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Chapter 1616

Time passed quickly. When Liam looked at his watch, it was already half past ten. He still had to getready for the banquet. He turned his head around to look at Maria, who was leaning against him. Hesaid softly, "I need to prepare to head out."

Maria had no strength left. When she heard his voice, she looked up at Liam lazily and tried to focusher blurry vision. "Oh, that's right. You still have an appointment. Hurry up and go. I want to sleep."

Liam knew that she was exhausted. "Okay, get some rest. Sleep a little longer. I'll be back as soonas I can. You can order takeaway when you get hungry, all right?"

"Don't worry. I'm not hungry," Maria said. "Go ahead, don't worry about me."

"Okay." Liam kissed her forehead. "Then, I'll head out now."


Liam hurriedly got up, took a shower, and changed into a fashionable suit. He looked veryhandsome.

When Maria saw him all dressed up, she felt that he looked particularly dazzling. She smiled atLiam and said, "You're going to charm me to death."

Liam was greatly amused. "I don't need to charm you to death. I only need to charm you."

"Of course. I'm completely charmed by your beauty." Maria smiled.

Liam laughed and walked towards her, almost failing to control his urge to be intimate with Maria.

"Please have mercy on me." Maria immediately gave him a pitiful look. "Go, don't be late."

Only then did Liam release her from his embrace and prepare to leave.

"Liam," Maria suddenly called out.

Liam stopped, turning around to look at her.

Maria was staring at him, and she seemed serious. "If your manager thinks that you should take thepart, then just accept it. Don't argue with them."

Liam looked at her, smiled, and nodded. "Okay."

After that, he left.

Maria lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling. Even though she was exhausted, she was not sleepyat all.

After Liam left, Maria got up and went to take a shower. After that, she started to do some work.

Meanwhile, Liam had arrived at his management company. Johnny saw him walk into the room andsmiled. "You're here, Liam."

"Hi," Liam replied faintly.

Johnny gave him a once-over. "You seem to be in good spirits. Have you adjusted your state ofmind?"

"I've always been ready to work," Liam said calmly and confidently. "There was no need to adjust."

"All right then. Consider it a mistake on my part," Johnny smiled and said. "Miss Trevino is here.Why don’t the two of you catch up on old times?"

"There's no need forthat," Liam refused directly.

At that moment, Teresa's voice floated over to them. "My dear classmate, you're too rude. Yourmanager wanted to give us some time to reminisce about the old days, but you refused directly. Itseems that you're not showing any respect at all."

Teresa walked over with a smile. A flash of excitement shone in her eyes when she saw Liam,mixed with complex emotions.

He was getting more and more good-looking, and when he was in a suit, he looked extraordinarily


Liam glanced at Teresa. She was no longer in sportswear. Instead, she had on heavy makeup andwas wearing a fashionable overcoat over a dress that made her waist look tiny.

It was clear that she had spent a lot of time on her appearance that day.

Liam remained as calm as ever and did now show any intention of greeting her.

Johnny looked at them and shrugged. "You two go ahead and have a chat. I have a phone call tomake before we head out."

"Okay, Johnny. Don't let us keep you," Teresa replied.

Once Johnny left, Teresa looked at Liam and said with a smile, "Liam, you look so handsome whenyou're wearing a suit."

Liam walked to a chair and sat down, then glanced at Teresa. "Were you the one who proposed tohave this business meal?"

Teresa nodded and smiled. "Yes. I felt that I should work harder. See, I worked a little harder, andhere you are! That makes me very happy."

Liam merely looked at her indifferently. "Teresa, don't waste your energy."

Her body froze, and she felt a chill in her heart.

She could not shake off the feeling that he was telling her to come to her senses.

"Are you telling me that no matter how hard I try, you won't have feelings for me?"

"Yes." Liam nodded. "Be it me or my work."

Teresa was shocked. "I understand if you're talking about your feelings, but why can't I try to helpyou in your work?"

Liam ignored her.

There was a glint in Teresa's eyes. "Do you intend to leave when your contract expires?"

"That's a topic for the future," Liam's answered calmly. He sounded indifferent and distant. Itseemed as if he did not want to talk to her at all.

Her expression was sullen as she said, "Liam, even if you leave this company, it'll be difficult for youto sign with any other company in the future if you don't act in any movies now."

"I'm tired of working in the entertainment industry. It's not a bad idea to be an ordinary person," hereplied lightly.

Surprised, she cried out, "How could you think that way?"

"Why can't I?" "What happened to your dreams? You weren't like this before." Teresa shook herhead as she looked at Liam in disbelief. "You've changed."

Liam remained silent.

His silence made her even more anxious. "Have you been sidelined for too long? Is that why yourspirit is broken?"

Liam admired Teresa's way of thinking. She really had a wild imagination.

The reason was because he disliked the dishonorable sides of the entertainment industry, and hefelt that it was too complicated. People like him were not suitable for such a lifestyle.

He wanted a simpler life.

Seeing that he did not even utter a word, Teresa stepped forward and grabbed Liam's sleeve. Shecrouched down before him and looked him in the eye. "Liam, you can't just lose your spirit like this.Think about your past hopes and enthusiasm, your past ideas and dreams, and the time when youwere popular."

Liam frowned, tugging his sleeve out of her grasp.

However, she grabbed his hand and continued, "Trust me. I can make you popular again."

"Let go of me," Liam snapped.

Teresa froze, embarrassed.

At that moment, the door opened.

Johnny came in and caught sight of them.

Realizing something was amiss, he shrugged and said, "It seems like I came in at a bad time."

Liam withdrew his hand from hers roughly, then stood up and said, "You came just at the right time."

Johnny raised his eyebrows and glanced at Teresa. She got up and fanned her eyes, and shelooked disappointed. Johnny guessed that it was a case of unrequited love.

"Shall we?" Liam asked, looking at Johnny.

"Yes, we should leave." Johnny nodded. "We don't want them to wait for us. Miss Trevino, shall wego?"novelbin

"Sure." Teresa quickly composed herself.

By the time they arrived at the hotel, the banquet had already begun.

The investor was a man in his fifties called Ralph Cruise. His attention was all on Teresa. Wherevershe went, he continued to stare at her.

He spoke explicitly, and every sentence he said had a strong sexual implication behind it.

Besides that, Teresa and Ralph constantly exchanged coy looks.

Ralph had come with a woman. She looked to be in her fifties too, and she was said to be Ralph'sbiological sister.

The woman, Betty Cruise, kept looking at Liam. "Liam, I'm a huge fan of yours. Your songs are verygood, and I still listen to them now."

Liam nodded politely.

Betty smiled at his aloof attitude and said, "You have not released any new songs recently."

"That's right," Liam replied indifferently.

The conversation stopped there, and an awkward silence fell over them.

Soon after, Liam went to the bathroom.

The moment he left, Betty stood up and walked out.

Liam stood at a window along the hotel's corridor. The cool breeze coming in through the windowseemed to lift his spirits a little. He detested occasions like these.

"Liam," Betty called out as she approached him.

Startled, he turned around and saw Betty. "Madam Cruise, why did you come out as well?"

"I came to find you," Betty smiled and said. "You don't have to address me so formally. Just call meBetty."

Liam forced a smile.

"I heard that your life is quite difficult right now," she continued.

"It's not that bad," Liam replied.

"Don't lie to me. I know how it is for those in your line of work. You haven't worked in the past fewyears, and it seems like you won't be able to hang in there for much longer. Why don't you comeand have some fun with me tonight? I promise that you'll get some offers."

Hearing that, Liam immediately understood that he had somehow caught her eye.

A woman in her fifties actually wanted to seduce him.

He was greatly angered, but he decided to play dumb and said, "I'm not free tonight. MadamCruise, if it's about work, you can talk to my manager. He's in charge of everything that has to dowith my work."

"No. You have to come to an agreement with me first before I talk to him."

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