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Chapter 1483

Inside the exquisite box revealed an engraved seal stamp. When he picked it up and took a look, hecould confirm that his name was engraved on it— an emblem of 'Ernest Jones'.

This was the first time in his life where he had been given his very own personal seal. It was madeof fine material, looked simple, elegant, and the base was polished to a curved oval.

Ernest held the seal stamp in his hands and thumbed through the metal engraving. The cool touchseeped into his heart, but somehow it kept beating inexplicably warmer.

From the looks of it, Leah must have carved it herself.

He was surprised yet again. He remembered seeing the seal stall at the downtown market theprevious afternoon. She stood there and said a few words to the stall owner, looking smart andcharming.

This seal was carved by her.

Ernest never expected Leah to be such a talented girl. How could a young girl be such a greatsculptor?

On top of that, the engraving was skillfully done. A scan of the carving told Ernest that she wasadept with a carving knife, as if she had been taught by a master.

Reflecting on it, Leah was indeed a very intuitive girl who was able to invoke many emotions out ofpeople.

He played around with the seal. It was about the size of an egg, not too big or too small, and it fitperfectly in his hands.

He was admiring the seal when someone knocked on his door.

Ernest instinctively tightened his grip on his gift. He clenched the seal and asked, "Who is it?"

Then, his mother's voice came through the door. "It's me, Ernest. Can I come in?"

"Sure, you can come in." Ernest was a little relieved as long as it wasn't his little sister. She was aspirited and unusual girl, and her shamelessness left no room for a refusal. Not only that, she wasthe most spoiled member in the family, and her brothers had to start giving in to her. It's almost as ifshe became the eldest child.

After being given permission, Grace opened the door and came into the room. Ernestsubconsciously put the seal back in the box and was about to put it away.

Grace noticed his movements and there was a flash in her eye when she asked with a smile, "Thatbox seems to be storing something precious. Your little sister wanted to know what in it was whenyou brought it home last night but now she's disappointed because you refused to let her see it.Could you let your mother indulge in a little gossip and tell me what's inside?"

"Mom, are you that bored?" said Ernest with a smile. He paused the motion of his hands that wereabout to put the box away, and reopened it to reveal what was inside.

At the sight of the seal inside, she was also stunned. "Ah, what a beautiful seal stamp, what a finemetal. These are hard to come by, especially something of this quality."

"Yeah, it should be somewhere on the high-end." Ernest smiled and nodded.

"Where did you get this?" She picked it up and inspected it carefully, then shook her head. "No, ifyou spent money on this you would've definitely shown it to your sister, but you didn't, which meansit's a gift from someone else."

Hearing his mother's reasoning, Ernest laughed, and smiled. His mother was an intelligent personwho could see the true nature of anything in a glance.

He smiled and said nothing, but Grace picked up what was happening.

Her son had grown up.

"This can't be a gift from a girl, right?"

"Mom, this is indeed a gift from a girl. She must have carved it herself." Ernest smiled as he told hismother.

"Wow, I can't believe someone would gift a seal in this day and age. She must be quite skilled, whata unique girl. Is she beautiful? Is she a good person? Can you bring her over and let me have alook at her?"

"She's just an ordinary friend." Seeing her mother like this, Ernest sighed and said, "Mom, I'm only20 years old, you don't need to feel anxious about finding a daughter-in-law."

"Why aren't you hurrying? I want you and Gary to get married quickly so I can hug my grandchildrenas soon as possible. Your great grandfather is still alive, imagine how happy he would be when hesees the newest generation of the family?" Grace said with a smile.

Ernest was stunned. "We can't treat marriage as something so casual just for the sake of mygreatgrandfather to see his great-great-grandchildren."

"Of course.” Grace laughed and said, "I just wish the best for you, your marriage belongs to you,and the final decision is yours. That was just my suggestion, the rest is all up to you."

Ernest pondered about it for a moment.

After taking a good look at her son, she spoke again, "Who knew an ordinary friend would send yousuch a nice gift, and it's such a distinctive one at that."

After scrutinizing the seal carefully, she was surprised to find a signature. "By Leah Winston?"

Ernest was shocked, and surprise was written all over his eyes. "Is that carved somewhere?"

He took the seal stamp from his mother and saw a small mark on the handle, which could not havebeen spotted without careful observation.

There was a small engraving.

"This girl is masterful at her craft, she was able to carve such tiny yet visible words. You're luckyyour mom is still young, otherwise you would never have caught it." Grace looked at her son with asmile. "She carved her own name on this seal for you, I think that goes without saying, she likesyou. My son, you should take the initiative."

Ernest was extra focused on the inscription that had Leah's name. How was she able to carve suchsmall words?

He used to think she was a strange girl who wrote a popular web novel, with many readers andnearly a million followers on social media, but now he could truly see just how talented she was.

When Grace saw the complicated expression on his son's face, she felt like her son must havefound his resolve.

She was relieved. She used to be worried about Ernest and his feelings for Celeste, but it seemedlike Ernest had moved past that, and Grace couldn't be happier.

"Mom, I'm going to England tomorrow." Looking at his mother, Ernest smiled and said, "I have tostudy for at least three years. Some things are bound to go through many changes, so let's talkabout this at a later date."

He didn't hide his feelings from his mother, but he implicitly told her what his decision would be.

After giving it some thought, Grace realized he wasn't planning to confess. She said reluctantly,"What are you afraid of? It's not like you won't come back. You can confess first and let them know.Maybe it'll work out."

"Mom, I'm not sure I can do that so easily," Ernest said truthfully as he faced his mother. "If you can'tbe sure that your heart is completely set, then you shouldn't bother."

"But you received her seal. Something has already started." She patted her son's shoulder with asmile. "Think about it. I'll be going back downstairs."

Giving her child his own space to calm down and figure out what he wanted was important.

Grace left the room in a dash, leaving him alone in the room. Looking at the seal stamp, he frownedand took out his phone to have a look. The vertical line in the chat bar of Leah's contact wasflickering back at him.

However, the chat bar remained blank.

He paused to think, but he couldn't type or send anything.

Ernest looked at their previous conversation, hesitated for a moment, then sent a message: "Theseal is beautiful. Thank you, Leah."

In almost an instant, a message was sent back: "Did you see it? Do you like it?"

"I like it."

He liked it very much.

Ernest replied with just those three words.

When Leah saw Ernest's message with only three simple words, she felt a little let down.

Couldn't he say a few more things?

However, he didn't.

After waiting for a long time, she left it at that.

Leah laid on her bed and huffed. She didn't want to talk to Ernest anymore, such a passive man likehim made her feel irritable, and she wanted to knock some sense into him.

She wanted to pinch his face so hard it left imprints.

After some time, Leah sent a text with four words: "Go to sleep early."

After sending her message, she threw her phone aside and rolled around her bed. She feltfrustrated.

When Ernest saw Leah's text, he was surprised for a moment. Then, he lowered his head andlaughed.

He could imagine the annoyed and dejected expression when she sent him the text, vividlyremembering the same kind he saw when he hung out with Leah.

She must have felt like his response was too dry, so she replied with those few words to end theconversation.

Ernest thought about it carefully and realized that he might actually be a dry person, and it was notthe type that was attractive to girls.

He did not reply and put down his phone.

Leah laid in bed for some a while, swimming in a dilemma. She kept checking her phone severaltimes but she never received a reply.

She didn't sleep well that night, and it was already in the afternoon when she woke up the next day.

Maria called her at five o'clock in the evening. "Leah, what are you up to right now?"

"I was sleeping." Leah's voice was muffled.

"You're still sleeping at this hour?" Maria was a little shocked.

"That's right. I just fell asleep because I couldn't sleep last night," Leah said.

"You couldn't fall asleep?" Maria was a little worried. "Did you hit a roadblock while working?"novelbin

"No, I ran into a bottleneck with your cousin." Leah didn't try to hide anything. "Forget it, I don't wantto talk about it. My heart is bruised."

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