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Chapter 1349

"Are you comforting me?" Celeste regained a little strength and stared at him.

The two of them looked into each other's eyes. Gary smiled, "Do you think you need me to comfortyou like this?"

"Nope," Celeste shook her head.

Gary laughed, "You're pretty confident in me, aren't you?"

"Of course," Celeste nodded honestly, "You are a person who pursues perfection for everything andhas patience. I think that I should be confident in you."

"You know me that well?" Gary looked at her in surprise.

"Not really," Celeste was frank, "I don't think I know you very well, but I will try my best to know all ofyou."

"I think I have a deeper understanding of you now," His words hid a deeper meaning under thesurface.

Celeste was stunned for a moment and suddenly realized something. She blushed and pushed athim coquettishly, but managed she hurt herself instead.

"Owl Tsk!"

Celeste gasped in pain.

"Don't move," Gary also grew nervous, "Lay still and don't do anything rash."

"It's your fault," Celeste retorted weakly.

"Okay, it's all my fault," Gary smirked, "I'll carry you to the bath. You'll feel better."

"Don't," She immediately shook her head.

Celeste would feel shy if Gary carried her to take a bath.

She was not used to it.

"Don't you want to bathe?"

"It's not that. Just y-you can leave," Celeste said, "I can clean myself up."

Gary was stunned for a moment. He smiled after realizing something and asked, "Are you shy?"

"No, I'm not," Celeste denied it.

"So you're only acting like a little girl now. You should act like this more often so that guys will pityyou more," Gary snickered.

"I'm not," Celeste corrected him. It was only a while ago that she had finally become a woman.

The person who did that to her was none other than Gary Smith.

"Oh, you reminded me," Gary smiled, "I'm already a man. Your man, in fact."

Celeste blushed even more. She quickly pulled at the blanket and covered her face.

Looking at Celeste, Gary shook his head and sighed. Girls were easily shy, so he could understand.

"You should go wash up first."

The muffled sound came from the blanket. It sounded as if she was ordering him to leave.

"Alright, I'll go bathe first and then I'll carry you to the bath," Gary had already emerged from underthe blanket and was preparing to get out of bed.

"I'll take a bath myself," The muffled voice came from under the blanket again.

"Alright, alright."

Gary didn't argue with Celeste. He just got out of bed and went to the bathroom.

When the bathroom door closed, Celeste pulled down the blanket immediately and looked carefullyin the direction of the bathroom.

Suddenly, Gary appeared from the corner of her eye.

Her eyes widened and she was so scared that she shrieked, "Wait, yo-you!"

After stammering for a while, she buried herself under the covers again.

She swore that she was going to get a nosebleed every time she saw him since he looked just likea Michaelangelo sculpture. His figure was toned and his abs were firm.

Her heart was beating like a drum.

Celeste blushed even more.

Gary smiled. This girl was still so easily embarrassed. She had to get used to it sooner or later.

He sighed and turned into the bathroom.

It was only after Celeste confirmed that she had heard the sound of running water that she emergedfrom under the covers. Her entire face was redder.

He was really taking his shower this time.

She heaved a sigh of relief and felt very embarrassed.

She had to get up. If not, Gary would literally carry her off to the bathroom later. It would be evenmore embarrassing.

Therefore, Celeste decided to get up on her own.

Her body was so sore with the slightest movement.

It was too painful.

The description in the book was not accurate at all. This was far more painful that what wasmentioned.

Could it be that everyone's experiences were different?

It took a lot of effort for Celeste to finally sit up. She grabbed her clothes and was ready to put themon, but soon realized that the clothes were torn.

She recalled that Gary had moved so quickly as though he was in a rush.


She had only worn these clothes for a while, and it was already torn up so badly.

She saw his clothes at the side, and they were still in good condition. Thus, Celeste put on his long-sleeved loungewear.

It was large enough to cover her thighs.

Not bad.

She moved slowly and finally got out of the bed, but she nearly fell over as she could not stand upproperly.

Celeste was so frightened that she panted as she used the wall for support. It was so painful thatshe almost fainted.

In any case, she had to thank the red wine, which made her feel slightly tipsy and numb. Otherwise,she would probably feel even worse.

She looked around and prepared to get up again. Just then, she found that the messy bed wasdotted with red spots, a stark contrast from the white bedsheets.

It was as if they were there to commemorate the couple's first time doing it.

These spots came from her.

Gary saw this too when he came out.

He found that Celeste had bent over and was looking at the bed sheet in a daze. He didn't knowwhat she was thinking.

She was wearing his clothes, and the long lounge wear was covering her thighs. There werescratches on her thigh, marks that Gary had made by accident.

Celeste, on the other hand, remained in her position while looking at the bedsheets. It was unknownwhat she was actually thinking of.

Gary walked over. When he saw what Celeste had seen, he was also stunned.

The very next second.

Gary became emotional.

That was the symbol of her purity.

She'd given it to him.

A man's pride emerged from the bottom of Gary's heart.

Of course, he knew that she was a virgin, but he was still excited when he saw it with his own eyes.

As a matter of fact, his nature as a man determined his reaction to all this.novelbin

He came over and said softly to Celeste, "I'm filling up the tub. It'll be ready in a minute."

Celeste suddenly came back to her senses and looked up at him. She saw that he had coveredhimself up with a white towel only, and his hair was still dripping with water. He looked sexy andwild.

His well-trimmed hair was still dripping with water down the edge of his face, making him seemmore handsome as ever.

The droplets of water slid down his solid chest and towards his towel.

The place where the bath towel touched the skin was exactly where his V-line was. His abs wereexposed right above the towel.

Such a look made Celeste scared. She felt that her tongue and lips were dry.

She subconsciously licked her lips.

Gary noticed it. His gaze deepened as he paced towards Celeste. He was breathing heavily.

Meanwhile, Celeste finally managed to stand firmly on her two legs. She looked up at him.

Before she could say anything, he had already lowered his face and sealed her lips once more.

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