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Chapter 1668

Monica pursed her lips. It was obvious that she was trying to hold herself back.

She shook her head and smiled bitterly. "I didn't expect that you would take advantage of medespite my sincerity all these years. I really wanted to make it up to you. Honestly, I have misjudgedyou."novelbin

"Haha, how many people are actually sincere on this planet?" Cindy suddenly laughed as she said."You say you wanted to make it up to me, but the truth is you just feel guilty. You were selfish, andyou only did it to make yourself feel better. I was also selfish for taking Celeste away. Who else did Ido it for? Sinclair? Yannie?"

Monica paused before she twitched her lips. "I think it's all three. You owe Yannie. Without you, shewouldn't have been locked up by her father. She lost all hopes during that period of imprisonment.

The child she carried was also suddenly being stolen, so of course she would break down after that,as everything her will had relied upon just suddenly vanished.

Therefore, Yannie's death definitely has something to do with you, Sinclair and Yannie's father. All ofyou killed her."

Cindy's face turned pale and she refused to admit to the truth.

She forced a smile as she said to Monica coldly, "Haha, what about you then? Didn't you play a rolein her death? Don't forget, she died after knowing you and Sinclair were together. You caused herdeath too."

Monica's face instantly drained of color.

Her jaw dropped as she looked at Cindy. She had nothing to say.

Cindy smiled at Monica's silence and said, "Do you know why I'm so obsessed with Heinz?"

They all turned to look at Cindy at the mention of Heinz.

Cindy smiled and then said slowly, "Heinz is a real gentleman. He was the only time I've failed to geta man, as I've always gotten what I've wanted if I worked for it. However, Heinz is an exception."

Cindy talked about the past quite excitedly. She recalled how Heinz barely reacted when she tried toseduce him in the hotel, and she squinted her eyes and laughed bitterly in regrets.

"He is really amazing. I tried my best to seduce him, but he didn't respond at all. He was even

disgusted by me.

From then on, I really felt that there were some men who were exceptions to the rule in the world.Unfortunately, they were not mine. I was mad with jealousy, and I just felt that it wasn't fair.

I was obsessed with Heinz, and my jealously had gotten me mad. No one could touch my heartexcept him from then on.

Unfortunately, he chose that b*tch, Grace, who was just some random reporter. She didn't deserveto be with Heinz! She didn't even go to college!

Alas, what could I do about it? Heinz loves that woman, and I'm nothing. I couldn't do anythingabout it. He threatened me once, and I never tried to provoke him again.

Of course, you wouldn't know that the reason I didn't dare to do it wasn't actually because that I wasafraid of him. To be honest, it was more because of me feeling guilty.

You must be very curious about why I felt guilty. In front of you lot, I have never felt guilty becausewe are all the same. We are all rotten to the core, and there's nothing good about us. However, I am

ashamed to stand before Heinz, because I know I'm not good enough for him.

Although I don't want to admit it, I have to say that I respect a man who is completely unmovedwhen seduced by a beautiful woman like me. How could I not respect him and be obsessed withhim?

The more men I got together with, the more I felt that Heinz was the best man. I still can't forget himeven now, and all I want is to be with Heinz once. If that came true, I could die happy."

Cindy's confession shocked everyone present.

On the other hand, Celeste was absolutely dumbstruck.

She was really Sinclair's daughter.

Gary was also shocked.

Gary was also surprised to hear Cindy's highly comment about Heinz. Was Heinz still the man hedespised?

He was dumbfounded and stayed silent for a long time.

Cindy's words seemed a little unbelievable. They all looked at her without saying anything.

Cindy laughed as everyone stared at her. She laughed as she was mocking herself while she metSinclair's gaze, and said, "I raised your daughter, Sinclair. I'm sure you know about the tabloids thatspeculated about me having an illegitimate daughter, but you never even once asked about it. Allthese years, and now you are eager to want to know about it."

Sinclair froze.

Cindy snapped, "If you had the heart to ask about it even just once during all those years, perhaps Iwouldn't hate you so much. However, you didn't ask at all, and you even had no idea that Monica,Yannie and I were pregnant. Sinclair, you're a heartless, ruthless man."

Sinclair replied, "Cindy, that's all in the past. I just want to know how my daughter is doing now. Iwant to see her."

"Do you want to see her?" Cindy glanced at him. "You're naked as the day you were born, and youask to see you daughter while you're in this state? You have no shame."

Then, Sinclair immediately went to find some clothes to put on.

However, Cindy interrupted him. "There's no need to rush and wear your clothes. She doesn't wantto see you even if you want to. Plus, like I've already said, I want to kill her."

"How dare you! Don't you dare touch my daughter, Cindy! Or else, you'll have hell to pay!" Sinclairgrowled harshly.

"Tsk, what a loving father, hmm? So gentle, and yet so strong." Cindy sneered at Sinclair. "If youwant your daughter to live, then kneel."

Sinclair frowned at Cindy when she said that.

Cindy threw him a lazy look and said, "Think about it. If you want her to be safe, then kneel. I mightjust consider it if you behave."

Just as everyone expected Sinclair not to kneel, he went against the grain and did it. He knelt downwith a loud pang on the floor.

Cindy was very surprised and exclaimed in a hushed tone, "You're actually kneeling for a daughteryou've never even met?"

Unexpectedly, Sinclair replied, "I've always wanted to have a child. I've been with many women, butnone of them gave birth to a child for me. Yannie was a good woman, and I indeed hurt her. None ofyou could compare to her. She was the purest and gentlest woman I've met, and she gave birth to achild for me. Yet, she even died helpless and depressed. I am now kneeling not just for mydaughter, but Yannie too. There's nothing to be ashamed about."

"Wow, what an interesting sob story." Cindy mocked Sinclair harshly. "Well, but you really surprisedme. Now, kowtow to me."

Indeed, Sinclair did as she said.

Cindy said, "You have to pick a good time if you want to see her. When we do meet, I do want tosee her reaction to having you as her father as well. If the Jones family knows that their eldest son'sgirlfriend is the daughter of the scandalous Sinclair Stone, they would be so ashamed. I feel ecstaticwhenever I think of Heinz being upset over this."

"You're insane, Cindy," Sinclair spat.

Monica looked at Michael and said softly, "Do you see that? She's not as innocent as you think sheis. She's a very scheming lady, and I've been deceived by her all these years."

Michael sneered and retorted, "Well, I deceived you too, didn't I? You lied to me and Cindy, and youthought that you executed it flawlessly. However, who knew that you'd be played too? There'salways someone better than you out there."

"I was just giving you a gentle reminder, but you're insulting me. Do you even have a conscience,Michael?" Monica was so angry that she trembled all over.

On the other hand, Michael remained very nonchalant. "Having a conscience is worthless to me.After I was being cheated on for so many years, I don't care about it anymore."

Monica was suddenly rendered speechless.

Michael turned his gaze to Cindy and Sinclair. His eyes were bright, and no one knew what he wasthinking. However, it was obvious that he was cooking up something evil.

Meanwhile, Cindy kept her attention on Sinclair. She squinted her eyes as she smiled and said,"Sinclair, oh Sinclair. Tell me, do you regret mistreating me all these years?"

Stunned, Sinclair pursed his lips and said, "I regret it, Cindy."

Cindy smiled wickedly, and it was clear that she did not believe him. "Stop f*cking lying, Sinclair. Ican see through you, and you're still lying to me even now. You would never regret your actions.You just wish that you haven't met me before."

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