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Chapter 1134

Yvonne checked the time and realized that it was already seven o'clock.Time passed by too quickly.

He had arrived at her unit around five o'clock just now, and they probably had spoken just for a few minutes before they endedup in the bedroom.

She blushed at the thought.

She felt ashamed of how messy her room became.

Seeing the scene, Yvonne’s remaining inferiority washed away, replaced by confidence.She certainly stood a chance.

The more he yearned for her, the more she felt apologetic towards him.

She truly owed Zachary a sincere apology.


Zachary finally opened his eyes upon hearing her stomach growl a few more times.He glanced at the woman in his arms and asked, "You didn't have lunch?"

Yvonne simply responded, "Mm."

Zachary tightened his arms and said coldly, "Why didn't you just starve to death then?"Yvonne was speechless.

However, she sensed a hint of blame in his tone.

The next second, Zachary said, "Get dressed." Yvonne was bewildered by his words, "What?" Zachary had already let go of herand got up. He took a quick shower in the outside bathroom, then went back to the room to put on his clothes.

Meanwhile, Yvonne still sat on the bed dazedly, unable to react to the situation.Zachary glanced at her and asked, "What are you thinking about?"

“Weekend couple," Yvonne blurted out, "Don't you think we're just like that, considering how we would do it every time we meet?We're like a weekend couple, right?"

"Yvonne, you have guts."

Twenty minutes later.

In the restaurant.

Yvonne followed Zachary's footsteps closely and arrived at a very romantic restaurant.As soon as she entered, she was able to smell the delicious aroma of food.

She felt even hungrier than she initially did.

However, she could only follow Zachary and dared not say anything else as she was in a difficult position. She worried that if sheupset Zachary, he would never let her see Maria again.

She hadn't had the chance to see Maria until now.

She could only behave like a lowly wife; beggars couldn't be choosers.

Zachary walked ahead, and Yvonne followed closely behind him.

Suddenly, someone called out, "Yvonne? Wow, it's really you."

Shocked, Yvonne looked towards the direction where the sound came from.

She saw a man looking at her with surprise and excitement.

Yvonne's heart sank. "Sh*t!" She thought.

There are seven billion people in the world, yet they had to bump into each other that day.

The man quickly walked towards Yvonne. As soon as he got to her, he cast a glance at Zachary and pulled Yvonne aside,completely ignoring him. "Yvonne, | can't believe it's really you. You have no idea how long I've been looking for you. How haveyou been?" He said excitedly.

Yvonne embarrassingly twitched her lips and subconsciously glanced at Zachary. She became fearful when she felt him emittinga rather cold aura.

But she chose to ignore it. The most important thing now was to get rid of the man in front of her."I'm fine. How are you, Wesley? Why are you here?"

"| heard from your grandmother that you came to the Northern City. You hadn't gone back for two years and | thought | would trymy luck here." Wesley was still high in spirits, his eyes even shone when he looked at her, "Did you know that yourgrandmother's health has been declining over the years? She misses you a lot, how can you not visit her after being away for solong?"

Yvonne immediately froze and her face turned pale.

Zachary remained where he was. When he glanced at them, his eyes were cold and as sharp as a dagger.

Yvonne raised her eyes inadvertently and her gaze was met with Zachary's.

She couldn't help but shiver. She felt that the way Zachary looked at her and Wesley was as if they were having an affair.His glare penetrated though her back.

It was so sharp that she almost forgot how to respond in an instant and she had also forgotten to answer Wesley.

"Yvonne, I'm talking to you. Why are you looking at someone else?" Wesley glanced over and saw Zachary’ s menacing glare.Only then did he realize, "Oh, I'm sorry, did the both of you come here together? Sir, were you planning to have dinner withYvonne? Nice to meet you, I'm Wesley Spencer, Yvonne's fiancee."

As soon as he said this, Zachary's aura became so cold that it could freeze a lake of fire. He narrowed his eyes and looked atthe man in front of him.

This man was about 1.75 meters tall; a rather average height and he looked just as average. He looked like any other ordinaryman.

Zachary cast a glance at Yvonne.

She immediately explained, "No, that's not true, Wesley. Didn't | tell you long ago that we weren't suitable for each other?"

“But we are indeed engaged. Your grandmother hasn't said anything either." Wesley pressed on, "I've been waiting for you fortwo years."

"Wesley," Yvonne panicked. She was frightened the moment she looked at Zachary, "Wesley, I'm afraid that you havemisunderstood. | have never agreed to it from the beginning.”


Wesley frowned and subconsciouslylooked at Zachary. Then, his eyeswidened as he asked yang Areyoy refisind td Bem our relationshipbecause you have some sort ofrelationship with him? You're afraidthat he would find out about ourrelationship?" Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

This was getting more and more outof hand. Little did Yvonne expectWesley to be there. | etal ‘pave cnuch of a relationship.

e just happened to be the futuregrandson-in-law that hergrandmother hoped for. Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.Her grandmother thought that she needed to find a man who wouldn't mind the fact that she's a single mother, but she simplyhas no feelings for Wesley. She couldn't believe Wesley took it so seriously.In fact, this was the reason she avoided going home. Furthermore, she didn't expect Wesley would take care of her grandmother.She hadn't had the time to visit her grandmother as she missed her daughter and Zachary more.

Yvonne lowered her eyes slightly and paused for a moment before saying, "Wesley, how many times do | have to repeat myselfso that you'll understand that there's nothing between us?"

Zachary, who had a cold expression all this while, suddenly spoke in a deep voice, "Can we move now? Weren't you hungry?"After that, he strode in.Yvonne was startled for a second and attempted to follow him.

Wesley grabbed her and said,"Yvonne, you can't leave. | don't

your new number, oer \srevieus oneigo aAgeAn service. Now thatwe've finally met, let me save yournew number. Wait, no, I'll join youguys for dinner." Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

As he spoke, Wesley let go of her and ended up walking alongside Yvonne and Zachary calmly.

Yvonne was baffled.

She looked perplexedly at Wesley, who obviously couldn't read the mood, and felt helpless.

Zachary turned around and saw Wesley walking alongside Yvonne. He then frowned and stopped in his tracks.Yvonne was also clueless on how to explain it to Zachary.

Wesley stepped forward and said, "Since fate enabled us to meet one another, we might as well take this chance to get to knoweach other. Dinner's on me. My name is Wesley Spencer, and you are?"

Zachary glanced at Yvonne and said, "Why don't you tell him who | am?"Yvonne was startled. How was she supposed to introduce him?

She felt nervous.

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