True Fated Marriage (Grace and Heinz)

Chapter 1093 A Jealous Lover
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Chapter 1093 A Jealous Lover

It was a really tough request.Whenever Jensen became jealous, he would act bossy. She had no idea that he had such a childish side to him.

But Alice still had a lot of hesitations in her heart. She felt that the issue between the two of them had not been solvedsubstantively.

Would Jensen continued to have subtle grudges in his heart in the future?

Her position as the president of Sunny group would become more stable and resolute as time passed. But how should shebalance her relationship with her husband who was a police officer when that time comes?

If there was even a slightest bit of mistake, perhaps their relationship would fall apart.Alice inevitably had to worry about that.

However, she felt that she had to deal with the issue properly. If she failed to do so, her life would become a mess. She had towork hard to find a balance between her relationship with Jensen, Sunny Group, and Jensen's parents.

Perhaps she should visit her parents-in-law and have a meal with them this coming weekend. It would show her sincerity anddetermination.

"Focus," Jensen reminded when he noticed that she was distracted again.Alice snapped back to reality and stared into his eyes.

He was getting more and more sensitive, and there was also a hint of doubt in his eyes when he looked at her. Alice thought thathe looked like an unconfident man who suspected he had been cheated on by his wife.

Alice smiled helplessly and said, "| was just thinking that we should trust each other more. Did you think that | was distracted bysomething else? Jensen, | wasn't. | was thinking of ways on how to solve the issue between us. How we can improve ourrelationship and how we can get along well with each other."

Hearing that, Jensen became speechless and embarrassed. It seemed that he had overthought again.

Ahint of regret flashed across his eyes. He looked at Alice and said, "Sorry."

"It's okay," Alice smiled, "It's my fault for not making you feel secure enough. So | need to think about my mistakes too."Jensen felt even more embarrassed.

As he looked into Alice's eyes, his eyes were filled with embarrassment and guilt.

Why was he so narrow-minded? He had actually let his imagination ran wild in an inappropriate direction.

Jensen felt deeply guilty.

“Alright, don't think about it anymore," Alice cupped Jensen's face, forcing him to look at her, "Let's not get distracted anymore.No matter what you're thinking, don't overthink it."

"Okay," he nodded.

Alice chuckled.

Looking at her delicate smile, Jensen lowered his head, he felt all the more guilty.That night, they went wild and did not sleep until the crack of dawn.

The next morning, Jensen was in a much better mood. He looked refreshed.

He got up early to prepare breakfast for Alice, just like when they were deeply in love back in the days. He would preparebreakfast for Alice every morning when he woke up.

Alice only got up after he finished preparing breakfast.She kept yawning and she looked exhausted.

She came out of the room and flopped down on the couch. She covered her mouth as she yawned, "Something smells good. Isthat fried egg?"

Jensen felt upset when he saw how her eyes kept closing and how tired she looked. He felt that he had really tortured her thenight before, resulting in her tiredness.

He walked over and said, "Eat something first. I'll send you to work later."

"You'll send me?" Alice was surprised. She opened her eyes to look at Jensen and asked, "Aren't you busy?"Jensen shook his head and said, "I'm not as busy lately."

"Oh, okay," Alice smiled, "Then, you can pick me up after work. I'll call you when I'm done. How does that sound?"Jensen was stunned and he stared at Alice for a second, then his lips curled into a smile.

He was delighted.

Alice also noticed that he had indeed become much happier.

It seemed that she would have to ask him for help more often in the future.

As a wife, she had been too independent in the past. She always tried not to bother him too much as she was afraid that hewould be exhaust himself. But now it seemed that her lack of dependence on him had become the reason why Jensen feltinsecure.

Perhaps she really should depend on him more in the future so that he would feel needed. That way, their relationship wouldimprove.

Thinking about this, Alice felt a lot more refreshed.

She reached out to hold Jensen's arm and said sweetly, "Hubby, shall we go back and have a meal with your parents thisweekend?"

Jensen was startled, saying, "I'm afraid this won't do.""Why not?" Alice frowned, "Is it because they're 911

"You're overthinking," Jensen tappedon her nose. "Mom and Dad reallywant to have a meal witeyore They!always savahat You ve been too busyrecently and are worried that yourbody can't take it. They also ask meto advise you to not work too hard."Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

"Then why don't we have a meal with them? It'll be my treat." Alice asked.

"Have you forgotten that Grace and Heinz are having a small wedding this weekend? What kind of sister are you to haveforgotten about it?" Jensen teased.

Alice finally realized, "Oh, yeah. How can | forget such an important matter.""Why don't we have a meal with my parents next weekend. We'll attend their wedding first."

In fact, he was planning his wedding with Alice as well. However, he would have to wait until she was less busy before hesurprised her with it.

"Well, | really have been too busy.Heinz even reminded me about it lastnight. My brain is realy ygt comfergtion inet With my sister'scurrent condition, will the wedding beheld as scheduled? It seems that shestill doesn't know about the weddingyet." Please read the original contentat NovelDrama.Org.

"It'll depend on how she's feeling.Let's wait and see. If everything isfine, the wedding shouldbe @aedau aspplamiied"Serisen said, "| hopethey can proceed as planned. In thatcase, your sister's health will improveand everyone can rest assured."Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

"How's Quinn?" Alice asked.

"Gastric polyps, in addition, to her sudden onset of anxiety, her gastritis flared up so she vomited blood. Not a big deal. She'll befine after surgery." Jensen said.

"Doesn't that mean that she will be spared from being detained?" Alice frowned, "How much luckier can she get?" "She isn't freeeven if she is admitted to the hospital. The police have been keeping an eye on her," Jensen reassured.

"This woman is too cruel," Alice muttered, "But compared to my mother, she is nothing."Jensen was slightly stunned. Sympathy flashed across his eyes as he looked at his wife."There's no need for you to speak up for her."

“I'm not. I’m just saying as it is." Alice said, "My sister is really too unfortunate. Our biological mother is so cruel, and so is herstepmother. They both want her dead."novelbin

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