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Chapter 1124

“And you think that | will believe you?" Zachary sneered.

Yvonne laughed too. Although she felt a sharp pain in her heart, she pretended to be cheerful. She stared at him and their eyesmet. His eyes were bright and beautiful. After a moment, she said, "Yes, | know you wouldn't believe me."

"Yvonne!" He roared and his tone was furious.

She chuckled again, "You're angry? Do | love you? Why would | leave you if | love you? Zachary, I'm just joking. Look, you're stillso serious. Are you 911

The more she joked around, the more furious he became.

He was not sure what he was furious about. Was he mad that she was taking him as a joke or that fact that she doesn't love him.He really wanted to kill her.

Who was this woman deep down?

He couldn't see through her.

After a long silence, he looked away and suddenly stood up.

Yvonne froze, and then she said in a low voice, "Are you leaving?"

She sounded afraid.

Zachary lowered his eyes and stared at her. Without saying anything else, he went outside.It seemed like he was embarrassed to talk to her.

She also stood up, "Wait a minute!"

He did not stop but continued to walk toward the door.

She had no choice but to quickly shout out, "Waiter, the bill."

"Miss, the other lady who was with you just now has already paid the bill," the waiter hurriedly said when he saw that she wasabout to leave in a panic.

Yvonne dragged her suitcase and sprinted out.

Zachary was very fast and he had already exited the entrance.However, she couldn't run fast with a huge suitcase.

He strode down the stairs, far ahead of her.

She dragged her heavy suitcase down the stairs. She looked worn out."Wait!" She had no choice but to shout, "Zachary, please wait!"

This time, he stopped slightly.

He slowly turned around and looked at the woman dragging a heavy suitcase down the stairs. A flash of light flashed across hiseyes; it was cold and agonizing.

That woman's slender waist looked so much narrower.She was no longer the little girl from the past.

His little girl.

He was no longer the young man he was.

They had been separated from each other for seven years, so they became strangers who once knew each other. The only thingthat was keeping them connected somehow, was their child, Maria.

When Yvonne saw Zachary stop in his tracks, her eyes immediately lit up with joy, and she let out a small sigh of relief.However, he only paused for a short while before turning around to leave once again.

She did not have time to think things through. She immediately let go of her suitcase and sprinted towards him. She wanted tostop him from leaving.

The suitcase tumbled over and fell to the ground. Clothes scattered everywhere but she did not have time to pick them up.She had no choice but to ignore them and she sprinted directly towards him.

His pace was too fast and his strides were too big. He went straight for his car.

She was almost out of breath when she caught up to him. She reached out and grabbed his sleeve.

He stopped reluctantly.

He frowned and glanced at the hand that was tugging at his sleeve with a livid look.

Yvonne felt very uncomfortable under his cold gaze. After a slight pause, she still tightly tugged on his clothes, not willing to letgo.

“Let go," Zachary urged.

"No." She was very determined, but when she saw his angry eyes, she couldn't help but say, "The moment | let go, you will leaveimmediately. | have something that | wanted to say."

"So you think you can do whatever you want? You can explain whenever you want, come and go whenever you want."Perhaps it was due to his anger, but he spoke with a low and cold tone.

Even his eyes were cold, and it made her heart tremble with fear.

"| want to see my daughter," she said bravely. "| want to see Maria."novelbin

He did not say anything and just stared at her.

That stare was enough to make others tremble with fear.

"| miss Maria. | really miss her very much."

"Who do you think you are?"

Zachary was trying to suppress the anger in his tone, and even his voice seemed to be aggravated.She knew that he was truly enraged.

Yvonne pursed her lips, and tears started forming at the corners of her eyes.

Asecond later they disappeared. She raised her head again and said, "| gave birth to her for your sake. Even if | didn't take careof her, | still went through nine months carrying her. Correct?"

He narrowed his eyes.

She felt that she had said something wrong. It sounded like she was asking him for a favor.However, just when she thought that he might refute and criticize her, he spoke in a cold voice."You may see her based on this reason."

His face was frighteningly livid.

She was slightly doubtful about whether he had really said those words.She was a bit puzzled.

So was she allowed to meet with her daughter or not?

"Can I, can | meet her?" She asked uncertainly.

“What do you think?" He questioned her back.

She was taken aback again.

What did that mean?

There seemed to be a lot of meaningbehind that sentence. YN onne begant cept atu) she felt thatZachary was deliberately testing her.Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

He was getting back at her. He was fuming with anger because she had disappeared twice.

"| want to see her," she repeated herself. "You can't stop me."

“When you threw her away like an unwanted item, did you even think that this day would come?" He questioned her once again.His handsome face was frighteningly cold.

She swallowed a mouthful of saliva subconsciously, "But, if | told you that | was pregnant that day, would you still let me givebirth to her?"

He was caught off guard by the question.His eyes twitched violently.

Yvonne shrugged her shoulders andsaid, "See, you're not sure either.Zachary, you've been living y yapestlife for a hile ap heRdired the painOED pregnant for ten months.Then, | gave birth to her, raised herfor five years, and then you onlyraised her for a year, and you havethe guts to be mad about it? Howdare you?" Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

"Yvonne," Zachary chided in a low voice again.

"Thank you for still remembering my name. If it wasn't for Maria, would you still remember me?"Of course, he remembered.

He squinted his eyes. How could he not remember the only woman in his life?

What did she mean by this?

Did she suspect that he was a playboy?

"You see, I'm just someonedisposable to you. I'm just s OTewho acci talyqave Birth to Maria.ihwWasd accident that | got pregnantwith the child and she happened tobe her. That's all." Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

She spoke in such a casual manner. Her words sounded as if they were simple and meaningless.

However, he was still anxious.

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