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Chapter 1518

Pedro, who had been observing in the dark, came out with a smile, "Ladies and gentlemen, dinneris ready. I'll serve it to you at once. Would you like some wine?"

"Wine?" Maria was puzzled, "Why would we want to drink wine? What's wrong with you, Pedro?Why are you allowing us to have alcohol?"

Gary was slightly startled as well. In an instant, he understood Pedro's intentions.

It turned out that he wanted them to be drunk so that they'd reveal their deepest secrets.

Pedro had always been thinking about setting Gary up with Celeste. He was even more worriedabout their matters compared to Gary's own parents.

Gary and Ernest's gaze swept towards Pedro. He didn't avoid their gaze at all. He met Gary's gazeand even winked at him.

Gary did not know whether to laugh or to cry. He could not be bothered to answer Pedro.

Ernest's gaze was equally sharp. He glanced at Pedro, observed his surroundings, and seemed tohave understood something.

Celeste was the only one who had always had her head drooped as if she hadn't listened to whatthey had said.

Pedro went on to ask, "The two masters don't seem to have any objections. Let's have a drink. Isred wine alright?"

"I won't drink." Maria immediately shook her head, "I promised Liam that I wouldn't drink a drop ofalcohol."

Everyone shot her a glance with great contempt.

Maria didn't feel ashamed and continued bluntly instead, "You guys enjoy. I won't drink."

Celeste raised her head and announced, "I won't drink either."

Pedro smiled and said, "Misses, the two of you are drinking alcohol at home. What are you afraidof?"

Celeste smiled faintly and said, "I'm afraid that you would be too worried."

Pedro felt embarrassed, "Uh, Miss Celeste, you've learned to joke."novelbin

The corners of Gary's lips twitched. He looked up at Celeste. It seemed that he had teased her toomuch that day.

Ernest revealed a smile on his face as he witnessed the scene before him unfold. He didn't sayanything, but he certainly didn't expect Celeste to refute Pedro in such a manner.

Maria burst out laughing, "That's right, Pedro, you're acting strange. It's inappropriate to pressuregirls into drinking."

"Alright then. The ladies won't have a drink. Master Gary, you'll be having some, right?" Pedroshifted his gaze to look at Gary.

"Yes." Gary nodded, "I'll have some."

Celeste frowned slightly.

Ernest probably didn't want Gary to feel embarrassed, so he too replied, "I'll have some as well."

"Alright." With that, Pedro left.

The food was served in no time.

The four of them sat around the table and ate together.

Gary and Ernest both drank some wine. The two of them even clinked glasses. Their etiquette wasso on point that no one could comment on anything.

Maria looked at Gary and then at Ernest, blinking as she seemed to be deep in thought.

Celeste ate quietly without saying much. She was well-behaved.

Of course, she would also lift her gaze to look at Gary from time to time.

He had chugged down several glasses of wine, but he did not seem to be drunk at all.

Celeste exclaimed to herself. Did he drink a lot when he was in the United States?

At the thought of how he smoked and how skilled he was at drinking, Celeste could not help but feela little startled and worried.

After looking at Gary several times, she found out that he was really skilled at drinking. He hadalready downed two glasses without realising it.

Compared to Ernest, he was much more skilled.

With countless doubts, Celeste was quick to finish her meal to find that Gary was still drinking.Since Ernest had already started enjoying his meal, he no longer accompanied Gary.

Gary was still drinking.

And it seemed that the more he drank, the more he couldn't stop drinking.

Not only did he drink, but he also stared at Celeste with complex emotions in his eyes. It irritatedCeleste.

"Gary, stop drinking." Ernest felt that it was about time he stopped Gary, "If you overdrink, it mightharm your health."

"It doesn't matter." He shook his head, "I'm happy today. It's fine to drink a little."

"You've drunk almost a whole bottle," Ernest reminded.

Seeing Gary in that state surprised Ernest.

Gary smiled and stared at Celeste.

Feeling annoyed, Celeste stood up and walked over to him. She reached out for his glass andordered, "Stop drinking. Finish your meal."

The three of them were all stunned.

Gary had emotions swirling in his gaze as he looked straight into Celeste's eyes. He chuckledgloatingly, "You're still concerned about me."

Celeste's expression changed drastically. Sorrowful, she continued, "Yes, you're Uncle Jones andAunt Smith's child. Of course, I do care about you. We're classmates. We can't remain as lovers,but we can still be friends. It's a given that I do care about you. You don't have to do this. If you wantto drink, you're free to do as you please once you return to Boston. What are you trying to prove bygetting drunk here right now?"

With that, she turned around and headed upstairs.

Truthfully, she was a fierce woman, but she would not always show that part of her.

Seeing Gary in such a state agitated her.

A lot of her temper and habits were suppressed in the past. She refused to do that right then.

Maria got up and followed after her. She could tell that Celeste's feelings for Gary were notsomething that could easily be forgotten.

Maybe she was indeed disappointed, so she wanted to break up with him.

As soon as Celeste left, Gary placed his goblet on the table and fell silent.

Ernest looked at Gary and said, "Eat something. You saw it for yourself. Celeste does care aboutyou. Why would you want to use alcohol to test her out? You're well aware of her feelings all along."

Gary furrowed his eyebrows, "That's right."

Why would he want to test her out?

Even Ernest could tell that he was testing Celeste's feelings for him earlier. It was a given thatCeleste could also feel that he was trying her out.

Noticing Gary admitting to his actions, Ernest continued, "Gary, love can't stand any temptations.What's more, you two have broken up. The more you try to test her feelings for you, the further youtwo will drift apart."

Gary nodded. It was quite unexpected for him not to refute.

In fact, he knew very well that Celeste held a grudge against him. She refused to admit it.

Gary had initially wanted to make up for his past actions towards Celeste since there was still time.He felt like he owed her too much.

Therefore, he came to London to win her over again.

He wanted to participate more in Celeste's life in order to make up for the regrets and the lack ofinvolvement he had in the past.

However, he was not confident at times as he was unsure if he still had the time and chance to dothat.

"Gary, now that you're in London, I'm sure you've thought it through. Celeste is irreplaceable in yourheart." It was quite unexpected of Ernest trying to wake him up, "Come on, try to be more sensibleand love each other sincerely. Don't overthink, and don't try to come up with a bunch of tricks. Evenif you do decide to use one of your tricks, don't let Celeste find out. It's such a bad idea to pretend todrown yourself in alcohol and self-pity.

"You've always been rational, and you're also a smart man. Why would you always lose yoursenses when you're faced with Celeste? Why would you become so impulsive? That's so unlikeyou. Where has your common sense from four years ago gone?

When you were sixteen years old, you could control it well. Why are you in such a state at twenty-one?"

"It's probably because I care too much for her!" Gary admitted that he had truly been arrogant in thepast.

But he would always not do well in love affairs. Celeste would always be beyond his grasp andcome into lots of conflicts with him.

He couldn't do anything when it came to her.

Gary lifted his gaze to look out of the window. There was an indescribable emotion in his eyes.

The light outside the window dimmed, and the rain kept pit-pattering. It seemed that it wouldn't stopanytime soon.

There was a flash of regret in his eyes. He glanced at Ernest, "Ernest, do you believe it? I feel reallyregretful right now. I shouldn't have let Celeste come to England."

Upon hearing that, Ernest was stunned and shook his head.

He refused to believe that Gary would feel regretful. He had always thought that it was what Garywas proud of.

The bitter smile on Gary's lips disappeared. He looked at him seriously before saying in a soft voice,"Ernest, when it comes to relationships, one should not be rational. I feel sorrowful when I look atmy past self. Certain actions you deem as rationality might be someone else's source of sadness."

Ernest was taken aback, "This is the first time I've seen such a look on your face. This is alsoprobably the first time you're feeling such pain and regret."

"That's right." Gary looked at Ernest and chuckled, his smile filled with sadness and loneliness, "I'venever thought that I'd end up this way, but I deserve it. I owe Celeste a lot."

"What on earth caused you two to break up?" Ernest frowned and said, "The last time we met,Celeste informed us that you two broke up but refused to tell us the reason why. Up till now, I don'tknow why the two of you broke up with both of you still in such great pain."

Gary narrowed his eyes and lowered his long eyelashes, hiding the pain and regret in his eyes.

Witnessing his banter with Janice and losing their child was the spark to their break up.

Gary stayed silent at the thought of their child. After a long while, he grumbled, "I owe her. I didsomething wrong. It has nothing to do with her."

"Then what exactly did you do wrong?" Ernest frowned, "Even if you're in the wrong, there must besomething that sparked the downfall of your


Gary shook his head and said, "Perhaps what Celeste said is true. The two of us are indeed notmeant to be. How could love be differentiated between being suitable or not? Don't you rememberhow Mom and Heinz felt about being together all those years ago? There's no such thing asincompatibility when it comes to feelings. The only difference is whether you've fallen in love. Whenyou're too rational, it means you're not deeply in love."

After saying that, Gary stood up.

"Are you not going to eat?" asked Ernest.

"I'm not hungry." Gary shook his head, "I'm going to rest. I'm going to the company tomorrow."

"Take care of yourself, don't torture yourself." Ernest replied, "Treat your body well with rationality.Celeste might be worried."

Gary lowered his gaze. His gaze was indifferent as he looked at Ernest and said, "You're right. I'llstart tomorrow."

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