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Chapter 1649

Maria's surprised scream echoed through the villa.

She was so excited that she leaped into his arms and hugged him tightly, clinging onto him as if shedid not want to let go.

Fearing that she would get so excited and forget about her own safety, he quickly reached out tohold her so that she would not fall.

"I wanted to give you a surprise," Liam said in a low and husky voice.

He leaned in closer and placed his forehead against hers in an affectionate gesture.

Although they had only been apart for just a few days, he realized that he had missed her verymuch. He was a little surprised at how much he missed her.

Maria looked down at Liam, her face beaming with happiness. "This is a big surprise indeed. Whydidn't I think that you turned off your phone to get on the plane? Oh no! I even called my dad andblamed him. He must be angry with me." She stuck out her tongue when she recalled how she hadblamed her father, looking extremely


"You called Mr. Lowe and blamed him?" Liam repeated, feeling a little guilty. "I should've told youbefore I turned off my phone. I was busy and didn't think of it. It's my fault for not giving you a headsup."

"Oh well, it doesn't matter. I'll call my dad and apologize to him later," Maria reassured him. "Youdon't have to worry. My dad is not that hotheaded."

"Yes, he's a very kind man." Liam felt immense gratitude toward Zachary.

Maria jumped down from his arms before saying, "Come on in."

They dragged his luggage into the room and she closed the door.

Thinking that he must be exhausted after such a long journey, she suggested, "Why don't you takea shower and change your clothes first?"

Liam nodded. "You're right. I should shower and change my clothes first. It was a long journey, soit'll be nice to take a shower."

"Yep. Go on then," Maria said, opening the bathroom door for him. Then, she asked, "Have youeaten?"

"I had something to eat on the plane, so I'm not hungry." The happiness he felt from finally seeing

Maria eclipsed any feeling of hunger.

"I'll go down to get us some supper. You go ahead and take a shower first," Maria replied. "We'll eatafter you've showered."

"Sure thing."

She quickly went downstairs while Liam went to take a shower in her bathroom.

Downstairs, she saw Gary sitting on the sofa. He was looking at her.

"Gary," Maria greeted with a smile, her tone buoyant. It was clear that she was in a good mood.

Gary smiled as he said, "Ah, you finally have an appetite now that your prince charming is finallyhere!"

"Did you know that he was coming to London?" Maria sensed that she must have missedsomething.

He nodded. "Yes, he called me and asked me to pick him up. I was about to go, but Ernest offeredto go saying that he should do it since he's single. It was kind of him to be let me spend more timewith Celeste."

"You're too mean. Since you knew everything, you should've told me earlier. You made me worry fortoo long," she complained.

"I told you not to worry, but you just wouldn't listen and insisted on worrying. Look, isn't this a bigsurprise?"

"It is indeed a big surprise." She looked at him with a smile. "Thank you."

"Don't worry about it," he said dismissively. "We're family, so there's no need to thank me."

"All right then." Maria looked at the supper that had been prepared and asked Gary, "Did you havethese snacks prepared for Liam and me?"

"Of course, but leave some for us too. Celeste will surely be hungry. I'm going to bring some for herto eat later," he replied.

"Sure, no problem. I'll leave some for you." Maria took some and left half for Gary and Celeste. Afterthat, she went upstairs with the food.

She was happy as a lark.

Gary sighed when he saw how happy she was. Were women really so easily satisfied? Garywondered.

He got up, tidied away his things, and went upstairs to find Celeste with the remaining supper in hishand.

When he entered the room, she was still looking through the files. The moment he entered the door,she smiled and asked, "Liam came, didn't he?"

"Yes, but I didn't see him. Ernest sent him up to Maria's room, and Liam didn't come out after that. Isaw Maria coming down to get their supper, so I guess we won't get to see them until tomorrow."

Celeste nodded. "Then let's not bother them. They haven't seen each other for a long time."

"Of course. The night is short, so why should we disturb them? We're busy too." Gary's words werea double entendre.

She blushed slightly, but she said nothing.

She put down the documents in her hand and looked at him, then asked, "By the way, do you haveany news about her?"

"Her?" Gary was stunned. He instantly understood who she meant.

He nodded. "Yes. She's in England."

It was her turn to be stunned. "You know about that as well?"

He smiled and nodded. "It's not that difficult to find out where she is. Furthermore, I've been payingclose attention to her whereabouts. Since she's unwilling to live an honest life after what she hasdone, it's only natural for me to keep an eye on her."

Celeste hesitated before saying, "I received a phone call a while ago. It was a London number, butafter I answered the call, the person didn't speak. It seemed very suspicious." "So, you think it's her,

right?" Gary asked, concern flashing across his eyes.

She nodded. "I have a hunch that it's her."

He frowned. "Give me the number. I'll check where it came from."

She took up her phone, found the number, and passed it to him. "Here it is."

He only had to look at it once to memorize the number.

She knew that he had a good memory, but she did not expect it to be that good as to remember thenumber with just a glance.

"Go ahead and have supper. I'll look into it," he said, smiling at her as he turned on his computer.Then, he started to get busy.

Seeing how serious he was about it, Celeste felt at ease.

She ate as she continued to read through her documents next to him.

In the room next door.

Maria brought supper to her room and arranged it neatly. She saw that Liam's suitcase was open,and the clothes in it neatly packed.novelbin

It showed just how much of a responsible person he was. He had often taken care of her, so sheknew that side of him well.

She proceeded to hang his clothes up in her closet.

She could hear the sound of running water coming from the bathroom. As she glanced in thedirection of the bathroom, her face blushed slightly without her knowing.

At that moment, her phone buzzed, bringing her back to her senses. She picked up her phone andsaw that it was a message from her mother saying, "Has Liam arrived in London?"

She quickly replied, "Mommy, how did you know?"

Yvonne texted back saying, "How could I not know? You should thank your father. It was yourfather's assistant who booked the ticket for Liam so that he could go to London. You silly little girl.Not only did you not thank him, you even blamed him. You've hurt your father's heart, do you knowthat?"

So, it was Dad who asked Liam to come to London. Maria thought to herself.

She was really a little surprised. She hesitated for a moment before sending a text message to herfather. "Dad, I'm sorry. And, thank you. I was wrong and misunderstood you."

There was no reply.

Maria waited for a while, but still, nothing.

After thinking about it for a while, she decided that she would call him the next day.

Meanwhile, Liam had quickly showered and walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrappedaround him. When he saw Maria texting, he said, "Maria, I'm only able to be in London because Mr.Lowe booked a ticket for me. I was too excited and forgot to tell you. You should call him tomorrowand apologize to him."

"I sent him a message apologizing to him just now," Maria replied, showing him the phone in herhand as she looked up at him.

His handsome face was really dazzling.

They had not seen each other for just a few days, but they already missed each other so much.

"Did he reply?"

"He hasn't. I'll call tomorrow." Feeling a little frustrated, she stuck out her tongue and said, "I was abit too impulsive."

"I didn't think it through," he said, blaming himself. "If I had told you, you wouldn't have been soanxious."

"It's okay. Don't worry. My dad isn't that petty." Maria sent another message to her parents,apologizing sincerely, and then put down her phone.

Not long after that, Maria's phone buzzed.

It was from Zachary. He had only sent a short message saying, "Use protection."

Seeing that, Maria felt a little embarrassed, and she dared not look at Liam's face.

He came over to look at the message and was somewhat taken aback. Suddenly, he recalledZachary telling him during his visit to Lowe Villa that Maria must not get pregnant.

He looked at her with an inscrutable expression.

"He's right," he said with a sigh. "You're still young and studying. Education is indeed the mostimportant thing for you now."

"Don't you think it's funny for him to say that as a father?" Maria put down her phone and took atowel to help him dry his hair.

Liam replied, "Your parents are doing this for your own good."

"Okay then. I'll try my best to be considerate of him as much as possible," she said. Then, shehelped him to dry his hair with the hairdryer.

Liam sat on the edge of her bed.

After quickly drying his hair, she said, "I hung up your clothes in the closet with mine. Do you wantto wear loungewear?"

Liam nodded. "Could you bring a change of clothes for me?"

She immediately went to help him get his clothes. He had brought two sets of loungewear.

She took one of them and handed it to him.

He put on his clothes in front of her without covering himself. The two of them had already reachedthat stage of intimacy a long time ago.

However, Maria still got a little embarrassed and turned away.

Seeing how shy she was, he quickly put on his clothes and pulled her onto his lap.

Maria looked down at him.

Liam lowered his voice and asked, "Why is your face so red? It's not like you haven't seen it before."

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