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Chapter 1197

So, it was better to go out first.

"Where are we going?" Yvonne asked softly.

"You'll know when we get there," Zachary took a deep breath and calmed himself down. He pattedYvonne's back and said softly, "Come, get up."

Yvonne didn't move; her legs were weak.

She got embarrassed when he stopped so suddenly after teasing her to such an extent. In fact, shehad mentally prepared herself, intending to be properly intimate with him.

But he had suddenly stopped. She looked at him bitterly, took a deep breath, and tried to stand up.

She suddenly staggered and almost fell down.

Zachary grabbed Yvonne's arm quickly and said with a smile, "Can't you stand up?"

His voice was low and hoarse, filled with teasing.

Yvonne looked at him with an aggrieved expression. "All thanks to you. If you hadn't done that,would I not be able to stand up?"

"Oh, my wife is anxious," Zachary held Yvonne and let her stand firmly. With a low and hoarsevoice, he continued to tease her, "Don't worry, I will satisfy you, but not now."

"Who wants to be satisfied?" Yvonne growled with a red face.

Zachary got up and held her in his arms. "Alright, it's not you, but I want to satisfy you. This is amutually beneficial thing; you and I can both be relieved."

Yvonne's face was red.

Her blush became much redder.

This man was making her feel more and more embarrassed.

He had changed.

Yvonne really felt that he seemed to have changed into another person. The Zachary now had allthe qualities of a jerk.


He was incredibly seductive.

Zachary held her gently in his arms as the two of them talked and walked out together.

"Where on earth are you taking me?" Yvonne felt strange because when she was about to go out,Zachary took a few condoms.

At that time, Yvonne's face became so red it was as if blood were about to sprout out.

Zachary did not ask the chauffeur to follow along; there were only two of them in the car.

Yvonne didn't know where he was taking her, but she didn't care since they were familiar withSouthland.

This was the place where they grew up; there was a sense of familiarity everywhere.

Yvonne looked at the scenery outside the window. Beside her, Zachary was driving.

"We're going to a place where we have both been, a place we both deeply loved," Zachary finallyopened his mouth; his voice was still so low and hoarse.

Some scenes immediately surfaced in Yvonne's mind.

Their school.

It was their school, it must be there.

Sure enough, the car arrived at the school gate.

It just so happened that the students were in class, so the guards were very strict and didn't let themin easily.

Zachary showed them their identity cards, and only then did the guards let them enter.

They walked together around the school compound, where there were towering trees reaching intothe clouds.

Yvonne raised her head to look into the sky. The sun was about to set.

Their high school was still the same as it used to be. It was strict, nervous, and the teachers didn'twaste any time. The classes hadn't even ended yet.

Back then, they would also study till late in the evening.

At that time, Zachary was no longer in the same class as her. They would meet on this green path.

Every time they came here to see each other after class, they felt recharged.

Zachary held Yvonne's hand, stood in front of a plane tree, and said, "Do you still remember thistree?"

Yvonne nodded shyly.

Of course, she remembered.

It was right here. After a night study session at nine- thirty, he cornered her in front of this tree whileeveryone was busy going home. She stood in front of the tree while he stood in front of her.

At that time, he said, "Yvonne Attwood, do you want to be my girlfriend?"

He was only in his senior year of high school.

With such a heavy load of studies and weary days, he was a genius student and was still in themood to confess his love.

She was truly frightened, but her heart was also filled with joy.

She was, of course, willing.

After a slight shock, Yvonne nodded her head in agreement.

She remembered that when she nodded, Zachary's eyes reflected the dim lights of the school'scompound; his eyes shone brightly.

After that.

They hugged.

That day, she was only a day away from turning 18.

Whereas he was already 18.

Their love started at such a beautiful age.

He said that falling in love with her was not only a way to deal with his hormones. He also hopedthat this love could motivate them both to make more progress in life.

He wanted to go to the same university as her.

Although they eventually went to the same university, in the end, his father preferred for him to goabroad.

He had stayed because of her.

Therefore, Zachary's father knew of her existence and looked her up. He asked her to break up withZachary because he was carrying the future and hope of the Lowe family.

When Yvonne thought back to the past, she felt heartbroken.

Seeing her distracted.

Zachary leaned forward, and once again in the same place, pressed her against the plane tree.With him in front of her and the huge tree behind her.

Yvonne was stunned.

Zachary's arms wrapped around her waist. He lowered his head and looked at her, saying,"Yvonne."

"Hmm?" She hummed softly.

Zachary looked at Yvonne with his deep eyes and said word by word seriously, "Marry me. Fromnow on, no matter in life or death, be with me. Even when we die and become ghosts, you will stillstay together with me, okay?"

Yvonne stood there, looking at him. Her breath was filled with his scent.

She was still like that. After a slight pause, she replied immediately without hesitation, "Okay."

"No matter what kind of situation you encounter, promise that you won't escape from me again," Hestill wasn't too sure if Yvonne would be able to do it all.

Yvonne was stunned for a moment, and then she nodded her head. "Mm."

"I want a definite answer."

"Alright, no matter what kind of situation I encounter in the future, I will tell Zachary, and I won't try toescape anymore," Yvonne replied obediently with a definite answer.

The previous two times, she had no choice but to escape. The pain that attained at the end plantedin her heart, suffocating her. That was a heartwrenching pain, and it was also in his heart.

Even though so many years had passed, the scars of the pain were still there. Those memories stillmade her feel bitter in her heart whenever she recalled them.

"Yvonne, if you escape again, I will definitely bring you back. I will lock you up, and I won't let youwear any clothes." He whispered a threat in her ear.

Yvonne's face was slightly red, but she could understand Zachary's feelings.

She had cast a huge fear in his heart.

In her mind, she knew that she would not have any more courage to run away from him.novelbin

"I won't escape anymore." She whispered, "Zachary, I can't bear to leave you anymore."

No matter where she went, she could not escape her deep love for Zachary.

Zachary wrapped her in his arms, letting Yvonne rest her whole body on his chest.

She took a deep breath. Yvonne coveted his aura and warmth.

She wanted to live her entire life with Zachary by her side and never leave him again.

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