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Chapter 1111

“Heinz,” Timothy's voice was slightly choked, and his eyes reddened. Looking at him, he said, "| have now handed Grace over toyou. | hope that you will treat her well in the future, and don't let my child suffer anymore misfortunes. She has suffered a lot up

until now, and | have no way to make it up to her. | hope that you can give her what | am unable to. | am ashamed that | am not agood father to her, but | sincerely hope that you will be a good husband. | hope that you can be someone whom she can rely on."

Heinz took over Grace's slender hands. When he saw Timothy's slightly red eyes, he nodded and said, "Don't worry, my father-in-law. | will take the responsibility to take care of Grace. We will stay by each other's side no matter what.”

She was so moved that she became speechless.

She always thought that she had a calm and composed personality, but when she faced such an event, she couldn't help buttear up.

Timothy nodded and suddenly burst into tears. His voice was a little emotional, too.

"You are a good man. You have been really good to Grace. You have always given her all you can and | am terribly sorry to her.No matter what | say now, | can never make it up to her. She had suffered so much and | am truly sorry for that. However, somethings can only be done once in a lifetime."

He stared at Grace with a pair of regretful eyes as tears poured down.

“My child, I'm sorry. If | can do this all over again, | will definitely not let you suffer so much. | will go and look for you."Her face was full of tears and her legs were getting weak. She turned around and stared at Timothy.


She had enough of his words. The more he said, the more she felt sad. She was never a person who held grudges.

Especially at this very moment, seeing a middle-aged man apologizing to her with tears flowing down his face, how could shelive with it?

She turned around and directly hugged him. With her face buried in his shoulder, she blurted out, "Dad, stop talking. | know.""You, what did you call me?" Timothy was taken aback and almost couldn't believe his ears.

Was he dreaming? Did he really just hear her calling him dad?

"Dad, | love you," she spoke again. "I also know that you love me. That's enough."

"| love you too." He gently hugged her and did not dare to use too much strength. He was afraid that if this was all a dream, hewould shatter it if he was too rough.

Upon seeing such a touching scene, everyone present started welling up.

Little Gary was also not spared. As he witnessed the scene, his eyes teared up too and he had to look out of the sunroom to stophimself crying.

Timothy held Grace in his embrace and calmed himself down in an instant. He remembered that she was still pregnant, hence hecouldn't make her too emotional. Especially when he saw Heinz staring at them with a trace of wariness in his eyes, he had to tryhis best to calm himself down.

"Don't cry, don't cry. Today is a wonderful day for you and Heinz. It's time to exchange the rings. Don't be emotional, okay?"Timothy said softly.

"Yes," Grace nodded and wiped away her tears.

Yet again, Timothy handed her over to Heinz.

Indeed, she was very emotional and had a hard time controlling herself.

Heinz held her in his arms.

Timothy quickly returned to his seat.

She burst into tears in Heinz's arms.

His lips leaned towards her ear. He kissed her gently through the veil, and his eyes were filled with warmth."Silly girl, today is our wedding day. Why are you tearing up?"

As soon as she heard his gentle voice, she couldn't hold it in anymore and cried even harder.

He chuckled and lowered his head to whisper into her ear, "Everyone's staring at you. Do you want to cry throughout thewedding? The children are also watching."

After a few seconds, she finally came back to her senses. She tried to hold back her tears, not allowing herself to cry anymore.She looked up from Heinz's arms and into his eyes.

He saw that she was tearing up so badly that it was about to ruin her makeup, thus, he took out a handkerchief, lifted her veiland wiped the tears off her face.

“Let's exchange rings shall we?" Meanwhile, William, who was standing on the podium, spoke, "I'm getting old and standing upfor too long is getting tiring for me. Please think of my physical condition and quickly exchange the rings, so | can get down andrest." "Grandpa, are you in such poor health?" Heinz turned to look at him.

William glared at him in disgust and said, "Even if I'm not that weak, can your wife's stomach bear it? A pregnant woman will gettired if she stands for too long. Now, there are two people who can't stand for too long, one of them is me, this old man, and theother one is your pregnant wife."

Upon hearing William's words, the atmosphere in the room lightened up instantly. Everyone started laughing and smiling again.Grace exchanged rings with Heinz quickly.William looked at the newlyweds and said, "Well, now | have some last words to say."

Everyone was staring at him.

"Heinz, | have watched you grow up. |know that you are a child who valuesrelationships, and you are wolelshiby Grace's side ynpi tld Ger) tarhomnent. Muy believe that you twowill be by each other's sides nomatter what. Hence, trust andtolerate each other, and | can assureyou that both of you are going tohave a peaceful and loving life."Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

"Yes, Grandpa. | will remember it,"Heinz said sincerely. He turned hij

gaze to Grace nd said bwittgive myevrything td race. I'm not going toleave her and she will be my womanfor this entire lifetime." Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

“Alright, I've completed my task. I'll leave the rest to you, Mr. Lowe." William didn't wish to stand at the podium any longer.Zachary took over the microphone and said, "Please help Old Master Carter back to his seat."Soon, William went back to his seat and sat down.

Grace and Heinz were still standing at the stage, facing each other.

“Let Heinz and Grace kiss!" Alice suddenly shouted from below.

Everyone laughed out loud.

Hermione also joined it, "Kiss the bride! Come on, do it!"

More and more people started to join in the fun.

Alex and Lester also joined in.

Heinz and Grace faced each other and kissed under everyone's gaze. It seemed a little awkward.She stared at the man in front of her shyly and subconsciously wanted to shake her head.

However, he had a smirk on his face.

He Heaiiele closer to eee essoft ling Sevehts ater, he

S hee French kissing her. Please

read the original content at


She gradually became breathless and her eyebrows knitted together slightly. She was still a little nervous.There were blessings and laughter all over the crowd.

They, a perfect couple, embraced each other happily.novelbin

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