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Chapter 1278

Celeste didn't expect Gary to question her back. She was stunned for a moment before she smiledsheepishly.

There were some things that she chose not to say as she thought that he would understand.

After all, if she said it out loud, she would sound narrow-minded.

Celeste didn't explain and remained silent.

For a moment, no one spoke.

Gary paused for a moment. He didn't need Celeste to speak to guess the concern in her heart.

She was afraid because Ernest was a boy. In other words, she felt that it was inappropriate for themto live together.

Even if Maria was there, it would not be that appropriate. They had to maintain a respectfuldistance.

What surprised him even more was that she was asking for his opinion.

He could not help but feel comforted by her consideration. He quickly asked, "Celeste, have youbegun to consider my feelings?"

Celeste was stunned momentarily. She soon realized that he probably understood as he was smart.She whispered, "You've guessed it?"

"Of course," Gary smiled and did not hide his happiness, "I'm very pleased. You've already learnedhow to consider my feelings. However, your safety is the most important thing to me. Staying withMaria and Ernest is much safer than living on your own."

Upon hearing Gary's words, Celeste was a little surprised at first, almost believing that it was all inher head.

She thought that when Gary knew she was staying with Maria and Ernest, he would be angry.

After all, Ernest was a man. Celeste staying with them would be slightly inconvenient.

However, she didn't expect him to care more about her safety.

Her safety was more important than anything.

Everything else could be placed aside as long as she was safe.

Celeste's heart suddenly felt warm because of his sentence, and she heaved a clear sigh of relief.Her tightly-pressed lips quickly relaxed and bloomed into a wide grin.

"Thank you, I'm very happy," Celeste opened her heart to him, "I'm really happy to hear you say


"You didn't expect that?" Gary could easily capture her thoughts.

With just a few words, he was able to brighten her day. This girl was easily coaxed.

They couldn't see each other and were only able to communicate through phone calls. Hence, theycould only use their voices to distinguish each other's feelings.

"I'm really surprised," Celeste was honest, "I thought you would be the first to object."

"Don't always assume what I am going to say," Gary chuckled, "There are some things that youhaven't heard with your own ears. Don't just assume that I'll be mad before asking."

"I know now," Celeste laughed, "If that's the case, you better take care of yourself and get wellsoon." "Don't worry, I'm fine," Gary promised, "I'll be well soon."

"Have you eaten yet?" Celeste asked.

"Lowell is cooking up something."

"Who is Lowell?"

"He's a rather complicated person of mine," Gary paused for a moment before telling her, "You'll findout in the future."

He didn't explain further, and Celeste didn't ask too much either. Instead, she said, "Okay, I'll waituntil you can explain it to me."

"Lowell is a guy," Gary said quickly, as if he was afraid that Celeste would misunderstand him.

Celeste only laughed, "I know, Maria told me."

Gary was also stunned, "Maria told you?"

"Yep, she just told me that you live with Lowell." Celeste said, "It's good to have a friend staying withyou."

"What if Lowell was a girl? What are you going to do?" Gary couldn't help but tease her when hesaw that she seemed to be very considerate.

Celeste was bewildered and asked in surprise, "Your question is so boring and meaningless. Whywould you ask something like that?"

"That's just a hypothesis. If I were to live with a girl, what would you think?" Gary's tone wasextremely serious. He didn't sound like he was joking at all.

Celeste felt very helpless. After thinking for a while, she said, "I think if that was really the case, Iwould still choose to believe in you."

Gary beamed, "Wouldn't you be jealous?"

"No," Celeste answered very calmly, "Why would I be jealous?" "You don't care about me. That'swhy you won't be jealous." "But I think it's more important for you to have a friend to accompanyyou," Celeste insisted, "If you really needed a girl to accompany you, you definitely would not havecalled me. Since you have called me, then there is no problem with that. Why should I be jealousand angry over unnecessary things? It's a complete waste of our time."

Gary smiled when he heard this. He was satisfied with her answer.

"Well, you should go and eat now," He suggested, "You haven't eaten yet, have you?"

"Yes, I haven't," Celeste nodded.

"Then go get something to eat," Gary said, "Call me later."

"Is there something else you want to say?" Celeste did not understand and asked, "Why don't wetalk about it now?"

"Of course I have something else to say," Gary really felt that Celeste was a little weird. It was as ifshe wasn't willing to give him a call.

"Don't you want to tell me now?"

"Just go have dinner now."novelbin

"Okay," Celeste didn't insist, "Then I'll go and eat now."

Hanging up the phone, she took a deep breath. Her face was still red. After taking a deep breathand calming herself down, she went downstairs.

When Celeste arrived downstairs, she saw that neither Ernest nor Maria had moved their cutlery.They were waiting for her.

She suddenly felt a little embarrassed and laughed sheepishly, "Why didn't you eat first? Were youtwo waiting for me?"

"It's normal for us to wait for you," Maria said with a coy smile, "You just moved in. This is the firstmeal that the three of us are having together in England. Of course, we should wait for you. Wecan't just treat it perfunctorily."

"Actually, you two don't have to do this," Celeste quickly sat down and apologized to them, "I wasthe one who answered the phone and delayed your dinner time."

"It doesn't matter," Maria didn't care at all and shrugged, "Everyone has their freedom to answer thephone, right?"

On the contrary, Celeste was even more embarrassed and looked up at Ernest.

After keeping quiet for a while, Ernest also smiled and added, "Celeste, you don't have to be socourteous. It doesn't matter. Besides, it didn't take long for you to finish your phone call."

"Yes, it was less than ten minutes," Maria said to Celeste, "I thought that we would have to wait atleast an hour."

Celeste felt even more ashamed after hearing that comment.

"Let's eat," Ernest quickly changed the topic.

With that, the three of them began to eat together. Celeste had a good appetite and ate a lot.

After eating, Ernest left first. His excuse was that he had to go to read a book.

Maria and Celeste didn't ask him to stay either.

Maria was holding back her thoughts. When Ernest left, she immediately whispered to Celeste, "Itwas Gary's call, right?"

"Yes," Celeste did not hide anything from Maria and explained, "He's caught a cold. He was stillcoughing on the phone just now."

"He's caught a cold?" Maria was very surprised and gasped, "Gary is always in good health. Whydoes he suddenly have a cold? Is he not used to the climate there?"

"Probably. The doctor suspected that as well."

"That's weird," Maria smacked her lips thoughtfully, "Perhaps this is his punishment for insisting ongoing to the United States alone."

Celeste was stunned. Looking at Maria's indignant look, she didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Maria finished her words and immediately pulled a bitter face.

"What's wrong?" Celeste was confused. It seemed that Maria was a little depressed after she cameback. Was it because something had happened while she was on the phone?

"Celeste, do you know Liam well?" Maria didn't want to say it, but she felt even more upset hiding itin her heart.

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