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Chapter 1415

Janice was very sad and scared.

Gary's entire body stiffened. He did not move, nor did he push Janice away. There was only a hintof distress on his angular face.

Celeste could tell that he was also upset. He should not have left her behind.

Though, Celeste felt the same as well.

If she had not been so fussy or narrow-minded and allowed Janice to tag along, Janice probablywouldn't have been in trouble.

Celeste couldn't help but feel miserable at the thought of that.

Janice was still hugging Gary and crying. She looked very sad and afraid. It seemed that this time,the brave Janice was also completely frightened.

After a long while, Gary finally comforted Janice softly, "Alright, stop crying."

However, Janice's tears just couldn't stop.

Gary reached out and wrapped his arms gently around and patted her back.

This action made Janice burst into tears as she felt very much wronged.

When Celeste saw him gently patting Janice's back, a trace of disappointment flashed through herheart.

She knew that she was being very narrow-minded, but she just felt very upset and she couldn'tcontrol herself.

She couldn't tolerate his gentleness towards any girl other than her.

Gary continued to pat her gently. He muttered to her in an even more tender voice, "If it's reallyuncomfortable, then just cry."

"I was scared to death," Janice couldn't help but bawl her eyes out. She sobbed uncontrollably andmuttered, "They said that they wanted to be my boyfriend. I refused, so they dragged me awayforcefully. I tried screaming for help, but no one heard me. I thought I would never see you again. Iwas really scared to death."

Gary frowned. A while later, he pursed his lips and comforted her, "Alright, everything's fine now."

"I'm afraid," Janice's hand slipped down Gary's neck and wrapped around his waist. She forcefullyclung onto him, as though he was her only salvation. She refused to let go.

Gary did not pull his hand back, nor did he exert any strength. He just embraced Janice gently.

Anyone who saw this would think that they were a couple.

Celeste's long eyelashes trembled slightly. She always felt that they were the perfect match, whileshe was the third wheel in their relationship.

She heaved a sigh of relief after looking at them. Thankfully, nothing had really happened to Janice.If not, Celeste felt that she'd never be at peace with herself.

Furthermore, if something happened to Janice, Gary would definitely blame her.

Fortunately, everything was alright.

She was really grateful to Ava, who really helped out this time round.

Celeste walked over and thanked Ava sincerely, "Thank you, Ava."

Ava looked at Celeste, then at Janice and Gary. Her eyes were filled with worry. She pointed atGary and gestured at Celeste.

Ava was from Finland, but she was smart and observant. At first glance, she immediatelyunderstood what the problem here was.

Celeste shook her head at her. She didn't want to disturb them, but she also wanted to know whathad happened. Hence, she changed the topic,

"What happened?"

Ava picked up a broken cell phone from the coffee table in the lobby and said to Celeste, "Nothinghappened. When I went over with the hotel staff, those thugs ran away. Nothing was lost, apart fromthe cell phone. It was broken during the commotion."novelbin

"I'm glad she’s fine," Celeste commented gingerly, "Nothing else matters more."

"Yes," Ava nodded and agreed, "They seem to prefer women like you and her. When they saw heralone, they couldn't help but catcall her. Now that I think about it, it could've been really dangerous. Ihave already told her not to go out if she's alone."

"Thank you," Celeste thanked her sincerely.

Ava looked at her, then at Janice and Gary. She smiled and said, "Well, women's tears are reallytheir biggest weapon. Men are too easily tempted once they see women cry."

Celeste was unable to give her a reply.

Ava had once chosen to study zoology. She had once told her about the attraction between malesand females back in the dormitory.

If a male wanted to attract the attention of a female, he had to first be physically strong.

Meanwhile, if a female wanted to attract a male, she had to be physically attractive and needed toshare similar likes with the male.

Humans, on the other hand, were on top of the food chain. If men were attracted to women andwere together for quite some time, it would be because women were sufficiently independentenough. At the same time, these women would need to be tender and beautiful in accordance withthe social standard for women.

It was quite difficult to grasp the thin line between these two.

Celeste was very confused at the time, but when she saw Gary and Janice like this, she couldn'thelp but sigh.

She felt that Janice and Gary were the same type of people.

Gary was in Janice's arms the entire time. She cried for a few minutes.

Celeste was standing next to him, waiting. For the few times she looked at them, Gary still held herin his arms.

Ava accompanied her.

After five or six minutes, Janice was still crying.

Celeste looked at Ava and whispered, " Ava, let's leave first."

Ava nodded.

The two of them turned around and walked out together.

"Celeste," When Gary turned around and saw that Celeste and Ava were about to leave, heimmediately grew anxious. Only then did he push Janice away.

Celeste stopped and looked back. She found herself staring at Gary, who had cast her a worriedglance.

She quickly smiled to assure him that she was fine.

Gary frowned.

Celeste was afraid that Gary might misunderstand her, so she came back. She quickly walked to hisside and said, "Miss Simpson's phone is broken. Ava and I will go out to buy a new phone for MissSimpson."

"Don't go," Gary immediately replied.

Janice covered her face with her hands and took a deep breath. After crying for so long, she felt alittle better.

Only then did she look towards Celeste and said, "I'm sorry, I just couldn't control myself. This is thefirst time I've been this scared. I was really terrified."

Celeste shook her head and tried to comfort her, "It's our fault for leaving you behind. Both Garyand I were worried sick. Thank goodness you're fine.

Ava told me that your phone was broken, so let me get a new phone for you. It's in the shoppingmall near the hotel. You and Gary should wait here."

Her original intention was to avoid making both Gary and herself embarrassed.

She was not brave enough to see the boy she liked holding another girl, so she chose to escape.

"You are not allowed to go," Gary grunted, "If s dangerous."

Celeste was stunned. She glanced at him and saw the concern in his eyes. She knew that he wasalso taken aback by what happened to Janice just moments ago.

She shook her head and smiled, "It's okay, I'm not alone. Ava will accompany me. Don't worry. I'll befine. I promise I won't wander off on my own."

"I'll go buy it," Gary suggested, "You girls should stay here with Janice."

Celeste was dumbfounded. She felt that there was no need for him to do so and quickly explained,"Don't worry, I've been in England for so many years and I have gotten used to it. I also understandthe local customs here."

Gary narrowed his eyes as he thought of her being in Oxford alone back then. Suddenly, he felt agreat pain in his heart. Could she have encountered similar situations back then?

At that moment, Ava chuckled, "Don't worry, Celeste is often harassed. Many boys prefer her type,but Celeste deals with them well every time. This time, I will accompany her."

A sharp pain flashed across Gary's eyes when he heard these words. He mumbled, "Oftenharassed?"

Celeste immediately tugged on Ava's sleeve.

Ava shrugged and looked at Celeste, feigning ignorance, "Celeste, I seem to have said somethingwrong. Your brother looks very worried."

"It's fine," Celeste smiled, "Don't worry."

Gary felt as if his heart had been torn apart. It was so painful that he felt like he was suffocating.

It seemed that there were many things that he did not know about Celeste.

She had never told him this before.

When they used to video call each other, Celeste only reported the good news but never the badnews. He had also gotten used to her independence over the years.

He had always assumed that she should be strong.

At the same time, he kept telling himself that she would be in good hands. After all, the butler, thehousekeepers, the maids and even Uncle Logan were in England.

But now, it seemed that Celeste had not told everyone everything and had dealt with difficultsituations on her own.

He pursed his lips, his gaze dotted with pain and regret. He turned to Celeste and said, "You guysstay with her. I'll go buy it."

Just as Gary was about to turn around and leave, Janice grabbed the hem of Gary's clothes andcalled out, "Gary!"

Gary frowned as the hem of his shirt was grasped tightly. He only realized it when he took a stepforward. He turned around to look at Janice, finding that she had grabbed onto his shirt so tightlythat her knuckles had turned white.

"Let go," He replied.

Janice shook her head and looked pitiful. She muttered, "Don't go, I'm really, really scared."

Gary frowned, "Celeste and her friend can accompany you. What are you afraid of?"

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