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Chapter 1709

Gary glared at Heinz. He thought that the old man was being a busybody. It was clear that thesudden request for juice would make Celeste and Grace suspicious.

In order to cover up his tracks, Gary added, "Celeste, you should make a glass of honey lemon forHeinz as well. He's been constipated for a few days, and I heard it helps. Get me a cup of juicewhile you're at it, will you?"

Heinz's lips twitched and he refuted, "Who says I'm constipated?"

It seemed that his son was not one to take anything lying down.

Heinz went upstairs with Grace in his arms.

Celeste prepared Heinz some honey lemon and a glass of lemonade for Grace. Then, she broughtthe two glasses into their room. After that, she walked back to the kitchen to grab some juice forGary and brought it back to their room.

When she passed Gary the glass, he downed half of it right away.

It was only in the brightly-lit room that Celeste noticed that Gary looked a lot paler than usual. It wasvery unusual.

"Why do you suddenly look so pale? Are you feeling unwell?" Celeste looked at him cautiously. Shethought it was odd that Heinz had asked her to get Gary some juice.

"I'm fine. I was just arguing with Heinz, so I'm a bit fired up at the moment," Gary explained.

"But you would be red with anger if that were the case. You look really pale as if you've lost a lot ofblood," Celeste said with a frown.

Gary avoided her gaze and tried to laugh it off. "I promise it's nothing, okay? I'm going to take ashower now. In the meantime, can you help me grab my pyjamas?"

"Alright," Celeste nodded and cast a suspicious look at Gary's back as he walked into the bathroom.

After Gary finished showering and got changed, the two laid in bed in each other's arms.

That night, Gary did not move an inch in his sleep, which was rare.

Celeste knew that something felt off about Gary. However, when she wanted to ask him about it,she found that he had buried his face in her neck and fell asleep.

She looked down at his handsome face and found that he looked exhausted. Furthermore, helooked a lot paler than usual.

Celeste tried her best to not disrupt Gary. She quietly turned off the lights and got back into bed nextto him.

The next day, Celeste and Gary made their way to the company.

When they arrived at the company, Celeste found that Alex kept glancing over at Gary worriedly.Alex even nagged at Gary continuously, "Why don't you rest for the day? You didn't have to come towork today. You should take some time off to rest."

"Uncle Logan, I'm fine. Relax," Gary refuted calmly.

Even after that, Alex cast concerned glances at Gary from time to time.

Celeste immediately found it odd. As such, she managed to find a chance to corner Alex.

"Uncle Logan, is Gary hiding something from me? He's been looking really pale and tired sinceyesterday. Do you know what's going on?" Celeste cut straight to the chase.

She had come to ask Alex about Gary. Alex could not help but admire the girl's attention to detail.He thought for a moment and sighed, "Miss Celeste, I'm glad you asked. I was about to tell you thisin private anyway."

Celeste's heart quickened at that. She asked nervously, "What happened?"

Alex began to explain, "Cindy lost a lot of blood last night and was in a critical condition.Furthermore, the blood bank didn't have enough blood for her, so Master Gary had to donate twobags of his own blood to her."

"Oh my goodness!" Celeste exclaimed and covered her mouth with one hand in shock.

"Cindy's fine now. Master Gary was a little dizzy after donating all that blood yesterday. It was quitea large amount, so that might explain why he seemed much paler than usual since yesterday."

"Why would he give his blood to Cindy?" Celeste's heart ached for Gary.

"What's your guess?" Alex did not answer her question. He looked deeply into Celeste's eyes.

Celeste was stunned for a moment. After that, she returned his gaze and guessed, "It's because ofme, isn't it?"

Alex nodded, "Master Gary didn't outright admit to it, but President Jones said that he had givenCindy his blood to repay her for raising you. From now on, you don't owe her anything anymore."

When Celeste heard this, she felt a pang of shock run through her.

All kinds of feelings welled up in her heart. She could not believe that Gary had done this for her.

He had risked his health for her sake.

She was moved by this gesture, but also extremely stunned.

When Alex saw how shocked Celeste looked, he let out a sigh and said, "To be honest, MasterGary told me explicitly to not tell you about this, but I thought about it and decided that it would bebest for you to know. You mean a lot to him, do you know that?"

Celeste pursed her lips. She found herself at a loss for words.

"Miss Celeste, I've watched over Master Gary since he was a child. He's an arrogant boy, but hemeans well. Please take good care of him," Alex concluded solemnly.

Celeste regained her voice and replied, "Uncle Logan, I know. He has been nothing but kind andloyal to me. Perhaps I'm not good enough for him. All I ever do is trouble him."

She lowered her head in shame.

Alex hurriedly comforted her, "Don't blame yourself. You're a really good person too, Miss Celeste.Please try to keep this information to yourself at the moment. Don't overthink it, alright?" "Don'tworry, Uncle Logan. I won't tell Gary that I

already know about this. Please be rest assured," Celeste replied. She did not plan to betray Alex'strust.

Alex smiled, "If Master Gary finds out, he'll definitely know that I was the one who let the cat out ofthe bag. But I really don't mind. I just hope that the two of you will be fine."

"Thank you, Uncle Logan," Celeste thanked Alex before leaving his office.

Just as she got back to her seat, Gary walked up to her. He had been looking for her for a longwhile and hurriedly asked, "Where have you been? You weren't here just now when I came back."

"Oh, I went to the bathroom," Celeste smiled. There was nothing out of the ordinary in herexpression, so everything seemed normal.

Gary grunted in acknowledgement and turned away.novelbin

For the rest of the day, Celeste would steal glances at Gary's complexion from time to time. Shenoticed that he still looked really pale, and she was really worried about him.

She suddenly realised why Uncle Heinz had asked her to get Gary a glass of juice the day before.He must have been worried that Gary's blood sugar would become too low after the blood donation.

Furthermore, Gary was pretty busy these few days, and the two of them would still engage invarious activities at night. Therefore, it went without saying that he was exhausted.

Celeste did not bring attention to the matter outright. Instead, she secretly looked up foods thatcould help replenish his iron and blood online.

She planned to ask the butler to buy some food for Gary to replenish his blood.

However, she didn't expect the butler to already prepare a huge bowl of soup for Gary afterreturning home.

Maria didn't know why Gary was the only one who got to drink the special soup. She looked at thehuge pot and asked in surprise, "What about us? Why is Gary the only one who gets to drink this?"

"I'm sorry, Miss Maria, but this soup was specially prepared for Master Gary. None of you can drinkit," The butler smiled apologetically.

"Why? Is it a special concoction?" Maria could not believe her ears and gaped, "What about Liamand Ernest? Do they get to drink this too? Why the differential treatment?"

"No, they're not allowed to drink it either. Only Master Gary gets to drink it," The butler informedonce more.

"Well, what about Aunt Smith? She's pregnant, so shouldn't she be given this special soup as wellto boost her immune system?" Maria asked again.

"Pregnant women can't simply take herbs. Too many herbs may be bad for her system," The butlersmiled as he answered Maria's questions patiently.

Maria was curious and groaned, "Why are you being so secretive? Gary doesn't look like someonewho needs the extra nutrition. Why so sudden?"

Grace thought it was off as well. She looked at Gary and guessed, "Gary, you look a little pale. Areyou unwell? Did you not get enough sleep yesterday?"

Gary was worried that his mother might find out, so he hurriedly said, "Mom, I'm fine. Don't worryabout me. The butler probably noticed that I've been working extra hard recently, so he decided tomake this soup for me."

As he said that, he deliberately cast a flirty glance at Celeste. However, Celeste knew that he hadonly done that to avoid telling the truth.

Celeste lowered her head and feigned ignorance.

Eventually, Heinz piped up, "Pedro, you'll have to prepare some health tonics for everyonetomorrow. After all, it seems like Maria and Celeste need it too. The two of them are too skinny, soit'll be good for them. Get Liam something for his liver, and something for Ernest that can soothe thenerves."

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