me as Dad' is like getting blood from a stone. I've given up expecting it to happen. I justwant to see how his son will treat him when he becomes a father one day."

Feeling a little ashamed after being teased, Gary stood up and said, "I can't be bothered to talk toyou guys. I'm going to check on what the butler has prepared. Why isn't the meal ready yet? Whattime is it? Celeste must be famished."

With that, he walked out.

Looking at him hurrying away, Celeste knew that he was feeling mortified.

With his pride and self-esteem, she knew that he could not stand being teased by the three of them.

Celeste quickly defended Gary by saying, "Uncle Jones, Gary probably isn't used to calling youDad' since he didn't do so for so many years. And now, his ego has been preventing him from doingso. However, I believe he'll soon change his mind. I'll also try to talk him into it."

Heinz smiled at that and exchanged glances with Grace.

After being married for so many years, Grace could instantly tell what he was thinking. Celeste hadjust won his approval.

Grace grinned. "Celeste, that's thoughtful of you. Heinz and I have waited for so many years, butwe've never heard Gary address him so. Now, we'll count on you. If you can make him do it, we'llgrant you your heart's desire. That's a promise."

"I'll also give you my word that if you can get him to address me as 'Dad' willingly, I'll definitelysupport whatever requests you make in the future," Heinz added.

Celeste shook her head at once. "I don't have any requests. I'm only doing what I should do. I'll tryto get him to come around to the idea. He has been intending to for a long time, but he's too shy.Also, it'll be awkward for him to change suddenly. You know how he is, he has his ego."

"Yes, he does have a big ego." Heinz nodded in agreement.

"He's also full of himself. Celeste is the only one who can tolerate him," added Grace, soundingdisapproving of Gary's behavior.

Celeste felt embarrassed and could not help but speak up for Gary. "He's much better now. He'svery caring and considerate, and he has changed a lot."

"It's all thanks to you. He didn't know how to be considerate until he met you," Grace replied.

Celeste became even more embarrassed. "I didn't do much. He has always been very nice."

Gary was standing by the door and had heard everything. A smile spread across his face at theheart-warming scene. He knew that this sort of family atmosphere was what Celeste had alwayslonged for.

Despite being teased, he was feeling very content.

All he wanted was to let the woman he loved feel satisfied, blessed, and loved.

To him, that was enough.

He wanted Celeste to be happy.

Thinking of Celeste's happiness, his lips lifted into a smile.

At that moment, the butler walked over with a plate in his hand and saw Gary smiling to himself. Hepurposely raised his voice and said loudly, "Master Gary, why are you standing at the door smilinginstead of going in? Is it because you're relieved to see Miss Celeste awake? Does it gladden yourheart so much that you're giggling?"

Gary's smile froze on his face. Frowning, he glared at the loud-mouthed butler with a piercing gaze.

Everyone in the room must have heard the butler's words and knew that Gary was standing by thedoor.

Sure enough, Heinz's hearty laughter soon rang out.novelbin

Grace could not help tittering too.

What followed was Celeste's chuckle.

Hearing their laughter, Gary felt even more dejected. He then shot daggers at the butler.

The butler shuddered and his heart lurched as he realized that he seemed to have made a blunder.

"I didn't say anything bad. Why is Master Gary looking at me like that?" the butler wondered.

He felt so wronged.

The butler continued, "Master Gary, why are you staring at me like this? Did I say somethingwrong? Aren't you happy that Miss Celeste has woken up?"

"Shut up," Gary snapped in a low voice. "Since when did I say that I'm unhappy? Stop your wildimagination. Also, you talk too much. You'd better keep your mouth shut in the future."

The butler stared at him wordlessly.

Gary gave him a piercing gaze as he asked coldly, "Did you hear me?"

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