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Chapter 1282

Maria and Celeste went back to Celeste's room immediately. Closing the door, Maria lowered hervoice and asked urgently, "Why did Ernest ask you about your major?"

In Maria's opinion, Ernest had a motive for asking Celeste about her major.

Celeste did not know whether to laugh or cry at Maria's mysterious intuition, "He's probably justasking."

"Just asking?" Maria curled her lips and didn't agree at all, "Celeste, you are too simple-mindedsometimes. See here, people don't get up early without a reason. If not, I'm sure everyone wouldwant to sleep in. So, if people ask you questions out of the blue, they definitely have a hiddenpurpose."

"What's his purpose then?" Celeste laughed helplessly, "Don't you think you're overthinking? He'syour cousin, so don't think so badly about him."

"Sigh," As soon as Maria heard Celeste's tone, she knew that Celeste was too naive. She couldonly drop the topic and say, "Well, I admit that I'm narrow- minded. So, what are you going tochoose?"

"I haven't decided yet," Celeste hesitated and wanted to ask Maria about her opinion, but she feltthat she couldn't say everything. If she told her everything, she wouldn't feel like herself.

Reading her thoughts, Maria decided to take initiative, "What do you want to say? Just go aheadand tell me. Why are you hesitating?"

"Gary called me earlier and asked me what I would major in," Celeste's delicate brows furrowed asshe looked at Maria with a conflicted expression.

"Wait, let me guess," Maria was very smart. She looked at Celeste and gave her opinion, "If I amnot overthinking things, Gary wants you to choose a major that matches his so that it will beconvenient in the future, right?"

Celeste was extremely surprised.

She looked at Maria in disbelief. How did she guess it right?

Did she know Gary that well?

"You don't have to answer. Looking at how surprised you are, I can tell that I hit the nail on thehead," Maria said with a sigh, "Gary is a very overbearing person to want you to choose a majorthat matches his. However, I have to say that he is really taking things seriously. Looks like he'svery serious about taking this relationship of yours into the future. He's included your future life intohis plans as well."

Celeste's heart suddenly throbbed, and she felt a little nervous.

Had he included her life into his plans?

Was he that serious because he cared about her choice?

Before, she was annoyed that he was so bossy to interfere in her choices of her university majors.But now, after hearing Maria's words, she felt extremely shocked.

Suddenly, she realized that she had been very rude towards him.

"What? Did you refuse him?" Maria asked with concern.

Celeste nodded and admitted, "I was in a bad mood when I heard that he wanted to interfere withmy choices. So, I didn't tell him."

In short, she hated being easily manipulated and being forced to change her future aspirations.

She felt disgusted and could not accept it.

In addition, the future was full of uncertainty.

Her birth was not welcomed by others. She had no parents, only Cindy, the actress of the century.Ever since she was born, many people said that she was Cindy's illegitimate daughter. In fact, shealso suspected that she was Cindy's illegitimate daughter, but she could not confirm it.

She wanted to take a DNA test, but what would the results yield?

If she was, so what?

If she wasn't, so what?

Celeste was lost.

That part of her life was far out of her reach. In that case, her future career and happiness should atleast be under her control.

However, Gary's attitude immediately put her on guard.

She really didn't like it.

However, Maria's words made her feel that she had gone too far.

He cared about her, so he had asked her back then.

"If you don't tell him, then that's that. You have to choose according to your preference," Maria didnot care and explained, "Don't worry too much. Choose what you like. Women who don't rely onmen are outstanding. If you rely on him all the time, then your life will be very boring."

"Maria, Ernest said that Gary is the eldest son of the Jones family. He will be responsible for thefamily in the future," Celeste was still affected by Ernest's words.

After hearing this, Maria blinked before shaking her head, "I don't think so."

Celeste was stunned and asked, "Do you have a different opinion?"

"Gary's last name is Smith, did you notice? Gary hasn't even addressed his father as his dad evenuntil now. He hasn't changed his surname and still stubbornly follows his mother's surname, Smith.According to what I know, my aunt's father's surname is Yarbrough. In short, that's something fromthe past generation. Look, he isn't even willing to call him father, and still refuses to change his lastname. Where's the sense of responsibility and burden that he is supposed to carry?" Maria had afeeling that Gary would be unwilling to do so.

"But Ernest said so."

"I don't think that Ernest knows Gary that well."

Celeste was confused.

"Since young, I've always felt that Gary would be an amazing entrepreneur. He's not the type ofperson who would just rely on his inheritance. As for Ernest, the older he grows, the more he actslike a fox. He's slick and cunning." "An entrepreneur?" Celeste frowned slightly, "Are you saying thathe won't inherit his family's business but will go and start his own business?"

"Yes," Maria nodded and informed Celeste solemnly, "Gary is that type of person. Think about it, hehas three siblings, two brothers, and a younger sister. Even though his family is large, there aremany restrictions placed on him."

Was it that weird?

Celeste had never thought about these problems.

Maria seemed to be all-wing. She knew almost everything about the twins clearly. Her analysis waslogical and reasonable.

"Gary doesn't want to inherit the family business. He also doesn't want to be restricted. Similarly, mydad keeps asking me to take care of my brother. You know that in my family, the only children in thefamily are my brother and I, and my brother is much younger than me. I'm not willing to take overmy father's company at all. I think I'll be too tired. My dream is simple."novelbin

"What is it?"

"Find a job with a good income. You can earn your own living, and that's all I want."

"Your dream is very realistic, and it's what many people want," Celeste commented, "But I'm afraidyour father won't agree." "He probably will," Maria said, "What I'm telling you now is that Gary hopesthat you two can work together in the future, and you can also be compatible with him."

Gary had said the same thing yesterday. Now that she heard Maria's words, Celeste's heart skippeda beat.

"Think about it. It's getting late. I'll go to sleep first," Maria patted her on the shoulder and turnedaround. Then, she opened the door and left.

As soon as she came out, she saw Ernest coming upstairs. Seeing that, Maria stopped and lookedat him with a smile.

"Hey Ernest, you've just come upstairs."

Ernest looked at her and said calmly, "It's getting late. Go to bed early."

"Ok, Ernest. You're choosing an economics major?" Maria asked again.

"That's right," Ernest nodded.

"Oh," Maria thought for a moment and said, "I see you want to inherit the family business."

Ernest did not say anything as he looked at Maria. He had already walked up the stairs and stood inthe corridor as he said, "The difficulty of inheriting a business is far higher than starting your ownbusiness. If the enterprise fails, it won't be such a laughingstock. However, failing to get aninheritance will garner big criticism."

"You're very capable, so no one will judge you," Maria shrugged, "But you're very responsible.That's good."

After saying that, Maria smiled and she entered her room.

Ernest narrowed his eyes and watched her disappear into her room. He smiled exasperatedly andwent back to his room.

The next day, they woke up early in the morning.

Celeste got up early and browsed through the news habitually. She was immediately shocked bythe content of the news.

The main headline read, "Liam's suspected secret lover exposed when going to London to study?"

There was a large photo attached below the headline. It showed Liam holding Celeste in his armswith his back to the camera. His eyes were extremely sharp, and he was looking directly into thecamera.

She looked at the picture and scrolled to the very bottom. Another photo attached there showedLiam running with her into the building.

Celeste was stunned.

She didn't expect to be photographed by someone.

The content of the news article was that Liam's girlfriend was studying in a language school InLondon with Liam.

In short, there were a lot of speculations about Liam and his suspected lover.

The more she scrolled down, the more afraid she grew.

Celeste then read through the comments. Many of Liam's fans declared that they would stop beinghis fan and also start a cyber manhunt for his girlfriend.

It was not that Celeste had never experienced such a situation, but she hadn't expected such a bigreaction. It was far more horrible than when she was rumored to be Cindy's illegitimate daughter.

Liam was so young and his future was bright. Moreover, he had hundreds of thousands of femalefans. Those female fans could not accept Liam having a lover. Even if it was only fake news with nocredibility, it was hard for the fans to accept this piece of news.

Moreover, most female fans had also expressed being heartbroken and being unable to accept hisrelationship.

Amidst her fright, the phone rang.

She quickly picked it up and saw that the call was from Gary.

Celeste was stunned and quickly answered the call.

Gary's deep and sharp voice was heard over the phone saying, "Did you refuse me because you'reLiam Robinson's girlfriend?"

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