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Chapter 1528

It did not take long for the tables to be served with dishes. Pedro had prepared a total of six dishesand a large bowl of soup for them.

The food prepared was based on their preferences. Three dishes were Celeste's favourite, while theother three were the ones Gary liked.

When all the dishes were served, the butler introduced the dishes next to them. "Master Gary, MissCeleste, the food on this side is for Master Gary. It enhances body functions and nourishes thekidney to make his body stronger. This one here is good for women, as it makes them... smoother."

When Celeste heard that, she blushed. Pedro seemed to have an underlying meaning in betweenhis words.

Gary frowned, "Pedro, can you stop talking?"

Pedro said with a smile, "Alright, I'll shut up. Enjoy your meal. Young people should eat morebecause once you exercise, you'll use up all your energy."

Gary was dumbstruck.

Celeste had her head even lowered.

"Exercising may produce high levels of dopamine, which brightens one's mood. If one feelsunhappy, it means they lack exercise," Pedro continued to explain and laugh. He did not feel thatwhat he was saying was in the slightest bit inappropriate at all.

Gary understood the meaning behind his words. He was talking about adulterous actions.

He glanced at him in disgust, "Go mind your own business. We won't be able to eat with youaround."

"Yes." Pedro smiled and clenched his fists, "Good luck, Master Gary."

Gary was at a loss for words.

Pedro finally left.

Seeing how badly Celeste was blushing, Gary could understand what an awkward position she wasin. He served her food and urged, "Hurry up and eat. Aren't you hungry?"

"Alright," Celeste responded.

In the blink of an eye, Gary had filled Celeste's plate until it was full, "You should eat more."

Six dishes were plentiful. What was more, Celeste was starving.

She picked up her cutleries and looked at the plate that Gary had filled for her, eating in silence.

His actions reminded her of the summer vacation. Back then, he would also place delicious food onher plate.

Truth is, when she was reminded of that period of time, she felt as though the memories bringwarmth, however...

Celeste let out a silent sigh and continued to eat with her head held down.

After she finished her meal, Celeste returned to her room. Gary followed her from behind. Hecarried the books which she had bought and sent them to her room.

After setting the books on the table, he told Celeste, "I'll head upstairs and take a shower. Youshould take a shower as well. I'll come back after you've changed your clothes."

Celeste was slightly stunned. His words were slightly awkward. He told her to take a shower andthat he would come back after she was done.

Not having the time to feel awkward, she lowered her head and replied, "Sure."

With that, Gary headed upstairs.

Celeste closed the door to take a shower. When she was done, she changed into a new set ofclothes and was about to dry her hair.

Gary was already downstairs. The moment he knocked on the door, Celeste had not turned on thehairdryer yet. Upon hearing the knock, she walked towards the door to open it for him.

She saw Gary standing at the door. He had changed into a white sweater and beige trousers withhis hair still wet.novelbin

Celeste turned around, "Come on in. I have to dry my hair. You can do the same later."

His eyes flashed with a smile.

So it seemed that she still cared about him.

Gary closed the door after himself and followed her in. Noticing how she had just come out of theshower, his pupils constricted. As he feared that he might not be able to control himself, he shiftedhis gaze away with great difficulty, saying in a low voice, "It seems you haven't dried your hair yet.Am I here a little too early?"

Celeste immediately shook her head, "Not quite. I'm almost done. Give me a few minutes."

With that, she turned the hairdryer on and blew her hair dry. The rumbling sound covered theawkwardness in the room.

Fortunately, she had short hair, so it was in just a few minutes.

As she dried her hair, Gary locked his gaze on her from behind. When the warm air blew her messyshort hair, her hair gradually got dry and smoothed out.

Her neck was slender and long, as beautiful as always. Her delicate tiny ears were exposed,seemingly cute.

Gary's heart tightened upon seeing how beautiful she was. He felt something warming up fromwithin him.

When he recalled the fact that he had already not been in an intimate relationship with Celeste for afew months, his body stiffened.

He turned around not to look at Celeste as he was afraid that he might not be able to controlhimself.

Actually, Celeste had mixed feelings as well. She could feel Gary's gaze on her.

His eyes were fixed on her. Celeste was nervous by his stare.

She could only lower her head and continue drying her hair. Gary took out the book Celeste hadbought as if he was trying to ease the atmosphere.

As he read those books, he casually flipped through them and found them amusing. The booksCeleste had bought were not useful in the real world. They mostly consisted of conceptualknowledge.

A lot of experts in the financial sector had written books, but the books did not contain secrets andkeys to their success. He glanced at Celeste and noticed that she was still busy, so he turnedaround and exited the room.

Not long after, he found his own iPad and felt that teaching her the information he had compiledwould turn out to be more useful.

Those documents were filled with valuable and practical information.

When Celeste turned off her hairdryer, she noticed that she was left alone in the room. Stunned,she saw the opened door and understood that Gary must have left.

She did not know when he had left. As she placed the hairdryer on the dresser, Gary had alreadyreturned. He held his iPad in hand and turned it on as he entered the room, approaching Celesteand handing it to her, "Have a look at this."

Celeste took it over and handed him her hairdryer, "Dry your hair."

He smiled and said, "There's no need for that."

"Do it," Celeste insisted.

Gary took the hairdryer over, turned it on and started to dry his hair obediently.

He was unexpectedly obedient.

He dried his hair in no time and put the hairdryer away. He turned to Celeste and said, "The booksyou bought today are not very useful. Let me share my compiled notes with you. Look at thedocuments. I will explain it to you after you've read it through."


The two of them sat down at the table. Celeste looked at the documents on his iPad in a seriousmanner.

Gary sat beside her. He was scrolling his phone. Even so, he would occasionally gaze at Celeste.

Celeste read the document silently, and complex thoughts would flash in her mind from time to time.

She felt that she should not be doing that. She wanted to avoid him, yet she could not help butapproach him. Could it be that she would only be able to fall in love with Gary for the rest of his life?

She had to admit that Gary's way of compiling information worked in a practical way. It was easilyunderstandable at a glance.

Celeste felt that the knowledge he laid out for her was even more complete than the knowledge shewould get from textbooks. There was a moment where she thought that Gary was better than herlecturers. When she flipped through the documents, a complicated feeling swelled up in

her heart.

She did not even notice the admiration in her gaze when she looked at Gary.

Gary glanced at her and smiled. He asked, "Are you done?"

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