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Chapter 1491

Gary finally left.

After spending a whole day with Celeste, he left the country the next afternoon and returned toBoston.

When he left, he insisted on not letting Celeste send him off and asked Alex to drive him to theairport instead.

Celeste couldn't persuade him to let her come. On top of that, she had been tormented by Gary tothe point where she didn't have a single ounce of energy left. She laid on the bed, drained.

She thought she would be able to take a nap if she was tired, but for some reason, she couldn't.

She noticed the moment Gary left, the entire villa fell silent. Not a single noise could be heard withinthe walls.

She was all by herself in the midst of the vast villa. Celeste felt completely lonely at the lack ofsound.

The two of them had almost always been together within the past month. Far too many things feltout place, and it all traced back to the sudden disappearance of a certain figure.

She laid on the bed, fatigued, but she couldn't sleep a wink.

She couldn't fall asleep even after not being able to sleep. She waited until Gary landed in the USand gave him a call. Only then did her heart begin to calm down.

Later, she came to understand what she was so hung up about. She was worried that somethingwould happen to him on the flight, that he wouldn't be able to reach Boston safely.

It was at that moment, Celeste finally understood that Gary was the one who made her heart full,and that he had an irreplaceable spot within.

He had long been the one to occupy her heart, but now that he was gone, it was as if her own heartwas ripped away from her.

"Celeste, I've landed. I'm heading back to my apartment by car." Gary's gentle and maic voicecame from the other end of the phone. "Are you alright?"

Clutching her phone, Celeste sighed softly.

"What's wrong?" Gary picked up on her sigh instantly. His tone became a little more hurried as heasked, "What's going on? Why did you sigh?"

Celeste had never felt so sentimental. Perhaps it was because the sky turned completely dark, andher loneliness from the absence of Gary was making her feel that way. The first thing she said intothe phone was, "Gary, I miss you so much."

She missed him so much to the point where her heart was hurting.

They had only been separated for a while, but that was plenty enough time apart for her to losecontrol of her heart.

Gary's eyes narrowed when he heard her. He closed his eyes and calmed himself down. "You sillygirl, I miss you too."

As soon as they separated, the frustration weighed on them.

"I want to be with you," she said to him, "I don't want to us to be separated, I want to be by yourside."

Gary suddenly felt a little rash as he looked around the bustling airport.

At that moment, he wanted to turn around, fly back to the UK, and bring the girl he loved the mostalong with him.

Staying together didn't mean having Celeste be far away from him.

However, he was as loyal as ever and said, "Celeste, you should head back to London tomorrowmorning." He knew that if Celeste was left in Oxford alone, her mind might run wild by itself.

Celeste shook her head but realized he couldn't see her movements, so she whispered, "I'm notgoing back to London, I'll stay on campus."

She thought it through, and realized that if she continued staying there alone, she might miss Garyeven more.

It was better to live on campus. Maybe the large group of people would be able to divert herattention.

Her heart was suffering just by yearning for him.

"That's fine, go be with your classmates," Gary patiently consoled her.

"Let's video call," she suddenly whispered, "I want to see you."

"Okay." He smiled helplessly and opened the app, and the two of their faces were displayed onscreen.

Seeing each other's faces, Gary couldn't take his eyes off her. His girl was lying on their bed,looking up lazily at him. She looked pitiful with her red-rimmed eyes.

With just one look, he wanted to hold her in his arms.

"Celeste," he whispered loudly. He wanted to go straight back to the UK the next week and stay byher side until death forced them apart.

"I miss you." Celeste said again. Facing him, she spoke boldly, "I really miss you."

Hearing this, Gary's body was completely slack. He couldn't say a single word.

He could only look at her with an aching in his heart and tears in his eyes.

Celeste knew her loneliness was making her act coquettishly. She told herself she would indulgehim this once, and everything would return to normal the next day.

"Gary, I love you." She looked at him and enunciated each word clearly.

Gary's eyes tensed as he called out in a soft voice, "Celeste."


Suddenly, he heard a crisp voice from behind him. "You finally dragged yourself back here from theUK?"

Holding his phone, Gary looked back and found Janice smiling and standing behind him.

Naturally, Celeste heard the same voice as it called out. Although it was muffled by the receiver, shecould discern the voice belonging to Janice.

Then, in the distance, she saw Janice's figure appear in the dim light.novelbin

For a moment, Celeste's heart tightened as she was left in shock.

Fortunately, Gary said, "Celeste, I found Janice at the airport."

Celeste didn't expect to receive such a report from him, she thought it was really funny. Even justhearing the utterance of Janice's name made her feel petty as if she was facing a formidableenemy.

She knew that she should trust Gary, so she smiled and said, "It's alright, we can leave it at that. Goback to your apartment and rest up, I'll be at ease when you reach Boston. Sleep tight."

"Okay, I'll call you when I get back." He smiled at her and ended the video call.

After hanging up, Celeste lay on the bed with her eyes closed as she put on a sleeping mask. Shedecided to sleep with some music turned on, but she still couldn't fall asleep.

It was all because the sight of Janice made her feel uneasy again. It left a bitter taste in her mouth.


Gary turned to look at Janice with a tight frown.

"Why are you here?"

Janice smiled calmly. "Why can't I be here? Isn't this your home? You're so mean, Gary, did you notmiss me at all?"

Gary let out a cold and disgusted expression. He sneered, "Janice, are you crazy? If you're feelingsick, you should get it treated soon. Stop joking around with a married man all day. What part ofsocial distancing do you not understand?"

"Oh, I know, you're with her, right? She told me to stay away from you a long time ago, didn't I dojust that? Look at me, I'm five meters away from you." Janice pointed at the distance betweenherself and Gary and said disdainfully, "I don't want to argue with you, you guys are so unfriendly."

"What's there for you to argue about?" Gary raised his eyebrows and asked, "By the way, why areyou here?"

"Forget it, it's nothing." A sort of loneliness flashed in Janice's eyes. "We met here by coincidence.Do you know what a coincidence is?"

Gary felt like she was telling the truth, Janice appearing might really have been a coincidence. Afterall, it was impossible for Janice to come and pick him up from the airport so late into the night.

He didn't tell Lowell when he was coming back to the States, so it really was a coincidence.

"I didn't say anything about you picking me up. Alright, you can continue doing whatever you camehere for, I'll be leaving now." Gary refused to prolong the conversation and turned around to leave.

"Hey, why are you like this? Leaving me by myself while I'm in the middle of chatting with you.Anyway, now that we've met like this, how about I give you a ride back? My car's parked outside theairport."

"What exactly did you come to the airport for?" Gary raised his eyebrows and his gaze sharpenedalmost autonomously.

Just by observing Janice's behavior, he really couldn't figure out what she was up to.

"I'm minding my own business, what's wrong with seeing a friend off? Did you really think I camehere to pick you up? Do I look that free to you?" Janice rolled her eyes at him and shook her keys inher hands. "Don't compare me to you, I'm not as cold-hearted. I don't have the heart to leave myclassmate hanging."

Gary knew that her strong opinion was referring to her experience from England. He sneered andsaid, "Don't think you should feel wronged. Your enthusiasm is simply too much of a bother, do youthink anyone would be able to bear all of it?"

"Stop with your nonsense. Do you want me to give you a ride or not?" Janice asked impatiently. "Bea little more straightforward if you consider yourself a man. Don't beat around the bush, it'sannoying."

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