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Chapter 1466

When they reached the attraction site, Ernest found that Leah just could not stay idle. She ran backand forth like a gust of wind.

She couldn't stay still and hopped up and down like a rabbit. She was utterly enthusiastic.

Leah volunteered to buy the tickets, and even took on the role of a guide.

She bought five tickets using her own money. It was rare to see her be so willingly modest.

She waved the entrance tickets in her hands. "Come and get your tickets, there's one for each ofus."

Maria ran straight towards her and whispered, "You're super fast. I'll give you money for the tickets."

"Hey, stop belittling me," Leah smiled and whispered back. "Enough chit-chat. Come on, let's headon into the site."

Their first stop was Northern City's mountain sights.

Maria had no choice but to take over her ticket, and they then each took their tickets one by one,with Ernest being the last one who took his. He took the ticket from Leah, smiled and said, "Do youwant to bring food into the mountain?"

Hearing that, Leah burst into laughter. "It's all right, I'm full."

Ernest laughed and said, "Then let's go. If we get hungry, we can find a restaurant in the mountainto eat."

The group of five entered the grandiose scenic attraction.

Liam wanted to hold Maria's hands many times, but Maria dashed away from him every time hetried to do so. She even told him, "We're in public, and we could get our pictures taken."

She was very worried about Liam, to a point where she was cautious of every move they took.

However, that time, Liam seemed exasperated. Many people would kill for a photo to be taken whilethey were with him, but Maria insisted on keeping a distance, as if she was afraid of letting theirrelationship be known.

He was in a dilemma.

As for Ernest, he was glued to Leah's side. The two of them were talking and laughing. Adrian waswalking alongside Maria, and Liam felt left out.

There was nothing he could do about it.

Adrian must have seen Liam's dejected expression, so he whispered to Maria, "Why are you shyingaway from Liam? The distance doesn't make you seem like a couple."

"Adrian, did you notice it?" Maria smiled and explained, "Don't you know who he is? If someonetook a picture of us, it'll affect him negatively."

Adrian shrugged and smiled. "I don't think he's concerned about any of that, what's there to beafraid of? Even so, he's at a low point right now. If his picture gets spread around, there will be moreeyes on him. People would spend money for a chance to get some gossip spread, but you both areforegoing such a good opportunity."

"Don't you think washed up celebrities who blow up because of media gossip and without some realachievements tend to have short-lived fame? At any rate, I think it's better if you make your way uporganically from the bottom. This way you'll get a steady following, and would be able to get morefamed." Maria stated her opinion earnestly.

Adrian stared at her deeply. "You have a lot of faith in him, don't you?"

"Of course," Maria said with pride. "All things considered, in my heart, Liam is someone who hasgreat potential. He will surely get back up on his feet after experiencing some low points in life, so Ibelieve in him. Even more so with how he never relies on the gossips to help him grow and reachthe top again."

Adrian shook his head and laughed. "Wow, your passionate feelings are truly moving, but doesLiam know that you feel this way?"

"I think he knows," Maria said when a thought came to her mind. "Adrian, you should stand closer tohim. It's so inappropriate for us to have these private conversations."

"Did you notice it as well?" Adrian immediately looked towards Liam. "Liam, hurry up and get overhere. Your Maria is worried that well get our picture taken and go viral because of our little chat. Shealso says that you'll definitely find your way back on top, isn't that touching?"

Initially, Liam was a little gloomy, after seeing them whispering to each other. However, Adrian'sstraightforward and direct demeanour left him dumbfounded.

He tilted his head and stared deeply at Maria, walking over. The three of them stood side by sidewith Liam on Maria's right and Adrian on the left.

"I'm touched," Liam finally replied.

Adrian laughed again and said, "Ah, I think there was merit in me being the third wheel in thisouting. If the two of you go out, won't you be even more afraid of being photographed? This is whymy presence is extremely necessary."

"Please, if you weren't with us, we'd be watching a movie at home," Maria said, "Have Leah andErnest keep you company you tomorrow. I won't be coming anymore," she grumbled.

"That's fine, you don't have to come." Adrian smiled and said, "There's only a few days left to thisbreak anyway. It would be a crime that I'm committing if you two have to be separated."novelbin

"At least you're aware," Maria said bluntly.

Adrian looked back at Leah and Ernest, who were far behind, and asked Maria and Liam, "Hey look,do Leah and Ernest think we're invisible? They're completely neglecting us. They have been talkingsince they entered the mountains. What's there to talk about?"

Maria stood on the flight of steps and turned around. She saw Ernest and Leah in the distance.They were indeed talking about something with smiles on their faces, and walked at a very slowpace.

Leah wanted to take a picture, so Ernest took her cell phone and helped her out. She struck a poseafter another and Ernest patiently took every single photo. Seeing Leah have her photo takenthrough every step, Maria took out her cell phone and said to Liam, "Liam, let me take a picture of


Liam was stunned. Looking at her, he shook his head and said, "I don't want to. I'll take some foryou if you want."

"Let me take a photo of you," she said coyly. "Let me take it, please?"

Liam frowned slightly and asked, "Why must you take photos of me?"

"You don't get it, do you?" Adrian stepped in and explained, "She wants a photo of you all to herselfso that she can look at it and cure her love sickness when she studies abroad. She has herintentions!"

Adrian's words hit the nail on the head.

Maria blushed.

Liam glanced at Maria and nodded after a moment. "Then let's take one together."

He took out a professional camera from his bag and handed it to Adrian. "Adrian, could you pleasetake some pictures of us?"

Adrian didn't anticipate himself being assigned as a photographer. He laughed and took hold of thecamera graciously. Then he looked at the two of them and said, "Come on, pose for me and I'll takestunning shots for the both of you."

Liam went over and stood on the steps, not caring whether or not anyone saw them. He reachedout to hold Maria in his arms, getting her close to him.

Adrian turned on the camera and adjusted the exposure and focus. Looking at them, he felt likethey were a true fit for each other.

At the back, Ernest took lots of photos of Leah.

Leah looked up and saw that Maria and the others had gone far ahead of them. She saidimmediately, "Uh, we've been left behind, let's catch up to them."

Ernest handed her cell phone back and said, "Take your cell phone. I'll use my mine to take photosfor you and I'll send them to you."

"Okay." Leah didn't think much about it. "Then I'll do the same. I'll take some pictures of you withmine and send them over to you, too."

Ernest nodded, smiled, and continued to chat casually. "I read your latest book."

"Did you actually read my book?" Leah was a little stupefied, but as if she suddenly thought aboutsomething, she blushed.

"What's wrong? Is it weird for me to read your book?" Ernest said with a smile.

"A little." Leah couldn't face him and just continued on her own, "I write books that cater to femaleaudiences, and very few boys read them. I feel a little embarrassed now that you tell me about it."

Leah was mortified at the prospect of her thoughts being exposed, because the looks of the malelead in her story had been written based off Ernest's appearance. Although it was a historicalromance, she was worried that Ernest would still find out about it.

"You're quite good at it," said Ernest, "Since it's catered for the female audiences, aren't you goingto copyright your work for it to be made into a TV series?"

"Mm, I might." Leah nodded her head and secretly glanced at Ernest, wanting to confirm if he hadfigured out the connection.

Unexpectedly, when she peeked over, she saw that Ernest was looking at her. His black eyes werefocused at her and they were beaming, as if he had the wisdom to see through everything.

Leah was startled and immediately withdrew her gaze. "How far into the book are you?"

"The chapter that was updated last night." Seeing her lower her head, Ernest smiled and said again,"How are you so skilled with writing emotional scenes?"

"Skilled?" Leah was surprised. "Do you think I'm skilled at writing it?"

"Yeah." He nodded. "To me, at least, I think it's interesting. It's so immersive, and I want more of it.Is it because you've experienced those feelings before?"

"No.” Leah immediately shook her head. "I'm a little ashamed now that we talk about it, but I'venever been in a relationship before. Those emotional scenes all came from scenarios I imagined inmy head."

When she finished her sentence, Leah couldn't help but to tilt her head to glance at him. She sawthe corner of his lips curling up into a dazzling and radiant smile.

"So tell me, how do you plan to write the next chapter? What kind of scenes will the male andfemale lead have?" Ernest questioned curiously.

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