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Chapter 1688

"What did you say?" Michael was stunned. He did not quite understand what Sinclair meant. "Whatdo you mean by cameras and tapping devices?"

Sinclair threw all the tapping devices and pinhole cameras in his hand over, and they scattered ontothe bed.

When he saw what was in front of him, Michael was slightly stunned too. He was in a daze for along time before he came back to his senses.

When he snapped back to his senses, he immediately covered himself with clothes.

Michael first covered the most important part of his body.

Elsa did not quite understand what had happened, but when she saw the tapping devices andpinhole cameras scattered on the bed, as well as Michael's swift actions of dressing himself, sheimmediately followed suit.

"Someone installed these," Sinclair said, "It's not just here. I suspect that it's all over Cindy's placetoo. Help us look around for it. Search every corner. After we are done here, let's go to your placeand look for it together."

Michael cried and put on his pants. All at once, he made himself look well- dressed. He was nolonger the beast that he was a little while ago.

He followed Cindy and Sinclair to search for those devices in the house.

After ten minutes.

They found all the pinhole cameras that were spying on them from different directions and tappingdevices in the bedroom.

When everything was placed in front of them, Michael sat down beside the bed.

He could not help but to swear, "D*mn it, who installed these things? Sinclair, how on earth didintruders get into your place to install these things without you knowing?"

"Why are you asking me? Who should I ask?" Sinclair gnashed his teeth in anger. "My daughtermust have seen this, and that must be why she was looking at me so dismissively. I have lost myreputation."

"You never had a good reputation to begin with," Michael sneered. "However, who did I offend? Ididn't participate in any of your scandals. I just had some fun with Cindy, but it was being recordedtoo. How horrible!"

"Do you feel aggrieved?" Cindy looked at Michael, then at Elsa, who was already dressed. Shelooked very young, and even more so when she put on her clothes.

Cindy felt extremely jealous.

She had everything she wanted then, everything except for youth.

She could never get that back.

Even Celeste had seen her most secretive privacy. How could she see all those things?

The same was for Liam. He saw it too.

No wonder Liam was looking at her like that. It was all clear to her then.

Cindy turned and left.

"Cindy, where are you going?" Michael asked in a hurry.

Cindy said, "Come to my place. Let's see how many spying devices are installed there. I want toknow what's going on," Cindy said.

She left in a hurry and did not even turn back.

Cindy walked in a fast pace, and Michael could only follow her closely from behind.

Sinclair wanted to follow them too.

Elsa glanced at him and quickly asked, "Should I go too?"

"Come with me," Sinclair said in a deep voice.

"Okay." Elsa quickly followed. She held Sinclair's arm and said with a smile while she squinted hereyes, "Were we being spied? How exciting!"

Sinclair was stunned, and he instantly felt a little confused.

That foreign woman was truly incredible. What was wrong with her brain? Didn't she know that itwas going to be a bad scandal?

"Do you like being spied?" Sinclair asked her in response.

Elsa nodded. "It's fine to be spied. Isn't it great to be appreciated by others?"

Sinclair did not know what to say.

Soon, they arrived at Cindy's residence.

The moment she entered the door, she started searching at once. Since she had some experiencefrom looking for those devices in Sinclair's place, she quickly found all of it.

There were even more tapping devices in Cindy's place's living room than there were in Sinclair'splace, and there were even more pinhole cameras too. There were actually four of them.

There were so many cameras installed. Were those people going to take full scenes of her acts ofintimacy with other people from multiple angles?

How did those people dare to come to her place to install those things?

Weren't they afraid that she would call the police?

Cindy trembled with anger.

She went upstairs to search around in the bedroom and quickly found three devices too. She lookedat the devices and angrily smashed them to pieces with a kitchen knife.

"D*mn it, they actually did this to me," Cindy scolded as she chopped up the devices.

Elsa could not help but to laugh when she saw her acting like that.

Her laughter immediately attracted Cindy's attention.

She glanced at Elsa coldly. "What are you laughing at?"

Elsa shrugged. "When I saw you, I suddenly remembered that you used to be a rather popularfemale star in the entertainment circle."

Cindy frowned. "So what?"

"I have seen your talents, but it wasn't satisfying. I have seen your videos with a lot of men too. Ithink that you could find other types of jobs which would be more suitable for you." When Elsa wassaying that, she was smiling leisurely.

Her behavior attracted Sinclair's attention too.

"Elsa, do you mean that you can introduce jobs to

Cindy?" "Well, yeah. I think that it is better to be a ravishing actress here. A lot of people like toshoot videos with the likes of you for couples to watch. If you are interested, you can even get paidfor it." Elsa looked at Cindy and winked while she smiled. "How about it? Do you want to try it out?"

Cindy snorted. She said, "I don't need a job."

"However, you do need a man, don't you?" Elsa pointed out directly.

Cindy did not say a word.

Elsa walked towards Cindy and whispered in her ear, "Young men are different from the men you'reused to back in your country. Don't you want to try?"

Cindy's gaze sharpened as she narrowed her eyes and chuckled after a long while. "Give me yourphone number. I might call you when I come to a dead end."

Sinclair and Michael were both stunned. Not only did they see Elsa proposing such a thing to Cindy,but Cindy also took the initiative and asked for her number.

All of that was beyond their expectations.

"Cindy, what are you doing?" Michael immediately cried out to stop her.

Cindy looked at Michael and smiled faintly. She said, "I am just taking Elsa's number. Perhaps it canbe put to good use and we could work together."

"Nonsense, do you know what kind of movies she is talking about?" Michael shouted inexasperation. "Is it even appropriate for you to take this kind of job? Do you know what you would

be if you accepted it?"

Cindy smiled and asked in response, "What do you think I am afraid of now? What else would I stillbe afraid of?"

Michael was stunned and looked at Sinclair.

Sinclair looked at Cindy and said, "Don't look at me. I have no right to interfere with Cindy'sdecisions. This is her business. She can do whatever she wants."

"What? Do you want to be my agent?" Cindy smiled almost instantly. "Sinclair, I know what's onyour mind."

Sinclair's expression was stiff, and he was a little embarrassed. He glanced at Cindy and said, "Ifyou need an agent, I can do it. I have nothing to do anyway. Didn't I use to support you and makeyou a movie star?"

"Hmph, you're shameless. I have been reduced to a mere wh*re, yet you still want to takeadvantage of me. You're a monster." Cindy rolled her eyes at Sinclair.

Elsa ignored them completely and gave Cindy her phone number.

Cindy saved the number in her cell phone.

After saving the number, she immediately sent Celeste a text message, "You think you're so greatby installing cameras and tapping devices in my place and Sinclair's place, don't you, Celeste? Doyou think you won't get your retribution? You are mocking me, but don't you know what you havedone yourself? You and I are no different. You sold yourself off to the Jones family, to Heinz's son.You sleep with him and play with him. You were f*cked good by him, and the only thing you can dois degrade me now, right? Let me tell you, you are no better than me, you are just a b*tch."

When Celeste received the text message, she felt a little surprised.novelbin

Cindy's words were like a sharp knife, and it pierced right into Celeste's heart.

Celeste's face turned pale at once, color on her face slowly faded away.

At that moment, she was already on her way to the company.

Gary was sitting beside her.

Celeste's fragile heart was then completely hurt.

She was very, very sad.

Her last bit of reasoning told her that she should not think about Cindy's words, for if she did, shewould just be falling into Cindy's traps.

That woman just wanted her feelings to be affected.

However, even though her reasoning was clear, her emotions were wavering her thoughts.

She agreed that she had relied on the Jones family and Gary too much.

Celeste was not independent at all.

She deeply understood that she wasn't able to be on her own, and she had not turned out strong atall.

She was still so tiny, and still so fragile.

She needed to rely on Gary, be it for an internship or for data statistics works. She was only able tomake rapid progress because of Gary's help and by following his ways.

She did not know how long it would take her to achieve those things if she needed to do it herself.

Celeste took a deep breath. She looked at her cell phone, hesitated for a moment, took anotherdeep breath, and then typed her reply.

She knew that she minded those words, but she still needed to retaliate. She couldn't let it be.

She knew how to easily hurt Cindy.

Therefore, Celeste replied, "So what? I am still younger than you, and I am more qualified than you.I'm also more beautiful than you. Uncle Jones' son likes me. They all accept me. What about you?You can only covet and peep, but you can never have him. You can only curse them when you can'thave them."

After her text message was sent, she felt like a bickering child who was nonsensical.

However, when Cindy saw it, she almost threw her phone away.

She was infuriated.

It was indeed a problem that bothered her a lot as she was unable to be with Heinz.

She did not expect the heartless b*tch to use such a method to hurt her.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she got.

Celeste was ready to delete the text message after she sent it out, as she did not want to see sucheyesores anymore.

However, unexpectedly, just as she was about to stretch out her hands, her hands were covered byGary's big palms. He held her hands tightly and took her phone away.

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