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Chapter 1387

Gary froze. He never really wanted to force Celeste to do anything in the first place. He just wantedto express his emotions towards her.

They had been sleeping together for a long time, and he had already gotten used to the warmfeeling of them leaning against each other.

But what Celeste said made him feel turned off in an instant.

"Do you think that whenever I hug you, it means that I want to do it?" Gary felt a little suffocated ashe retorted.

Celeste still remained calm as usual. She asked faintly, "Isn't that so?"

Gary was left speechless after hearing that

He felt a little bit confused.

He never knew that this was how Celeste had thought of him.

"Then let's not do it," Gary said gloomily, "I can still hug you to sleep, right?"

"I'm tired."

Her sentence stopped him in his tracks once


Gary felt quite upset. His hands stiffened and he stopped reaching out for Celeste.

Celeste didn't turn around either. She laid quietly on her side and did not intend to turn around tolook at him at all.

She had her back turned towards him all the time. It was obvious that she did not feel like talkingand was ignoring him.

The absolute silence felt very irritating.

Gary couldn't fall asleep at all. The girl he loved the most was lying next to him. He was only twentyyears old. As a hot-blooded youth full of passion, how could he possibly fall asleep?

Furthermore, they were not completely on good terms at the moment, so he felt a little bituncomfortable.

Celeste continued to ignore him.

Gary tossed and turned around many times, but he could not fall asleep.

Eventually, he finally sat up and climbed out of bed.

He stood on the floor and looked down at Celeste, observing her slender figure on the bed.

With her back to him, he could not see her facial expressions at all. She was as still as a stone, as

if she had really fallen asleep.

She was wearing the most conservative pajamas, which covered her up from head to toe.

Celeste was avoiding him.

Gary was really uncomfortable. She was clearly angry and still didn't believe in him. To her, he wasprobably no better than a b*stard.

He wanted to say something, but seeing her like this, he couldn't find the courage to say anything.He turned around and went to the bathroom instead, and saw that there were dirty clothes piled up

in the laundry basket.

Under normal circumstances, Celeste would have already cleaned and washed the clothes for him.

But this time, she did not touch them at all.

He looked at the basket of dirty clothes and picked them up. Then, he left the room and went to theroom next door to throw those dirty clothes into the washing machine. He decided to wash themovernight.

Standing in front of the washing machine, he stared at all the shiny functional buttons on the panel.His head was hanging, and a look of desolation was splattered across his face. In fact, he lookedlike a kid who had done something wrong.

Although Gary felt really upset, once he thought of Celeste who was so determined to avoid him, hefelt extremely discouraged. He really wanted to stay close to her.

He took a deep breath with determination, turned back and walked to the bedroom as if he hadmade up his mind. Then, he went towards Celeste and lowered his head to look at her.

She was not asleep, and her eyes were wide open. However, her opened eyes were empty andhollow, devoid of any emotions.

That very instant, a wave of pain washed across Gary's heart. It was as if someone had grabbedhim by the heart and his lungs, making it difficult for him to even breathe.

He never knew that his girl was hurting so bad.

It was all his fault.

He squatted down in front of Celeste and laid on the edge of the bed, staring into her eyes.

Yet, Celeste chose to turn around and faced the other side of the bed. She refused to look at himand continued to avoid him.

Gary's handsome brows furrowed. He could no longer stand seeing her giving him the coldshoulder. With that, he got up and turned Celeste over to face him with a swift motion.

His grip was a little too strong. He sat on the edge of the bed and clutched Celeste's shoulders,preventing her from moving or turning away.

It hurt when he grabbed her shoulder. Celeste had no choice but to look up at him, coldness stilltainting in her eyes.

Gary pursed his lips bitterly and said with a tone filled with regret, "I'm sorry, Celeste. I apologize."

Celeste did not speak.

"Can you stop making a fuss?" He asked again.

His words once again hurt her. Until now, he still thought that she was making a fuss.

This was exactly what she was talking about. He was the one who did something wrong, but now,he was blaming her for making a fuss out of it. She put on a forced smile, filled with bitterness andloneliness.

"Gary, every time you apologize, you speak arrogantly, like you're better than the rest. Youapologize with your words, but you never truly realized that you are wrong. Believe it or not, even if Iforgive you this time, a similar situation will still happen in the future."

"Why are you trying to predict something that has never happened? You shouldn't come toconclusions so quickly," Gary argued, "That's not fair to me."

"Okay, I'll stop predicting then," She said, "I just don't feel like doing it, and I don't want to talk. Canyou give me some peace and quiet for a while?" "I can't," Gary said through gritted teeth.

Upon hearing his words, Celeste pursed her lips and fell silent. She reached out and tried to wriggleher way out of Gary's grasp.

However, Gary's grip on her was firm and unwavering. He demanded, "Can you please stopmessing around? I am only going to be in England for a short period of time. If you keep acting likethis, you'll only be wasting our time together. Do you understand?"

As he spoke, he lowered his head and approached Celeste, trying to kiss her on the face.

However, she chose to turn away at that moment. Gary's lips grazed the side of her cheek andlanded on her ears. It was one of her sensitive spots, and the moment he touched her there, sheshivered.

Gary noticed Celeste's reaction and instantly understood.

He secretly felt a hint of happiness. Then, he opened his mouth and proceeded to nibble on her ear.

Celeste froze. From her point of view, when their problem was not completely resolved, doing itwould just seem like they were venting their frustration. They wouldn't be having any meaningfulconnection at all.

She didn't like it, but her body betrayed her.

A hint of impatience appeared in her gaze. She finally lost control of her patience.

She shoved him away angrily and couldn't help but yell, "Gary, don't you understand? I don't want todo it, and I'm very annoyed now. I don't want to be childish and run away from home. Can youplease respect me?"

Gary was absolutely shocked when Celeste pushed him away and shouted at him.

He noticed the stern look that Celeste had shot him, and the misery that brewed in her gaze. Hewas taken aback and stunned on the spot.

He looked at her with a complicated expression. He was frowning, and his movement was tense.

"There's nothing between me and Janice, so why are you overthinking and overcomplicatingthings? Did you know that my uncle, Lowell, is interested in her? In the future, that woman mightend up as my relative. What do you think I'm supposed to do about it?" Gary was so anxious that heshouted out of frustration.

Celeste looked up at him, and started to laugh at herself, "What do you think I'm angry about? Youdon't even know why I'm angry. I'm angry because of your attitude. I don't care who she is. It doesn'tmatter who she is since your attitude's the one that's problematic!"

"What's wrong with my attitude?" He questioned with a deep frown, "What do you want me to do?"

Celeste turned her face away. What did she want him to do?

However, she had a tingling feeling of sadness in her heart.

"I just want to be alone for a moment," She muttered.

"Celeste," Gary tried to be patient. He reached out and grabbed her wrist lightly, coaxing, "Let's notdo anything else, I just want to hug you. Let's have a chat."

He was very strong, and she had no choice but to listen to him. They lied down on the bed together.

"There's nothing to talk about. I don't wanna say anything," Her tone was still forceful and cold.

Despite that, Gary still felt very attracted to her. Just by holding her, he started to think about hisdesires buried deep down in his heart.

"You don't want to listen to me because you think I don't understand you," He continued speaking,"You think that I should have asked the butler for help, or ask Uncle Logan to deal with the matter.You're entirely correct."

Celeste just kept quiet.

"Next time anything happens, I'll let them deal with it. Will that be okay?" Gary said in a gentle tone.

However, Celeste felt that he was just being halfhearted. It would have been better if they hadactually fought with each other, their raw and true emotions on full display.

She just felt very sad and a little bit depressed. She did not know how to deal with this matter.

Was she being too serious over a small matter and was just annoying?

At the same time, she knew that she had to be serious. If she did not take things seriously, the priceto pay might be too heavy to bear one day. Their relationship would actually fall apart and theymight break up.

No matter what, separation was not what Celeste wanted.

The more you like someone, the more you care about them. Once you start to care above them,you will be afraid of losing them.

However, Gary would probably never understand the fear she bore. Deep down, she knew very wellthat this was something that she had to overcome on her own.

"Can you please talk to me?" Although Gary had voiced out, Celeste still didn't say a word.

The atmosphere in the bedroom was very heavy.novelbin

For a long time, Celeste did not utter a single word. The only thing she felt was a bitterness thatspread from her heart to her limbs. It was very uncomfortable.

When she thought about this, a lump formed in her throat and she felt like crying.

Just like that, teardrops fell down her face, and all her emotions started to surge forth violently.

This caused Gary's good temper to disappear once again. He raised his eyebrows, and a hint ofimpatience flashed across his eyes.

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