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Chapter 1636

"I signed a power of attorney, so the lawyers will take care of it," Liam replied. "Oh, your father saidthat you're to return to England in two days and that you shouldn't leave the apartment before then."

"Huh?" Maria pouted in dissatisfaction. "I have to leave in two days? Isn't that too quick? I just cameback, and now he's sending me away? Are Gary and the others leaving soon as well?"

Liam nodded. "Gary said that he'd be returning soon with Celeste. However, they might be leavingwithout Ernest."

"Why?" Maria was puzzled.

Liam replied, "Ernest is dating someone. Gary said he's taking care of a girl that fell sick."

"Sick?" Maria paused. The image of Leah flashed through her mind. "Let me call Leah."

Liam was stunned. "You mean that Ernest's girlfriend is Leah?"

Maria jolted to her senses and hurriedly said, "Pretend you never heard that. I'm not a hundredpercent sure, so I'll need to ask first."

Liam shook his head at Maria and stopped her from calling Ernest. "Don't call him. We didn't tellErnest about you coming home, and he doesn't know that I want to break the contract. If you tellhim now, he'll be worried. Since he's taking care of his girlfriend, then let him focus on that."

Maria hesitated for a moment. "Really? But I'm so curious!"

"You'll have plenty of time to ask once you're back in England," Liam chuckled.

Maria nodded reluctantly, but she still worried about her impending departure in two days' time."Was it my father's idea to leave so soon?"

Liam nodded.

"Why is he asking me to leave so soon? I've only been home for a few days." Maria looked over atLiam. The last few days with him had been very romantic, and she had been on cloud nine.

Nothing could compare to that kind of happiness.

"You're still a student, so your studies come first.” Liam smiled and added, "You can't delay youreducation for me."

"I don't want to leave you." Maria decided to play coy with Liam.

"I don't want to leave you either." Frankly, Liam did not want her to go at all.

Maria burrowed into his arms and looped her arms around his neck. She gazed deeply into his eyesand said, "If I leave, I won't be able to be with you as you go through the contract terminationprocess."

"Once my contract is dissolved, I'll be signed to you. From then on, I'll fully belong to you, and I'll goto England to accompany you." He leaned his forehead against Maria's affectionately.

Maria nodded, but reluctance was written all over her face.

The sorrow of parting ways weighed heavily on them.

After they had dinner, Liam and Maria cuddled on the sofa as they watched the news.

There was no coverage about him breaking his contract. Instead, the headlines were dominated byCindy's scandal. It was the new hot topic in the entertainment industry, and many people werewaiting for updates.

"None of the headlines are about you," Maria remarked.

"I'm not popular anymore," Liam replied with a smile. "So, the media doesn't pay attention to me."

Maria shook her head. "I don't think that's the case. The incident involving Cindy is too scandalous,and everyone wants the exclusive


Liam lowered his head to look at Maria. "Are you trying to comfort me?"

Maria shook her head again. "To be honest, I want to see what other information comes to light.How many men has she been with? By then, everyone will know what's she truly like. Ha, howinteresting."

Liam looked at her lovingly and leaned in closer. He asked softly. "Are you really that curious aboutit?"

Maria blushed. "Um, a little."

Liam smiled as he asked, "You've already experienced it, so what are you curious about?"

"That's different," Maria's replied, smiling shyly.

Liam kissed her gently on the lips, and Maria's smile widened.

Liam murmured, "We have only two days left. Don't you think we should appreciate the time wehave left?"

His words reminded them again of their impending separation.

Maria pouted, and her eyes dimmed with reluctance. "I'll stay for two more days. I'll leave in fourdays, okay?" "No. You'd better leave as soon as you can." Liam

said, "Once the news breaks that I terminated my contract, there may be a lot of reporters followingme. You won't be spared as well. So, I think there's a reason why your father asked you to leave sosoon."

"What do you mean?" Maria asked.

"As soon as you leave, the news that I'm terminating my contract will be leaked," Liam replied.

Maria nodded. Suddenly, she pulled Liam close and kissed him. "Well then, let's not waste anytime."

Liam was taken aback at first, then his eyes danced with joy. His heart swelled with love as helooked at the beautiful girl in front of him.

"Maria, why are you suddenly taking charge?" He actually enjoyed Maria taking the initiative.

She stuck out her tongue sheepishly. "Because I want to. I'm well-rested now. I took a nap while youwere at Lowe Group so that I'd be able to keep up with your stamina."

"Silly girl," Liam teased, feeling overjoyed. "Thank you for being in my life."

It did not take long for them to get busy on the sofa. Clothes were scattered everywhere on thefloor.

Maria gazed deeply into Liam's eyes. In fact, her gaze never left Liam's face.

They looked at each other tenderly, appearing extremely content to be together.

After that, they took a bath together and went to the bedroom.

They whispered sweet nothings to each other all day.novelbin

They could not seem to get enough of one another, but alas, time was not on their side.

It was as if that was the only way they could make sure they did not waste a single second of theirtime together.

Maria finally experienced the wonders of a climax. She felt that their time together now was muchbetter than the time they spent together during the summer break. Back then, Liam was not sofamiliar with her body.

However, Liam was an expert now. She was putty in his hands, making her surrender herselfcompletely to his ministrations. He took her to heaven and back.

Later in the evening, someone knocked on the door. Maria nudged Liam and said, "Someone's atthe door."

Liam heard it as well, but he did not leave Maria's side. "Ignore it. If it's important, they'll call."

"Go take a look," Maria insisted.

In the end, Liam reluctantly left the bed and went to the door. He peeked through the peephole andsaw Johnny standing on the other side of the door.

He turned around at once without opening the door. Then, he went back to the bedroom andclimbed back into bed.

"Who is it?" Maria asked curiously.

"Just a piece of trash." Liam nuzzled her neck and picked up where he left off.

However, Maria pressed, "What do you mean?"

"It's my agent, Johnny. Forget about him," Liam replied.

"All right," she finally said.

After all, Johnny was a horrible man. He was the one that had told Liam to fly back immediately andafforded Liam no freedom of his own.

Hence, Maria disliked Johnny very much.

Finally, the knocking stopped.

Maria snuggled against Liam's chest. "I want to sleep."

"Okay, take a nap then. Sleep well," Liam murmured, holding Maria in his arms.

Soon after, Liam's phone rang.

Liam glanced at it. It was Johnny.

He picked up the phone and lowered his voice. "Hello?"

"Liam, aren't you at home?"

"What is it?" Liam asked, ignoring Johnny's question.

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