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Chapter 1246

Latem didn't expect the tides to turn so quickly. He had yet to enjoy the rewards of his actionsbefore Sylvia ended it.

He sighed with frustration and said, "Apologize. Snowie, come and apologize to Sylvia."

"Sorry, Sylvia," Snowie apologized in a cute, well-behaved, and childish way.

She was so cute that Grace immediately carried her over.

"Snowie, you're such a good girl. Let me give you a hug."

Latem came forward as well, "Aunt."

"Latem," Sylvia yelled out.

Latem's body stiffened, and his face wrinkled up as he looked upset.

"You haven't apologized yet, are you trying to wiggle your way out of this?" Sylvia looked at Latemin a cocky manner, "Apologize to me now."

Latem looked towards Sebastian for help.

Sebastian merely smiled at him and remained unmoved.

Left with no choice, Latem could only apologize, "Sorry, Sylvia."

"It's okay, a good girl like me won't mind such a thing," Sylvia purposely included some self-praisefor herself, "I'll overlook this, but don't repeat this in the future."

Grace felt speechless.

Alice also didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

These children were too cute.

It was amusing and maddening at the same time.

Sebastian shot a meaningful glance towards Heinz.

Heinz caught sight of it and frowned immediately, "Sebastian, why are you looking at me?"

Sebastian spoke as slowly as he usually did, "You're handsome, Daddy."

Heinz felt so flattered that he completely forgot about what he wanted to lecture Sebastian about.

He looked at Latem with an extra touch of tenderness in his eyes.

"Sebastian, you still haven't told me what happened just now. Why was Mommy laughing like that?"Sylvia immediately ran over to ask him.

"Didn't Little Aunt explain that it was nothing?"

Sebastian responded.

"Sebastian, why are you still hiding this from me?" Sylvia protested, "You never tell me anythingwhen I want to know as well."

"Curiosity kills the cat. Sylvia, you'd better not be too curious. Also, girls shouldn't gossip so muchas well."

Sylvia stuck out her tongue and looked towards Heinz.

She didn't want to give up yet, "Daddy, shouldn't smiles and laughter be shared with one another?"

Heinz nodded and said, "Yeah, that's why you should share your toys with Latem and Snowie."

"Why can't you tell me what you guys were laughing about?" Sylvia was still very curious. She thenlooked towards Grace and pleaded, "Mommy."

Grace looked at Sylvia and said, "Sylvia, you're a big girl now. You should stop sitting on your dad'slap. Acting like a baby is meant for babies such as Snowie, not you."

"Mommy, why are you all targeting me today?" Sylvia protested while pouting.

In an instant, Heinz's heart ached, and he immediately said, "Good girl, Sylvia. Daddy will go playwith you now."

"Daddy, I still want to find out what happened just now."

"Is it really necessary?" Grace looked at Sylvia seriously and said, "Why must you insist on findingout what happened? If it was something you should know, we wouldn't hide it from you. Similarly, ifit wasn't, you shouldn't probe further."

Sylvia pouted and fell silent.

She realized that Grace was angry and unhappy with how she tried relentlessly to seek for answers.

She felt wronged. Why was she being loathed for being so curious about life?

She was a curious baby due to how much she enjoyed life, no?

Heinz couldn’t stand seeing his daughter feeling wronged, so he instantly grabbed her hand andstood up, "Come, let's go and look at the stars together."

Sylvia still looked at Grace's face carefully.

Grace simply ignored her daughter.

After Heinz and Sylvia left.

Alice said, "Actually, Sylvia wasn't really crossing the line just now."

"Considering how much Heinz is pampering her, it's only a matter of time before she does so,"Grace responded worriedly, "We can't pamper her for the rest of her life. She has to learn certainthings on her own."

Grace coaxed Snowie while holding her in her arms.

Snowie's skin was so pink and tender; she looked just like Alice. The children, one looked like hisfather while the other looked like her mother.

"Aunt, since Uncle likes Sylvia so much, you guys should give birth to another daughter." Latemsaid to Grace while he sat on the couch opposite her, "Especially since you are still young."

Grace was shocked upon hearing what Latem just said, "Latem, do you really think that I'm stillyoung?"

"You're not old anyway. Even my mommy wishes to have a third child. So, of course, you can try toget pregnant again."

"Since when did I say that I'm planning to have a third child?" Alice rebutted immediately.

Latem curled his lips and said, "Mommy, stop pretending, I heard what you and Daddy were talkingabout in the room last night. You said that you would like to have another child if time permits."

Alice's face instantly blushed as she couldn't believe Latem had heard the conversation betweenher and Jensen last night. Did that mean that he had heard them while they were doing that last


Thinking of that, she couldn't help but blush.

Yet, Latem continued, "You were the one who said that to Daddy, but you're still trying to deny it. Idon't understand why you adults must behave in such a way. Isn't this just about having anotherbaby? You should name that baby Later, there has to be a name that's even worse than my own."

Alice felt even more speechless.

Grace was amused, "Latem, are you looking forward to seeing your mommy give birth to a newsibling?"

"I'm fine with it as long as they can raise another baby, so that would depend on my mommy sinceshe's the boss of the family," The way Latem phrased it sounded as if he was praising and mockingAlice at the same time.

Grace looked at Alice and asked, "What are your thoughts?"

"I don't know," Actually, she felt tempted to have another baby when her children were behavingsweetly. However, looking at how they were behaving now, she thought that it probably wasn't agood idea.

"Who knows, maybe you're pregnant already." Latem looked towards Alice's tummy, then lookedupstairs again, "Wouldn't it be a surprise for Gary and Ernest to find a few more children here oncethey graduate and come home?"novelbin

"Latem," Alice realized that he was becoming more and more bold. She still couldn't believe that hehad eavesdropped on the conversation she had with Jensen the night before, not to mention howhe was still mocking her now.

"Mommy," Latem didn't seem to think that there was anything wrong with what he was talking about,"If I have said anything wrongly, you can always talk about it with Aunt when its appropriate."

"Appropriate?" Grace couldn't help but laugh, "Latem, you know this term as well?"

Latem nodded, "Yeah, it's the same as purchasing something. You only buy something when it'sappropriate, so the same goes for having a child."

"You sure have a way with words." Alice didn't sound as if she wanted to lecture Latem. In fact, shewas amused as well, "We will certainly think about it appropriately. You don't have to worry about itanymore. You can go play now."

"Who is there to play with? Sylvia left with Uncle, Gary and Ernest think that we're too young whileSebastian is too boring. Mommy, let's go home and sleep now. It's already past nine o'clock; it'stime to go back. Snowie is probably tired already." "Ah, it's really past nine o'clock already," Gracejust noticed the time, "You guys should go home now. It's so late. Jensen is going to get worried aswell."

"He is working overtime," Alice seemed indifferent, "I'll take them home now, so it's a deal, yeah?We'll be having the banquet the day after tomorrow."

"Okay," Grace carried Snowie and stood up to send the three of them out.

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