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Chapter 1591

Leah threw all caution to the wind and yelled without holding back. Hogan's attitude had provokedher, riling up her frustration within.

Hogan was shocked, and there was horror and disbelief in his eyes. He looked at Leah as if shewas a stranger.

He looked hurt.

Ernest's deep eyes also quieted down. He wasn't expecting Leah to say that.

"You're shameless." Hogan cursed.

Leah let out a laugh, and a rather flurried and miserable one at that.

There was a strong sense of animosity and aggression laced in Ernest's brows. He felt his bloodcoursing through his veins, and in a flash, he had punched Hogan in the chin with a fierce fist. Itwas the first time he had ever made such a move in his life.

Hogan staggered at the impact, almost falling to the ground. He covered his chin and glared atErnest.

Leah slapped her hands on her mouth in shock.

She was taken aback by Ernest's ferocity.

He had actually hit someone.

It was unimaginable, to think of such a sweet and gentle boy being pushed to the point of physicalcontact, it was frightening.

Leah's eyes widened as she stared at Ernest. He looked so tall, radiant, and dazzling.

Hogan gave a heated glare towards Ernest and pointed at him as he roared, "You two have noshame."

There was a thud, and Ernest had swung his fists for a second time, more explosive than the last.

Hogan's face swelled green.

Ernest looked down at him from above and said, "You got beaten up today because your heart isvile. Do you think everyone else is as foul as you? You have no idea the kind of person Leah is, andyou're still here running your mouth and scolding her?"

Hogan was completely stupefied. He stared blankly at them, his mind buzzing, feeling a wave ofnumbness wash over him. It was as if something was flying, but his body refused to move and catchit.

Ernest continued, "What did you think I was doing when I was in the same room with Leah? I'mwarning you, her innocence won't be sullied that easily from the likes of you." "I should also warnyou that Leah belongs to me now. From now on, she will have nothing to do with you. You'd betterstay away from her in the future, otherwise, I, Ernest Jones, will mess with you and your family'sfate and have you begging for mercy."

Hogan was terrified by his intensity.

As for Leah, she was even more at a loss. All of a sudden, her heart began to pound wildly.

In the next second, Ernest reached out and grabbed Hogan by his clothes and threw him out. Heslammed the door shut.

Ernest lowered his head and took a deep breath, seeming a little distraught. He sighed and loweredhis head in deep thought.

Behind him, Leah finally came back to her senses. His words had shocked her so much that herheart felt like it was about to jump out of her chest.

Her clouded thoughts started to clear up, and she whispered softly, "Ernest?"

Ernest turned around abruptly and walked towards Leah. Like a gust of wind, he quickly went toLeah's side.

Before Leah could even speak, he had already pulled Leah into his embrace. Then, he lowered hisstunning face, leaned in, and pressed his lips onto hers.

Without any warning, his kiss pried open Leah's lips, and he was drowning in the sweetness.

He was so dominating that he kissed without technique.

Leah was stunned at the sudden clash. This was her first kiss.

What Leah didn't know was, this was also Ernest's first kiss.

It was the first time he had lost control of his emotions, he didn't even know why he got soimpulsive.

He acted out anyway. He was fuming, there was no way to quell the raging fire in his chest.

He was livid at the shameless douche for saying such things Leah.

And Leah could only stand there as he hurled insults towards her.

The kiss was amazing, going in over and over again, leaving Leah breathless.

A long time passed before he finally stopped. Panting, he whispered to Leah, "I can't hold it inanymore. Leah, I don't mean to offend you but I- I want to let you know, please be my girlfriend."

It was buzzing, and her mind was in chaos, she could hardly organize her thoughts.

What did he say? Be his girlfriend?

Her heart was about to jump out of her chest again.

It was caught in her throat because of the kiss, and now she felt like she was having a heart attack,she couldn't breathe.

Her legs also felt like jelly, and she fell directly on top of Ernest.

With sharp eyes and agile hands, Ernest nimbly reached out and propped up Leah's body, watchingher face bloom red.

Her small face was adorable, her picturesque looks were tinged with a blur.

Ernest felt rash yet again as he stared at her. He wanted to lean in and kiss her again.

However, Leah had yet to respond.novelbin

Ernest figured Leah had missed his confession, but that gave him courage to say it once more.

If this was the past, Ernest would have never confessed. And if he did, his words would never berepeated for a second time. Today, however, was a unique circumstance, and he had to say it again.

To hell with being an introverted, reserved, passive guy, today, he was going to be impulsive.

Facing Leah, Ernest lifted her chin and said sincerely, "Leah, look into my eyes."

When he lifted her chin, Leah instinctively looked into Ernest's bewildering eyes. His face was alsoa shade of red, and although there were veins in the corners of his eyes, he had never looked moresincere.

He was filled with deep affection.

The depth was chilling.

Under such a passionate gaze, Leah subconsciously nodded her head.

"I like you, Leah. Be my girlfriend.” Ernest finally faced Leah, proclaiming his ardent confession.

The buzzing grew in volume.

Her mind was thrown back into a tumult.

Leah couldn't believe it, she felt like she was in a reverie.

Leah wrapped her hands around him frantically and gripped his sleeves. Her knuckles turned whiteas she pursed his lips and asked with uncertainty, "You're not joking?"

"How can I joke about this sort of thing?" Ernest smiled softly and looked down at her. "I'm beingserious. I am responsibly asking you to be my girlfriend."

Everything was moving too quickly.

It was too unreal, like a beautiful dream.

Leah was scared. This was such a beautiful dream, if she woke up, everything might disappear.

Despite it, this beautiful dream was exhilarating.

Leah was so intoxicated that she couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Leah, don't laugh at me. Please give me an answer." Ernest looked at her with a smile, eventhough he was feeling a little nervous.

"Kiss me again and I'll tell you the answer after that." Leah blushed a scarlet red as he said, feelinglike her face was on fire.

She was also feeling particularly bold to be able to make such a request.

She had no choice, she was greedy for Ernest's body.

Ernest laughed after hearing her request. He genuinely felt like Leah was a surprise

An unexpected surprise.

She would always say the most unpredictable things in the most critical moment, and she wouldshock Ernest every time she did so, but at the same time it delighted him in an instant.

His eyes lit up as he lowered his head to stare at Leah's lips. Her bright red lips were like rosepetals, tempting him as his desire grew stronger.

Ernest leaned in and kissed Leah gently on the lips. This time, there was a faint hum in his ear andtemple. It was much gentler than their previous fervent kiss.

Recalling the kiss, he felt like he was at a buffet, shoving down everything on his plate withoutslowing down to get a proper taste of anything.

It went by too quickly. This time, he made sure to savor every single flavor.

Leah gradually shifted from being shy to daring. She held Ernest's arm and even tiptoed to meethim, responding to his kiss.

They collided into a hug and their enthusiasm was amplified incrementally.

Finally, they separated.

She looked at Ernest with a blushing face and said excitedly, "Ernest, I like you too. It was love atfirst sight, and I'll gladly be your girlfriend. I'm ecstatic and honored."

Ernest did not expect her to say that.

Then, he smiled an incomparably majestic smile. "Love at first sight, Leah, that's the greatestreward and honor anyone has ever bestowed upon me. From now on, you'll be my girlfriend." "Itwould be my honor, Mr. Jones." Leah blushed and whispered.

Ernest couldn't help himself and gave Leah another kiss.

For a long while, neither of them could restrain themselves, and their bodies were inseparable.

As they made out, Hogan was still outside the door.

He leaned against the door and eavesdropped on their conversation inside. His eyes were filledwith shock and dejection.

He had thought of Leah in such a bad light mere moments ago. They weren't even lovers, but whathad he done? Why did he think of Leah that way?

No wonder Leah was so angry. No wonder he was punched twice.

He was the one who directly handed Leah over to that man just now.

Hogan was extremely vexed and regretful.

But who could he blame for all this?

As he leaned against the door, all he could feel was the rush of blood flowing through body. Histhroat was filled with the sweet taste of blood, and he was overcome with denial.

Hogan was miserable as he detached himself from Leah's door. It was November, and NorthernCity was freezing. He shivered against the icy gale, feeling the prick of the bone-chilling cold.

Inside Leah's house.

Leah was held in the arms of Ernest as if she had found a cozy inn. She leaned snugly into hiswarm embrace, no longer fearful, insecure, or worried about what she might lose. Now, she wassurrounded by warmth and happiness, and she was excited for the future.

She was finally Ernest's girlfriend.

She never thought Hogan would coerce her into being with him.

From the looks of things, she should be thanking Hogan for appearing and coming to see her whenhe did. Otherwise, Ernest wouldn't have forced out his true feelings.

As the saying goes, everything has its pros and cons.

When she thought about this, Leah didn't feel disgusted by Hogan's insults anymore, because shehad acquired the greatest treasure of all.

Ernest was now her boyfriend.

She was incredibly content, being kissed and flooded with warmth. She was kissed by Ernest againand again, and the bliss she felt was enough for tears to well up in her eyes and trickle down hercheeks.

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