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Chapter 1500

After deciding to go for another checkup, she did not tell Gary about the pregnancy. It was becausehe would definitely come over immediately if she had told him over the phone.

Celeste finished her tasks swiftly. She felt that she had to go to Boston and talk to Gary in person.She didn't know how he would react if she were to break the news to him over the phone.

More importantly, she wanted to see how he was doing in the U.S.

Therefore, Celeste booked a ticket to Boston after a week.

She didn't tell anyone that she was going to Boston, nor did she inform Gary about it. It was alreadyfive in the afternoon when she arrived.novelbin

She didn't bring much but a bag and her passport. When she arrived at Gary and Lowell'sapartment, she happened to see him downstairs.

As soon as she got out of the car, she saw Gary and Janice together. The two of them were playingwith each other downstairs and Gary's smile was bright and radiant.

Janice tilted her head and looked at Gary. At that moment, the scene was dazzling.

It was reflected in Celeste's eyes.

Her heart ached a little and she was unable to control herself.

She then saw that Gary seemed to have said something which made Janice scream. Then, shechased after Gary and beat him up. They were being so bold.

Meanwhile, Gary was running in front of her, beaming so brightly that it seemed he outshone thesun.

It was really hard on her to see such a scene.

Celeste's heart ached once again.

She felt such irony looking at them, which left her a little speechless.

She even thought that this was probably the reason why Gary didn't want her to come to Boston.There was indeed a complicated relationship between Janice and him, and it was more than difficultfor others to comment on such a relationship.

Celeste felt particularly sad when she looked at them from a distance.

She hadn't had a good rest for more than a week while she rushed to complete her studies. Hermood had also been rising and falling due to her pregnancy. Little things would make her irritable.Moreover, she also had some problems with her endocrine.

She was planning to discuss the matter with Gary before making a decision. However, she did notexpect to see Gary and Janice hanging around. It made her especially sad.

At that moment, she felt a sharp pang in her stomach.

Gary and Janice had already gone upstairs. When Celeste tried to call for them, she found that theyhad already left.

Her abdomen was throbbing in pain. She clutched her stomach and knelt on the ground, only to feela warm liquid gushing out from in between her knees. At that moment, her heart felt like it wasbeing stabbed by a knife.

Suddenly, someone said in surprise next to her, "Celeste? Is that you?"

Celeste turned around in astonishment and saw a familiar face. It was Lowell. She knew that hewas Gary's uncle.

"Are you Lowell Jones?"

"It really is you, Celeste. Why did you come to Boston?" Lowell was very surprised to see Celeste,who appeared out of the blue. It was only then that he noticed that she was clenching her stomachand her face was pale. There were also beads of sweat on her forehead. He gaped, "What's goingon with you? Are you not feeling well?"

"My stomach hurts a little. No, it hurts a lot," Celeste laughed awkwardly. She didn't think that thiswould happen to her the moment she arrived in Boston.

Gary and Janice's interactions were too much for her to take in. At the same time, the child in herstomach was giving her a hard time.

Them being together had given her a reality check and she felt mortified.

"Something's not right with you," Lowell panicked when he saw her severe bleeding, "What's goingon with you?"

"Can you send me to the hospital?" Celeste looked at Lowell with pleading eyes.

Lowell was stunned for a moment before he nodded, "I will send you to the hospital immediatelyand contact Gary."

"Don't contact him. I saw that he was with Janice and they went inside the apartment together. Idon't want to disturb him," Celeste said and laughed at herself. She was sweating profusely and shelooked as though she was in a lot of pain.

"Don't think too much about it. He and Janice are just friends," Lowell was a little anxious andcomforted her, "I'll send you to the hospital before contacting him. You may be misunderstandingsomething."

Celeste didn't say anything and Lowell quickly found a car. As soon as he dragged he into the car,he noticed that her pants were covered in blood.

Similarly, he had blood all over him. Lowell was astonished, "What's the matter with you, Celeste?"

Celeste could only wince since she felt extremely unwell.

Lowell looked at her face again. It was pale as paper. Sweat had soaked through her hair, whichmade her look tired and in pain.

"This is definitely not normal. It doesn't seem to be pain caused by the time of the month for a girleither. Could it be.."

Lowell didn't dare to continue his train of thought for he might be overthinking.

He had a feeling that he was unable to make the right call. This situation was too dangerous. Hewanted to call Gary.

"Celeste, I know that you don't want me to call Gary. I don't know what happened to you two but thisis a serious matter. He has the right to know."

Lowell told Celeste in a solemn manner.

Celeste stayed silent, which Lowell treated as acquiescence.

With that, he called Gary, instantly skipping the formalities once the call was connected, "Where areyou now?"

"What's wrong?" Gary could tell from Lowell's tone that he was a little anxious. He immediatelyasked, "Why do you sound so anxious?"

"I don't care where you are now, and I don't care if there's anything between you and Janice. Youshould get to the nearest hospital right now. Celeste is here and she's bleeding. It doesn't lookgood."

Gary was stunned, "What did you say? Celeste is here?"

"Anyways, get to the hospital quickly. I'm taking her to the hospital in a car. We'll talk about it afteryou arrive," Lowell hung up quickly and the car soon arrived at a nearby hospital.

When Celeste was carried onto the stretcher, she grabbed Lowell's sleeve and told him, "I ampregnant. It can't be helped if the child truly can't be saved. I have a diagnosis of proof in my bagwhich you can show to the doctor."

After saying this, she fainted.

Lowell immediately told the doctor about

Celeste's condition. It might be a miscarriage if she was bleeding. He also took out the diagnosispapers and showed them to the doctor.

It was right on time as the doctor would not need to perform a lengthy inspection.

With that, Celeste was quickly pushed to the intensive care unit. She was still in there when Garyand Janice arrived.

Gary's heart sank when he saw that Lowell's clothes were covered in blood. He grabbed hold ofLowell and asked in shock, "What's going on? Why are you covered in blood?"

Janice was also stunned, "What's going on? Lowell, why are you covered in blood?"

"It's not my blood," Lowell glanced at Gary and Janice with a little coldness in his eyes.

He seemed to have noticed what was going on. When Celeste appeared at the door of theapartment, she must have seen Gary and Janice fooling around.

In truth, he knew very well that Janice had Gary in her heart. He also knew very well that Janice hadcome to the apartment several times to look for Gary. It wasn't because of him.

Lowell observed everything carefully. He had initially thought that it didn't matter when Gary andCeleste weren't really together. After all, fate wasn't something that one could refuse.

But now, Gary was already with Celeste.

It was really inappropriate for Janice to come again.

Furthermore, he intended to tell Janice himself, but Celeste arrived before he even had the chanceto do so.

He knew that Gary cared about Celeste, so he didn't say anything. But now that Celeste was insuch a state, Lowell was a little annoyed and blamed himself for it.

"I'm covered in Celeste's blood. When I went downstairs, I saw her kneeling on the ground andthere was blood. It's probable that she saw both of you and tried to call for you, but she got no reply.She asked me to send her to the hospital and told me she was pregnant. She even said that it can'tbe helped if the child can't be saved."

After saying this, Lowell walked to the chair next to him, sat down, and didn't bat an eyelid at Garyand Janice anymore.

Celeste was pregnant?

Gary stood there in a daze and was rooted in place for a long time.

He felt a chill run down his spine, as if his blood had frozen over. Celeste was pregnant, but shedidn't tell him. He was only joking around with

Janice when Celeste saw them at the apartment.

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