True Fated Marriage (Grace and Heinz)

Chapter 1079 Blood Runs Thicker Than Water
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Chapter 1079 Blood Runs Thicker Than Water

Ernest would occasionally go against Little Gary. The older Ernest got, the more daring he became.

Little Gary quickly opened his mouth and retorted, "I'm sticking to my principles. | won't simply accept anyone unworthy asfamily."

Ernest sighed, "Whether you accept it or not, he's Mommy's father after all. He's our grandfather. We're blood relatives! How doyour principles work? Blood runs thicker than water, you know? If you don't even acknowledge that fact, how can you still insiston sticking to your principles? Gary, are you joking?”

“Ernest Jones, just whose side are you on?" Little Gary yelled. He was upset to the point that he had called Ernest by his fullname.

Ernest didn't take Little Gary's rage seriously. He looked at Little Gary and replied calmly, "I'm sticking to my own principles.Gary, now that Mommy's in the hospital, we shouldn't be fighting.”

Little Gary was rendered speechless at the moment.

Ernest looked Little Gary in the eye and replied, "Since Grandpa hadn't meant to harm Mommy, I'd like to get him to be on ourside. Mommy's his daughter and | believe Grandpa definitely wouldn't want anything bad to happen to her as well. It's muchbetter to have one more ally than another enemy."

These words not only surprised Little Gary, but also Timothy. These children were so young, but they were brilliant. In fact, all ofthem seemed extremely astute.

He was very pleased that his daughter had such children.

Now, he only hoped that the babies in Grace's belly wouldn't be affected. As he thought about Grace's situation, he started toblame himself again. He really was overtly careless, wasn't he? It was reasonable to make sure that all the food Graceconsumed would be safe at a time like this. He should have done his best as a father to secure his daughter's pregnancy.

Little Gary turned to Ernest and said, "Alright, even though | don't approve of you calling him Grandpa so early on, | guess | can'tstop you. So what if | don't call him Grandpa?"

"Yeah, Gary. So what if you do?" Ernest retorted.

“Ernest, hadn't we agreed when we were discussing in the room just now. You said you'd support me fully. Why did you suddenlyswitch sides when you came out?" Little Gary said.

"| did support you, so | didn't interrupt what you said at first. | want to make up for the parts where | think you've done wrong.We're good brothers, aren't we? And good brothers work together." Ernest explained with a smile.

“Ernest, this is sophistry," Little Gary said. "Since when have you possessed such a sharp tongue?"

"| don't think | do," said Ernest. "Don't worry, Gary. You still have the sharpest tongue among all of us. So do Daddy and Mommy.I'm definitely the worst. Under all of your influences, | can only be considered as the fourth sharpest."

"You're getting better at it." Little Gary had rarely heard of such bold ramblings from Ernest. That day seemed to have been oneof those rare days where Ernest could go on for hours.

Sure enough, Ernest added, "Gary, for Grandpa to divorce at his age... This is enough to show his determination.He also wrote us a pledge that he wouldn't remarry that evil ex-wife of his. So, I'm convinced Grandpa's on the same side as us.

In that case, there's no need for us to be cold to our grandfather. After all, he needs family as well." Gary pursed his lips. His facewas filled with disdain and disgust, not even bothering to cover up his expression.

Timothy was deeply moved. His eyes glistened as he looked at the two children and said, "You don't have to quarrel. |understand you perfectly. You're all worried about your mother. What good kids the both of you have become."

"Do you think | need you to tell me that?" Little Gary said in a low voice. "Of course, we're good kids. We're even good peopleand we have good principles as well."

"Since you say you're a good person, you should call him Grandpa as well," Ernest said. "Take it as practice. To amp you up tocall our father Daddy when you see him later.

This is what everyone in the family hopes you would do. After spending so much time in the hospital, Mommy will be very happyto hear you call him Daddy for once and she will be able to be discharged from the hospital very soon.

Therefore, Gary, for Mommy's sake, | think it would be best if you could call them Daddy and Grandpa."

Gary's lips twitched.

The focus has been shifted.

Couldn't his younger brother, who goes around acknowledging other people as his family, follow his lead just this once?It annoyed him that Ernest was mocking him at the moment.

He looked at Ernest with an impassive face. He didn't want to pay any more attention to this younger brother who longed forfamilial love so much that he didn't stick to his principles.

"Mr. Yarbrough, it's impossible for me to call you Grandpa. | wouldn't even do it to Heinz," Little Gary said impolitely.Timothy shook his head in understanding, "No, | understand. You don't have to force yourself."

He knew exactly what the child was thinking. Because the child had not truly accepted him, therefore, forcing him would not getthem anywhere.

However, Ernest said, "Grandpa, Gary's the most arrogant out of us. The way he's acting is ridiculous, isn't it?"

"What's your point?" Little Gary was about to go crazy. "Ernest Jones, we're supposed to be talking about Mommy's assault, notacknowledging family."

Ernest blinked and said, "But | heard from the butler that Mommy's much better now. Why are you making such a big fuss? Sinceshe's gotten better, everything's alright now."

"You're so stupid,” Little Gary remarked. "Mommy's pregnant. She may be fine, but what about the babies in her belly?"

Ernest was stunned by that reminder. He widened his eyes and said, "I think our siblings aren't so fragile. They should be fine. Ifthey were weak, they would have been dead meat long ago.

Since they're still in Mommy's belly, it must surely not be a problem. If they were capable enough to survive the poisoning, surelythey'll be fine."novelbin

"So Gary, try not to be so pessimistic.

Look at me. | was aban lonec: whieh!Ss borne pet raimed-out fine didn't

7 acl our little siblings will be just

the same. Please read the original

content at NovelDrama.Org.

They must've already developed

some sort of resistanc a Morarny’s

aeiiatersenans ? herwise, theyt not be able to live well after

birth." Please read the original

content at NovelDrama.Org.

Ernest's words startled everyone.Little Gary was stumped once more.On the other hand, Timothy looked frightened.

While everything Ernest had said before had touched Timothy, the way he had just spoken was simply enough to surprise theentire world.

He was also not an ordinary child."I'm done," Little Gary looked at Timothy and said.

"Although you're the main person toblame for this, you were still the onewho brought the fruits.quer oo!Bis'aSnfontation wasn't atotal loss. | still don't think you're acredible person so you'd best besmarter in the future." Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

"Alright," Timothy nodded. "You're right. Thanks for the reminder."

After that, Little Gary turned around and left.

Ernest was taken aback by his brother's sudden departure, "Gary, where are you going?”"My room," Little Gary didn't want to say any more.

Ernest looked back at Timothy with his beady eyes and asked, "Grandpa, can you take me to the hospital to see Mommy,please?"

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