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Chapter 1630

That night.

The biggest scandal on the Internet was released. It was a video of Cindy, the popular actress, anda producer. It caused a great commotion.

Cindy still did not know about it. She was drinking at her home and was deep in thoughts.

When she saw her phone ringing, she only glanced at it but did not answer it.

The phone kept ringing and ringing, but she only picked up the call after three missed calls.

Johnny's voice came from the other end, "Miss White, something bad happened. It is about you. Gotake a look at it on the internet."

"What is it?" Cindy was confused. "What's the matter? Can you tell me clearly?"

"It's your video. Have a look, it is a video of you and Thomas Attwood."

Cindy was shocked, and there were horrors in her eyes. "Thomas? What happened between us?"

"I don't know how to say it. See it for yourself." Johnny wanted to say something, but he stopped.

Only then did Cindy realize the seriousness of the problem. She had just gone online and a seriesof news popped up.

She saw the video, screenshots, and photos. Although it had all been edited, anyone could tell whatshe was doing with Thomas in an instant.

This was surely a scandal.

Cindy was greatly dumbstruck, and she broke out in a cold sweat.

She had already learned her lesson. She had learned her lesson from the video clip with thedirector. It was sent to her as a threat. But this time, she was still photographed. How?

She was greatly displeased. She looked at the unedited video that was released without anycaptions and was dumbstruck.

Her palms were drenched with cold sweat.

At the same time, Liam and Maria saw the news as well.

They were initially about to sleep when Gary called them. He asked them to watch the news.

Liam turned on his phone. When he saw the news, he was surprised as well.

"What is this?" Maria looked at Liam in a daze. "Is this a video of Cindy? Who posted this video?"

Liam shook his head. "I have no idea."

Maria saw the video and found that the video resolution was really clear. She could completely seewhat Cindy and that man was doing. Someone even commented that this was a business deal.

It was a deal for her movie role.

She looked at Liam and said, "Do you think she is finished this time?"

"She should be," Liam said. "If she never did such things, no one would release it."

"Could Gary be the one behind it?" Maria guessed.

"It could be, but it has nothing to do with us," Liam said. "She said those words to me today. Thismeans that she has already cut all ties with me."

Even though he had said that, Liam still looked somewhat disappointed. Oh well, he was anemotional person after all.

"I'm fine." Liam put down his phone and was about to comfort Maria when his phone rang.

He looked at the phone and realized that it was Cindy.

Liam was surprised. He answered the call, "Hello?"

"Liam, how despicable of you!" Cindy scolded him directly, "Are you trying to destroy me? Youreleased those videos of me because you had no other tricks up your sleeves, right?"

Upon being questioned inexplicably, Liam felt speechless too. "You have found the wrong person.I'm not capable enough to shoot such a video of you and him."

"Stop pretending," Cindy sneered. "You have done it, but you won't admit it."

Hearing her words, Liam was speechless. "I don't care whether you believe it or not. I don't haveanything to say to you."

"Do you think that doing this will be of any good to you?" Cindy refuted angrily, "If you destroy melike this, then I will drag you down with me."

Liam sneered, "Cindy, it seems that you have offended too many people. Whatever. I am not afraidof anything."

With that, he hung up the phone.

Maria reached out to hug Liam and comforted him, "Don't be sad. This woman is crazy. When shesaw the news, she knew that she was finished, and she became too anxious."

"I'm not angry." Liam shook his head. "I just feel pitiful for her."

"Not at all." Maria shook her head. "There's nothing to feel pity about. She should have beenfinished a long time ago. Everyone has been kind to her all these years because of Celeste, but sheis just too annoying." "You are right." Liam turned off his phone and told Maria, "Take a rest andsleep well."

"Okay." They covered themselves with the quilts and rolled up again.

The next morning, he turned on his phone.

The news had gradually grown worse.

This time, it was a video of Cindy with another man. That man was a director.

When the news came out, it became a hot topic at once.

The comments were all about how Cindy got the title of movie queen these few years. They evendoubted her ability in getting this role.

She got the title through improper means.

There were people who even wanted to cancel the honorary title that Cindy had earned over theyears.

Overnight, two videos were released. The catastrophe swept into Cindy's company as well.

Cindy's manager and the boss of their company were all in a meeting.

"What the hell is going on? Who is doing this to Cindy?" Sinclair, the boss, roared at the meeting ofthe company.

"Someone must have been keeping an eye on her and deliberately ruining the image of ourcompany," Cindy's manager, Monica said. "I think this is just improper warfare."

"If it was, why would they release such a video? If there weren't any videos, would they have postedit? What did she do? Don't any of you know?"

"Boss, now is not the time to be mad," Monica looked at Sinclair and said. "We must protect Cindy."

"There is no way to suppress this news now," Sinclair said in a deep voice. "Cindy is now a dirtystar. She shouldn't ever think about showing herself again. Do you know how much the loss is forus?"

"Who on earth did this to her? Who did this to her?" Monica gritted her teeth and said, "Darn, it'sterrible."

"Another one is released again." All of a sudden, the assistant exclaimed, "It's a new video of MissWhite and Paul."

"Paul?" Sinclair was shocked.

Monica frowned. "Paul is the honorary president of the movie association."

"D*mn it," Sinclair cursed and took out his mobile phone to check.

Sure enough, it was someone else this time.

This time, the public reaction towards the news got worse.novelbin

Monica quickly stood up and said, "I will go check on Cindy. She probably can't take such a hit."

Sinclair did not say anything.

At this moment, Johnny entered the door and told Sinclair, "Boss, a lawyer called. He talked aboutthe termination of Liam's contract."

"What?" Sinclair was flustered. "Who? Who wants to terminate the contract for Liam?"

"It's the team of lawyers of Lowe Group and Jones Estate. They want to terminate Liam's contract."

Monica was about to leave, but she suddenly stopped in her tracks. She asked, "Could thesematters be linked?"

Johnny looked at his boss and told Monica, "Yesterday, Miss White threatened Liam, and thescandal came out on that night itself. I suspect that the matter has something to do with Liam aswell."

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