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Chapter 1436

"Really? I thought you were still a fan of Liam. After all, a die-hard fan doesn't lose interest just likethat," Cindy said with a faint smile.

Maria was a little confused. She kept having a feeling Cindy was implying something.

"Miss White, you think too much. No one cares about Liam anymore. Artists who don't have a goodbody of work are doomed to fail in showbiz; not everyone is evergreen like you."

"You don't need to do that; I don't need these false compliments anymore." Cindy shook her headand said, "What a shame. I thought you were still his fan. He comes to my place often lately. Ithought I could arrange a meetup."

A thought suddenly raced through Maria's mind.

Why did she feel Cindy knew a lot more than she let on?

She looked at the woman in front of her in dismay. "I don't know what you're talking about."

On the contrary, Cindy continued calmly, "A gratitude for taking care of Celeste. All I ever wantedwas for her to be well. I wanted to return the favor so that things wouldn't be ugly when we meetnext time."

Maria was a little surprised by Cindy's words. "How would I know whether you're telling the truth?"

"What do you think I'll get from lying to you?"

"I wouldn't know. Either way, thank you for the offer, Miss White. Unfortunately, I'm no longer Liam'sfan, so there's no need for me to see him anymore. If there's nothing else, I'll make a move now."

Then, Maria got out of the trailer.

Cindy frowned and let out a sigh. "Fine, consider me a busybody."

Then, Maria went to look for Leah after she got out.

Leah came to her in a rush, worried. "Maria, where have you been? I've been looking for you forages. I thought you left."

"Miss White asked to see me. Sorry to make you worry," Maria replied.

"Cindy White?" Leah was astonished. "Miss White seems to be very familiar with you."

"Not really." Maria looked at Leah. "I can't really go into the details as it concerns someone else'sprivacy. Sorry about that."

"Is that so? Okay, I understand. I won't ask anymore." Leah was very perceptive.

"Thank you." After that, they toured the studio city. Maria patiently observed the ongoing shoots,every situation, and every detail.

Later, Leah said, "Ah, is that Liam Robinson."

Maria froze and looked in the direction Leah was pointing at. Sure enough, it was him.

He was actually on set. Had he accepted a new role?

It had been a long time since Maria last saw him. Hence, she was rather surprised and confused atthe same time.

He was still tall, but he looked much thinner. Frankly, he looked like he'd fall over in a stiff breeze.

Although Maria did not know much about how Liam was doing, she could tell at a glance how tiredhe was, and it made her heart ache slightly.

Her eyes followed him intently.

She wasn't sure what he was doing here, but he seemed extremely dispirited.

Maria felt sorry for Liam, who was alone. He did not even have an assistant.

It was depressing to see someone who used to be so famous become so down and out.

Furthermore, this person was someone she once loved, and he was still lurking in the depths of herheart.

Liam seemed to have noticed someone staring at him, so he looked over and saw Maria.

Dumbfounded, it seemed as if he never expected to meet her here.

Their eyes met from afar.

Then, Maria pursed her lips.

Liam's gaze remained on her for a moment before he looked away.

After that, he disappeared into a building.

By the time Maria turned away, her mind was completely blank.

She could still keep calm before she saw Liam, but once she saw him, all rational thought flew outthe window.

Leah noticed Maria's blank look. "Hey, your soul seemed to have left the building when you sawLiam. Starstruck?"

"Mhmm." Maria did not bother hiding her true feelings.

"Watch this." Then, Leah dragged her towards the building.

After a moment, they saw Liam walking back outside. They had no idea what he was up to.

Leah walked over quickly and said, "Hi, Mr. Robinson, Maria is a fan of yours. Can we please get anautograph?"

As she spoke, Leah handed him a notebook. It was obvious she was a die-hard fan.

Maria was stunned for a moment. She stared at Leah's actions dazedly and felt very awkward.

Liam stopped in his tracks and looked at Leah. Then, he turned to look at Maria.

However, Maria looked away.

"Sure," Liam replied in a low voice.

After that, he took the notebook and pen and wrote down a sentence.

"Here's hoping that Maria Lowe achieves success in her studies. Sincerely, Liam."

Then, he handed them back to Leah.

Leah took a look at the autograph and exclaimed, "Mr. Robinson, how do you know that Maria's lastname is Lowe?"

Maria was rather surprised, and she took a look at his flamboyant but firm signature. Mostimportantly, he did not get her name wrong.

"I know her. Do you need a ride?" Liam asked.

Leah was dumbfounded, but she quickly recovered after seeing Maria's expression. "Oh, Mariadrove me here. Mr. Robinson, I'll leave you guys to talk since you two know each other. I'll be backin a minute."

Leah left knowingly.

Maria felt very embarrassed and wanted to stop Leah, but she had run away too quickly.novelbin

Hence, she had no choice but to face Liam by herself.

However, he was not in a hurry to leave either.

"What are you doing here?" Maria finally spoke. She knew that this was something she had to doherself, and no one could help her.

"I'm an errand boy now," Liam said, without any emotion in his words.

Maria was a little surprised that he was reduced to running errands for others.

This was unexpected.

For a moment, a complicated look flashed in Maria's eyes. She looked at Liam, broken-hearted, butshe had no idea what to say.

"When are you going back to England?" Liam asked.

"I'm leaving in two weeks," Maria replied.

"Oh, okay, safe trip." Liam said, "I still have something else to do. I have to get going."

Watching him leave, Maria was hesitant to speak, but she still shouted in the end. "Hey."

Liam stopped and turned back to look at her. "What's up?"

Maria summoned up her courage and continued, "The future might be tough, but it'll be okay aslong as you have hope."

Liam's eyes narrowed as he focused on Maria's face. She seemed like she had something else toadd but hesitated. The silence between them was deafening.

Maria had changed; she was no longer the lively girl from back then.

Uncertainty surged in Liam's chest, and he wondered who had dimmed Maria's sunny personality.

Was it him?

"Thanks." Liam smiled in reply and turned to leave.

Maria stood there in a daze as she stared at his retreating figure.

Leah noticed his hasty departure and walked over in confusion. "Is he in a hurry to leave?"

"Yeah." Maria nodded. "Let's go. It's time for us to leave as well."

"All right."

Back in the car.

Maria started the car and was about to drive away.

"Are you okay? Why do you look so heartbroken?" Leah asked worriedly.

However, Maria did not say a word. She started the car and quickly drove back toward the city. Alas,her car broke down in the middle of the journey.

They were stuck in the middle of nowhere, and it felt dangerous even if it was mostly deserted.

"Guess Lady Luck is not smiling on us today." Maria forced herself to cheer up and said to Leah,"Get off the car. I'm going to call the towing service."

"Do you know the number? Your car doesn't seem like the type to break down so easily," Leahmused.

"It's my mom's car. She doesn't use it often. It's probably busted after sitting there for so long."

It was a no-brainer that the car was rarely ever used. Her dad fussed over her mom too much, sohe usually drove her personally or arranged drivers for her. Hence, a perfectly good car was left torust.

"D*mn it. I don't have the number for the towing service on my phone." "Do you want to ask yourdad for help?" "No way." Maria immediately shook her head. "If I can't handle such a small problem,he'll probably worry about every little thing I do. I'll just search for a mechanic's number orsomething online."

She was searching when a car pulled up beside them. Then, Liam's face peeked out. "What'swrong?"

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