True Fated Marriage (Grace and Heinz)

Chapter 1074 Peace of Mind from a Clear Conscience
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Chapter 1074 Peace of Mind from a Clear Conscience

Heinz blinked and looked at his wife silently for a long time. He knew that Grace was a sentimental woman.Otherwise, she wouldn't have raised Lowell at all.

She actually longed for familial bonds.

It seemed that he wasn't aware of that fact. However, emotionally, Heinz still couldn't forgive Quinn's actions.

��Honey, | understand how you feel and | know how to deal with it rationally. But | just can't bring myself to forgive her." Heinzlooked at her and continued, "| can't take any more risks. Whenever I'm reminded of her intentions, | get scared.

| get chills just thinking about it. We were lucky that she hadn't flat-out poisoned you, if she did, do you think you would still bealive?

And it's not just one life we're talking about here. Quinn would have taken three lives at once. Should | be thanking her for notpoisoning you outright?"

How could | do that? Why should | risk not holding her accountable for the sake of making peace? Even if | do forgive her, who'sto say she won't do it again in the future?

We've forgiven Marry, Simon, even Jodie, as well as my father and your mother. But what did we get in return?"Heinz recalled all the incidents; he felt disappointed in humanity sometimes.

Grace looked at Heinz with a hint of tenderness in her eyes.

After a long while, Grace eventually spoke, "Heinz, what we get in return is peace of mind from a clear conscience."Heinz eyed her in disbelief.

Grace leaned over and cuddled up to him.

Heinz silently held her in his embrace as his warm breath landed on the top of her head.

The weather was getting colder by day.

Summer had long passed, making way for late winter.

They cuddled close to warm each other up.

Grace held his hands tightly and said in a low voice once more, "Heinz, | know how you feel and the thoughts deep in your heart.| know we shouldn't be pushovers, but it's better for us to just forgive and forget, it'll be good for our children's growth anddevelopment as well. | believe as long as we do what's right, our children will receive great blessings."

Heinz only let out a deep sigh. He understood and respected Grace's wishes.He also firmly believed that handling things like this should be able to net him some good karma.

��Alright. | won't blame my brother-in-law anymore, but | still can��t forgive Quinn. So, I'm sorry. If you want me to go against myconscience and forgive her, I'll just get aggravated. That's all | can do, for now, so please don't persuade me, alright?" Heinz heldGrace's hand and added, "I respected your decision to forgive her, so | should hope you'll respect my decision to do theopposite, okay?"

Grace chuckled in his arms and said, "Okay. It's all up to you whether to forgive her or not anyway. | just hope we can faceeverything in life calmly."

"Alright." Heinz didn't say anything else.

��| wonder how Little Gary, Ernest, and Lowell are doing now. | didn't get to answer the phone last night, what did you say tothem?" Grace looked at Heinz in concer. "I kinda miss them."

"They're fine," Heinz said. "I only told them you had diarrhea last night. | didn't mention anything else."

"That's good!" Grace replied.

"But Little Gary could tell something was off, so he called back today," Heinz went on. "This morning, actually.""Why didn't | know about that?" Grace was very surprised. "What did he say?"

"It was quite early, so | didn't tell you and answered it outside. He kept insisting there was something else affecting you, it wasn'tjust a simple case of food poisoning. He said he had the right to know and insisted that | tell him." Heinz said.novelbin

Grace was taken aback. "He's really smart, isn't he? How does he know everything?"

"He still doesn't know exactly what's going on but | think the butler could not hide it from him," Heinz said. "| think when he'solder, he might sell the butler and the butler would still be willing to help him count the money.��

"I'm sure he wouldn't," Grace said.

As they chatted, the phone rang.

Heinz looked at the screen and saw that it was Little Gary.

"Speak of the devil. It's Little Gary. I'm stressed to answer his call."

"Do it," Grace let go of him once she realized that it was the house number.Heinz answered and put it on speaker straight away.

Little Gary's exasperated voice sounded from the other end. "Heinz, you idiot. Were you even protecting Mommy? How couldyou let someone poison her? You're really as dumb as a brick."

Heinz's face darkened at that. He was going to be driven up the wall by this son of his.

He merely held onto the phone and pursed his lips, not saying a word.

Little Gary became even angrier when there was no response. He raised his voice and yelled, "Don't you dare keep quiet. I'mwarning you, | already found out the truth even if you didn't want to tell me. So tell me, who did it?"

"Don't you already know? Why are you still asking me?" Heinz retorted.Little Gary was stunned by the question. After a short pause, he retorted, "Humph. I'm giving you a chance to redeem yourself."

"| don't need it," Heinz said flatly."Remember, you're still a child. Ethough you're aegy goltre &ihdond. idd going around askingabout grown-up stuff. Your news isnot accurate anyway. Who told youshe was poisoned?" Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

Heinz was upset this time. He didn't wish for his children to know this kind of news.As this matter was much too dark, it was not conducive for a child's development to know about something like this too early on.Heinz hated when the servants at home leaked out information about major issues like this.

"| know everything, so don't try tohide anything from us," Little Garysaid matter- of- factly. "! alreadknow what th er elects Voudont Bdveltd blame him. Theywhispered the whole time but | wassmart enough to eavesdrop. Whycan't | know about what's happeningwith you and Mommy? | have theright to know these things." Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Heinz knitted his eyebrows in frustration at that.Grace didn't know whether to laugh or cry. This child was too much trouble to boot.��We also have the right to keep our matters private. You don't need to know." Heinz said unyieldingly.

"Forget it. You're just finding excusesto cover up your stupidity. | can tellyou're just an idiot, a burabliggddist!ittle arygtoneBeo e� morespiteful. "| really can't understandwhat Mommy sees in you. All youhave is good looks, everything elseabout you is just so-so." Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

��Are you done?" Heinz retorted.

��Not really. | can go on all day. However, | don't have the time for that right now. | want to know how Mommy's doing. Can | callher now?" Little

Gary said.

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