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Chapter 1657

After Maria's class ended, she went to find Liam and saw him on the phone.

She got into the car and watched as he said into the phone, "Maria's class is over. She doesn't haveany class in the afternoon, so we're going back to the villa now. Let's discuss this when you comeback later."

"Okay, tell her about it as well. Let's see what she thinks about it," Gary said, then hung upimmediately.

"What was that all about?" Maria asked Liam.

"Cindy's agent, Monica, booked a ticket to London. And so did Sinclair," he replied.

"What? Is she here to take revenge on Cindy?" she asked, surprised. "That can't be. She should behere to catch her husband red-handed, right?"

Liam shook his head. "It seems that you didn't watch the video of their scandal carefully."

Stunned, she asked, "What do you mean by that? Are you trying to tell me that their marriage endeda long time ago? Does everyone in the industry have such messy relationships?"

"It's messy indeed, but not all of them are like that," Liam said. "That's their business, and they'redisgusting."

"Indeed," Maria agreed. "Did Gary ask you to discuss this with me? Are we going to discuss howwe're going to deal with them?"

"That's right. We can't sit here like sitting ducks," he replied. "I'm worried that Cindy and Michaelcame to London for other reasons. If Cindy was the one threatening Celeste, then she must haveher reasons. What if she harms Celeste? We can't let that happen to her, or any of us."

He could not let such a thing happen.

"I think that we should ask Celeste about this," she suggested.

He frowned slightly. "I understand what you mean. You're considering Celeste's feelings becauseCindy is her aunt. However, I still think that we need to stop them once and for all."

Maria blinked, deep in thought.

He looked at her seriously and said, "So, tell me what are your thoughts."

"It's simple. We'll contact the reporters. I think that we can leak the news to them and let them dothe rest. If the four of them are caught on camera together, it'll definitely make the headlines." Mariachuckled and continued, "That way, none of them will ever be able to make a comeback for the restof their lives."novelbin

Liam shook his head. "That won't be enough."

His words took her by surprise. "Not enough? Liam, do you want them to have an even worse fate?"

"She has already ruined her reputation, yet she doesn't reflect on her actions. She even broughtMichael to London despite the fact that her terrible scandals are rampaging the country. She stilldoesn't realize just how bad of a person she is. I think it's best to make her so poor that she'll neverbe able to fly back to the States. That would be the best course of action," Liam said solemnly.

"What if she turns even crazier if she gets too poor and is pushed to her limits?" Maria asked.

He pursed his lips. "That's why we need to think of a way to take them down in one move."

"Come on, let's go home first," Maria said.

The two of them headed back.

Over at the office.

When Gary heard the news, Celeste naturally heard about it too.

The news that Monica had immediately rushed to London after seeing the video of Cindy andMichael left her in quite a daze.

That proved that a confrontation was inevitable.

Celeste was still in a daze when her phone rang.

The moment she saw the phone number, she frowned.

Gary tilted his head and glanced at her. Noticed something amiss, he immediately asked withconcern, "Who's calling you?"

"I don't know the number," she replied, looking at her phone. "I'm not sure if it's her or not."

Gary took the phone over and glanced at the number, then answered the call.

Even so, he was cautious and alert, and he did not say anything.

A terrifying voice came from the other end. He could not tell whether it was a man's voice or awoman's voice. "You d*mn b*tch! You deserve to die. You have to die."

He frowned.

He had put the call on speakerphone, so Celeste could hear it too.

She took the phone and ended the call at once.

She did not even say a single word to the person on the other end of the line.

After hanging up the call, he looked up at her. "It's her. She used a vocal processor."

"This time, we won't hold back," Celeste said in a calm voice. "If her agent and Sinclair are coming,then let us find a few reporters to expose their relationship."

"There's no need to rush this," he replied, giving her a reassuring smile. "Looking for reporters mightnot be the best thing to do. Why don't we look for someone who can capture some footage of themdiscreetly? After that, we'll leak the information to the press. That way, well be able to achieve betterresults. For now, let's wait."

"Are we going to hire a private detective?" she asked "You were the one that hired someone to takethe videos of them back then, right?"

"That's right. I bought those videos, but I never got the chance to use them. But I finally had achance to use them," he answered. "So, it's actually quite easy to get her on camera."

"All right then. Let's do it," she said, having made up her mind. She had always thought that sheshould be grateful to Cindy for raising her. However, now she knew that Cindy had gone too far.

Cindy still did not know how to control herself.

If that was the case, there was nothing to worry about.

Gary was relieved when he saw how determined Celeste was. He had been worried about how shewould take it, but he never expected that to happen.

After what she said, it seemed that he did not have to worry about her.

He nodded, took out his mobile phone, and made a phone call. During the call, he spoke in aforeign language.

"Let's begin. According to our agreement, the price is two times higher than the original price, andthe content is naturally the same as the last time," he said.

Although Celeste watched him make the call, she had no idea what he was saying.

She looked at his handsome face, which did now show many expressions. Even as he spoke on thephone, he looked confident and calm.

She found herself mesmerized by him.

Her phone rang again.

When she saw that it was from the same number, she immediately declined the call.

After some time, another phone call came in.

However, this time it was Cindy's number.

In the past, she had used that phone number whenever she was in England.

The moment Gary ended his call, Celeste said,

"She's calling me. This time, she used her own phone number."

"Is that so? Answer it, but don't be provoked by her. Let's hear what she has to say first," he toldher.

"Okay." Celeste nodded and answered the call.

Cindy spoke the moment the call was connected. "Celeste, it's Cindy."

"I know it's you," Celeste replied, her tone indifferent.

"You weren't expecting me to call you, right?" Cindy said sarcastically.

"Haven't you been calling me all this time?" Celeste replied in a similar tone. "Why do you have topretend to be so innocent?"

"I don't understand what you're talking about. When did I call you?" Cindy sneered, although shesounded a little surprised.

"You're not going to admit it? Are you acting dumb?" Celeste asked rudely. "This is really surprising.I can't believe that even you would do something like that."

"How dare you! I have nothing to hide, and there's no need for me to pretend at all," Cindy retortedcoldly. "You, on the other hand, are so strange even at such a young age. You aren't grateful at all,not even after I raised you. So many bad things happened to me, yet you don't care about me atall."

Celeste felt as if those words were a knife in her heart.

Although it bothered her to have her feelings doubted, that did not mean she would let Cindyoverstep her boundaries.

"What you did was nothing to be proud of. You've been with so many other men. What right do youhave to ask me to care about you?" Celeste did not hold back as she said, "I have never seen awoman as shameless as you. You've been with so many other men, yet you're still so proud of it."

"What? Have you learned how to add salt to one's wound?" Cindy sneered. "Are you pushing mewhile I'm down?"

"You have fallen very low indeed," Celeste said coldly.

"Not really," Cindy replied, sounding a little smug. "Even if I was caught up in scandals, I stillmanaged to make a lot of money. With the amount of money I have, I'll still be able to live aluxurious life in the future."

Celeste felt devastated when she heard those words. That woman was truly insatiable. Celestethought to herself.

"Money is all you have now, isn't it?" she said calmly, "You have nothing else apart from money. Oh,wait, you still have those scandals. You seem to be happy being the topic of gossip."

Cindy felt a little angry at being mocked by Celeste. Even Celeste's tone was much sharper thanbefore. Cindy had thought that she was the only one who could mock Celeste, but she neverthought that the tables would turn.

Instead of getting satisfaction at Celeste's expense, the only thing she got was sarcasm.

It infuriated her.

Cindy sneered and said, "Celeste, I know your little secrets and the secret about your birth. You saidthat you didn't want to know about your background, however, you must be itching to find out."

Celeste's chest tightened. The topic about her background was a sore spot for her.

Even though she wanted to know, it also frightened her more than anything else.

She had been abandoned. So what if she knew who her parents were?

Her parents had abandoned her. So what if she knew who they were? She could not go back tothem. Time would not turn back for her.

She would never be able to be a normal child from a normal family. Her lonely and fearful childhoodwould not disappear because of that.

There was no need for her to know.

"You think too much," Celeste said coldly. "I don't want to know, and I don't think it's necessary foryou to keep bringing it up."

"I called you to chat with you," Cindy said with a smile. "How about we meet up?"

"That's not necessary," Celeste replied, rejecting her invitation. "I don't want to meet you, nor do Ihave anything to say to you."

"Oh, so you want to go against me," Cindy said. "Do you really think that you've climbed up thesocial ladder and become successful?"

"I wouldn't call myself that, but at least I don't sell my body and soul like you. You even feel greatabout doing it. You've truly lost yourself."

Cindy snorted. "I won't waste my time being angry with you. So, you really don't want to know aboutyour real family?"

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