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Chapter 1647

She was such a smart woman! Alas, she had been screwed over by a jerk.

Suanne, a woman who was almost in her fifties, was very open and honest. Grace thought toherself with a sigh.

Zachary nodded. "Madam Suanne certainly didn't make things difficult for us."

"Actually, I should apologize." Suanne sighed. "Theclair Group really did a bad job of handlingLiam's work and ended up sidelining him for a long time. I hope that you can make him famous inthe future. As his previous employer, Theclair Group will surely be proud of him as well."

Suanne's words made everyone have a new level of respect for her.

Heinz looked at her, nodding in approval. "Madam Suanne, you have a generous spirit. I admirethat."

"Indeed. Madam Suanne's generosity has left us thoroughly impressed. The Lowe Group will makesure that Liam is signed to a good company in the future so as not to disappoint Theclair Group."Zachary smiled slightly and said, "I have an idea. It just so happens that we're looking for a celebrityendorser. Why don't I get one of Theclair Group's artists?"

Suanne was stunned. "Mr. Lowe, are you looking out for Theclair Group?"

"To be exact, I'm looking out for you, Madam Suanne." Zachary paused, then continued, "Thecelebrity endorser should be a female. My only requirement is that she has to be motivated andhave a positive outlook. The Lowe Group does not want someone that is surrounded bycontroversy."

She nodded at once. "Mr. Lowe, your request is perfectly acceptable. It's not too much to ask at all.I'll look for someone that matches your requirements. To be honest, I detest artists that like to stir up

controversy and scandal too."

She continued, "Now that I've taken over Theclair Group, I'm going to restructure the company anddemand for a reform. I won't interfere too much with what happened in the past. However, I can tellyou now that I'll set high standards for my artists."

"That's good. The company is in good hands indeed," Zachary replied. Then, he said candidly, "So,when should we sign the agreement to cancel the contract?" "Any time is fine for us. Just let usknow when you'd like to do it, President Lowe. We'll cooperate with you fully," Suanne answeredjust as candidly.

"Then let's do it tomorrow morning," Zachary suggested. He was not in a hurry. "I have my team oflawyers ready. Once they've made sure that the documents are in order, well sign it first thingtomorrow morning."

"Sure, no problem." Suanne smiled. "I know that Mr. Lowe and Mr. Jones, as well as your wives, arevery busy. I won't take up any more of your time. As for this meal, I did say that it's my treat. So,please, don't try to pay the bill."

"That won't do," Heinz replied. "This meal is on me. You're a straightforward person, I've alwaysadmired people like you. So, allow me to pay for this meal. I hope that both of you can reach anagreement and work together well in the future."

"That doesn't seem like a good idea, does it?" Suanna said with a smile. "I promised that it would beon me."

"Don't worry about it." Heinz smiled and said, "Just think of it as giving me a chance."

"In that case, I won't stand on ceremony. Thank you, Mr. Jones." Suanne did not persist any further,and she quickly bid them farewell.

Then, she left.

Heinz and Zachary looked at each other. Heinz sighed. "I did not expect Suanne to be sostraightforward," he said.

Zachary had been surprised as well. "I really didn't expect us to succeed in terminating the contractso easily," he added.

"It seems that Theclair Group has really garnered a bad reputation. Suanne is in a difficult positionindeed. She's doing this to save Theclair Group from any further trouble. At the same time, she'strying not to offend Lowe Group and Jones Estate. She is truly an exceptional woman to be able toachieve such great results," Grace said with a sigh.

Yvonne sighed as well. "What a pity. She's such a good person, yet she married that b*stard. Whata waste."

Hearing that, Grace almost laughed out loud. "Yvonne, do you really think that?" she asked

"Am I wrong?" Yvonne smiled and said, "Men are so fickle sometimes. They're all scumbags."

At those words, Zachary and Heinz both looked at each other. Then, they looked at Yvonne.

Taken aback, she hurriedly said, "Why are you guys looking at me? I never said anything about youtwo."

Grace piped up, "Zachary is a good man. He's not fickle. Heinz, however, looks guilty."

"What's wrong with me? I'm not a scumbag. I'm a very affectionate man too, okay?" Heinzgrumbled.

Grace laughed and ignored Heinz.

Zachary looked at his wife, smiled helplessly, and said, "You don't have to remind me. I don't havethose thoughts at all."

Yvonne chuckled and caressed her stomach. She felt the baby kick her hand.

She laughed when she felt the kick. "Oh my, I'm so tired. Let's go home," she said.

"Yes. Let's go home." Zachary got up to leave with Yvonne.

Heinz and Grace stood up as well.

When they were in the car, Yvonne said to Zachary, "Do you want to call Liam and tell him about it?"

"There's no need to let him know," he replied.

"He must be anxious. After all, he knows that you met with Suanne today."

"He has to be patient. After all, a man must be shrewd. He needs to learn to keep his temper incheck. We'll let him know after everything is settled tomorrow," Zachary said.

Yvonne knew that he had his own reasons for doing so. Therefore, she did not say anything else.

Meanwhile, Liam was waiting for news, but Zachary did not call him.

He did not feel it right to ask Zachary about it either. After all, he understood that Zachary had hisown plans.

After thinking for quite a while, he thought that he should just continue waiting.

At nine o'clock in the evening, he received an unexpected call from Suanne.

Suanne got straight to the point. "Liam, I have reached an agreement with Mr. Lowe. I'll cancel thecontract with you tomorrow. Come to the company tomorrow morning. After signing the necessarydocuments, you'll be free."

Liam was surprised. "Madam Suanne, is this real?"

"Of course it is." Suanne smiled and said, "By the way, I also called to ask for a favor."

"Go ahead," he said.

"It's about Theclair Group's female artists. Do you know much about them?" Suanne asked, wantingto hear his opinion. "To be honest, Mr. Lowe wants to find a female artist to help endorse hisproducts. Can you think of someone suitable? Please recommend one for me. I don't want one withany dubious past or scandals."

Liam was stunned. "I don't know many female artists, nor do I know much about the other artists atthe company. I didn't get to know too many people over the past few years, but there is someonethat I can think of."


"Raiya Lance," he replied.

"Oh, Raiya! The one who just finished filming that other show?" she said.


"She's not a bad one. Okay, I'll check and see if she is suitable," Suanne said. "By the way, wasn'tTeresa Trevino your classmate? Just out of curiosity, why didn't you recommend Teresa?"

Liam pondered for a moment before replying, "I just don't think Teresa is suitable."

"Does she have a dark past?" Suanne pressed.

He did not admit or deny it. That was Teresa's business, and it would not be right for him tocomment on it. "I'm not sure. I just feel that Teresa isn't suitable as a celebrity endorser. I really don'tknow anything more than that."

"Liam, you're not telling the truth." Suanne laughed and said teasingly, "You just don't want trouble,right? I know Teresa isn't suitable, but I still want to thank you for not recommending her to me."novelbin

Liam smiled in an awkward way.

"All right then. We'll meet tomorrow," she said.


With that, he hung up the phone.

Liam was feeling excited and anxious, wondering if he would really be able to successfullyterminate the contract.

The next morning, he took a shower and dried his hair. After that, he changed into a fashionable suitand drove to Theclair Group's headquarters.

The moment he entered the building, he saw many reporters.

He was only able to escape from the reporter's barrage of questions with the help of the securityguard. After that, he went straight upstairs.

He had came early.

When he arrived, Johnny brought him to a lounge.

After a short while, Zachary came in with his lawyers and assistants.

Suanne personally welcomed them and led them into a small conference room. Then, Liam wasasked to join them as well.

"Liam, go ahead and sign it," Suanne said with a smile. "Once you sign this, you won't be an actorunder Theclair Group any longer. I hope you can fulfill your dreams in the future."

At that moment, Liam felt a mix of emotions. He looked at Suanne, then at Zachary.

Zachary nodded at him.

Only then did Liam sign his name.

Once it was done, Zachary said, "Liam, why don't you step out first? I still have something todiscuss with Madam Suanne."

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