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Chapter 1434

"Maria, I'm your dad." Zachary looked at his daughter with an understanding gaze.

Maria wanted to deny it, but she also knew her father must have noticed something.

"As parents, we know our daughter." Zachary said, "Your mommy and I have guessed that you wentto the University of London for your idol."

Maria's heart skipped a beat; she looked at her father in shock. It seemed that her father was reallysmart. Not only did he know about it, but even her mother did too.

She smiled, feeling a little embarrassed. Inexplicably, her face became rosy as if she'd been caughtwith her hand in the cookie jar.

"Dad, to be honest, that's not the whole reason." Maria still wanted to defend herself.

"Maria." Zachary sighed, "I'm not scolding you. You are a smart girl, and I have always trusted you.You've done very well in the past four years."

Maria was a little surprised at her father's affirmation

She looked at her father in surprise, wanting to see if he agreed with her choice from his gaze.

Maria knew no one would be able to change her mind once it was made up.

However, of course, she hoped her parents could give her their blessing and support. Only thencould she do it with no hamstring.novelbin

"A penny for your thoughts?" Zachary, an excellent businessman, was naturally proficient in cateringto one's desires. Thus, he had a good guess about his daughter's thoughts. "I wouldn't mindinvesting in your company if you pitch it well."

Maria was stunned, and surprise flashed across her eyes. That was great! She would need a lot ofmoney to start an entertainment company. She would need it to sign potential talents, as well as forsetup and planning. She would also need to hire managing teams. If she had the support of herfather, half of her problems would be solved.

"All right." Maria let out a sigh of relief. "I went to study abroad on the spur of the moment because Iwanted to pursue my idol."

"Because of Liam Robinson?" Zachary raised his eyebrows, feeling like any father would afterknowing their daughter pursued another man. Hence, his jealousy was evident in his tone.

Hearing this, Maria immediately became alert. "Dad, I told you because you said you wouldn't bemad." "I'm not mad." Then, Zachary composed himself. "I just think that there is nothing good abouthim, and he is not worthy of my daughter's efforts. You missed the chance to go to Oxford andCambridge because of him. Because of his incompetence, you've suffered a loss by studying withhim at the University of London."

Hearing her father's indignant tone, Maria was rather surprised and felt a little absurd. She didn'tknow what to say when she saw her usually calm father feeling outraged for her.

She was touched but also felt that she had been a bit too selfish.

"Dad, I'm sorry," Maria apologized softly. "I'm way too selfish this time."

"Don't apologize." Zachary looked at his daughter. "Everyone experienced the same feelings whenthey were younger."

Maria was stunned.

"So I understand your choice, but you also have to understand my feelings too." He looked at hisdaughter sincerely. "You have to know, your mother and I love you very much. We'll feel upset when

we see you suffer."

"It doesn't matter, Dad." Maria said with a smile, "I don't feel that way. If I can succeed in foundingmy own entertainment company, it would be my proudest achievement. At least pursuing my idolwould be worthwhile."

"If you really succeed, then it's worth the effort. You need to be clear while pursuing your idolsinstead of doing it blindly," Zachary said seriously.

"I know, Dad. I'm doing good, and I know what I'm doing." Maria said.

"Does Liam know how you feel?" Zachary asked.

Maria awkwardly smiled and nodded. "He knows, but he has no feelings for me. I am just one of themillions of fangirls in his eyes."

"He doesn't know what he's missing out on." Instantly, Zachary was filled with rage as he knitted hisbrows. "How dare he overlook my daughter?"

"Dad, it's fate. I'm only 20; I still have a long way to go. Plus, I have confidence in myself. Even if theoutcome isn't what I want, at least I won't have any regrets."

Zachary frowned and said, "It will be very tough."

"Nope." Maria shook her head and smiled to comfort her father. "Good things take time. Easy come,easy go, you know?"

Maria spoke very profoundly, but Zachary still felt very distressed. Worry flashed through his eyes.

"Liam's no longer famous now," said Zachary.

"I know." Maria smiled. "Dad, don't you think him being washed up is a good start for me?"

"You want to sign him after you come back three years later?" Zachary understood his daughter'sintentions immediately and hit the nail on the head.

Maria nodded. "Yes, he's the first person I want to sign to my company. If he still hasn't made it afterthree years, at least he would have improved. His temper would have been mellowed out."

"Who knows?" Zachary was not optimistic. "Some people never grow up. Besides, what if he makesit?"

"Dad, I think his company deliberately sidelined him. I know the whole story. It has something to dowith Celeste's aunt, Cindy White." Maria explained the situation to Zachary. "Cindy White is stillfamous, but Liam offended her manager, so he was set aside for a long time. He still has threeyears before his contract comes to an end. Before that, anyone who wants to sign him will need topay a small fortune to break his contract. Hence, no one's willing to pay the fee, nor would they dareto offend his management company."

"It seems that you have really done your research." Zachary nodded. "As far as I know, Cindy'smanagement company is very powerful. Are you sure you can do it?"

"Dad, I have you and uncle to back me up, don't I? Although it's my business, no one knows. They'llonly think you're the one funding it. Who would dare cross the great Zachary Lowe?"

"Don't flatter me. It's not that simple to make a living in showbiz," Zachary said.

"That's why I need to study hard now." Maria said, "Plus, I'm going to the studio city with a well-known author I know to check it out."

"When will you register your company?" Zachary stared at his daughter fixedly and said, "It won'tlook good if your funding is too little."

"Dad, what's the rush?" Maria could tell that her father supported her idea. It made her glad. "I canonly invest after I've done thorough research. I won't do it blindly. Don't worry; I'll draft an investmentplan and show it to you and Mommy. I'll even show it to Uncle Heinz and Aunt Grace. I'll onlyregister the company after you guys give the green light."

"Are you really going to borrow money to do it?" Zachary looked at his daughter.

"Of course! Since it's my own business, I can't depend on my parents. I'll return the money on aregular schedule," She said seriously.

Zachary looked at his daughter and could not help sighing. His daughter had grown up so fast.

Although she was very impulsive, she was not doing it blindly. Then, Zachary smiled faintly andsaid, "Alright then, I'm waiting for your report."

"No problem. But Dad, can you keep this from Mommy for now? Also, don't do anything to Liameither. I want to do this myself," Maria chuckled as she replied.

"I know. Don't you have any faith in me?" Zachary said.

"Of course, I do. I'm just afraid that it'll slip your mind."

"Don't worry. I won't tell your mom. She'd just freak out."

"Are you two going to have another kid?"

"No more." Zachary said seriously, "I want to have some peace and quiet with your mother. It was apain to raise you and your brother."

"Is it that bad?" Maria grumbled, "I think Mom can have another kid. At least she wouldn't be sobored with more people running around the house."

"You are already 20. Do you really want another younger brother or sister?" "Of course. Lowell isjust three years older than us, and it's been great so far," Maria said.

Zachary took a look at his daughter and seemed a little moved. "It's all up to your mom."

"I'll talk to her about it. You guys can start trying for another baby."

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