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Chapter 1065

Heinz almost thought that he had misheard him.

Was he being serious?

He actually asked him to call the police. Heinz frowned and looked at Zayne as if he was examining the authenticity of his words."You heard right," Zayne's tone was still very calm, "call the police."

"Zayne?" Quinn also looked at her son in astonishment. She was speechless, what's more, her eyes were filled with horror.

She had never expected her son to come up with such a suggestion. She was so frightened that she fell to the ground,speechless.

She thought it was only reasonable if Heinz was the one who suggested it. She didn't plan to go back after she came anyway.However, little did Quinn expect her son to be the one who said so.

She was his mother, wasn't she?

How cruel could he be to send his own mother to prison!

Zayne also looked at Heinz. After explaining, he then looked at his mother.novelbin

Before coming, he kept a hopeful heart, thinking that his mother would not be so extreme. However, after hearing theconversation between his mother and Heinz, Zayne was completely disappointed.

No, no disappointment, it was despair.The last bit of hope was gone.He finally understood why his father was so determined to divorce.

At first, he thought that there was still a possibility for their parents to get back together, but now that he looked at it, thepossibility would be next to none.

His mother actually wanted to hurt his father's daughter.It was unimaginable for Zayne. He looked at his mother, with the same pain in his eyes.Then, Zayne kneeled in front of Quinn and looked at her. "Mom, how could you harm Dad's daughter?" He asked.

Quinn did not speak. She just twitched her lips and laughed in self-mockery. Her smile was as sorrowful and self-deprecating asit could be.

"Speak," Zayne said in a deep voice.

He had an imposing manner that could make one shudder unintentionally when he spoke with a serious face.Heinz frowned slightly. Holding his mobile phone, wondering if he should call the police or not.

Under usual circumstances, he would have done it immediately.

But this time, Zayne's appearance had surprised him and made him hesitate for some time.

"| did it." Quinn said, "There's nothing | won't admit.”

“What about in front of Eamon?" Zayne asked coldly.

Quinn was startled. She didn't expect her son to be the one to punish her. She really had a good son.

“Now that it has come to this, | have nothing to hide," Quinn closed her eyes and said again, "| heard someone in thesupermarket shouting that the fruits had too much pesticide residues, so | bought some. In fact, | didn’t know that your fatherwould go visit Grace. | was just gambling. If he went, I'd let him bring it over. If he didn't, I'd just forget it. It's only once."

"Why?" Zayne asked.

"Because | can't let go." Quinn laughed in selfmockery, "Timothy was too caring about Grace.

He didn't remember my birthday or our wedding anniversary, but he could remember every detail about her.| thought that after Candace left, life would be much more peaceful.

But who would have thought with Grace's existence, your father was still the same, treating both the mother and daughter liketreasures? How can | feel good, when he's like this?" Quinn protested.

"Mom, you're too greedy." Zayne raised his voice unintentionally, "It's understandable that you would compete with Candace, butwhy would you want to fight Grace? She's already married. All Dad wanted to do was to make up for his mistakes over the years.If you really love Dad, you shouldn't be so narrow-minded."

“|_am not that generous." Quinn sobbed, "If | were that generous, | would have done it, but | can't.""She's pregnant," Zayne shouted, "How can you hurt a pregnant woman? Aren't the babies in her stomach innocent?""I!" Quinn opened her mouth but couldn't continue.

Zayne looked at her long eyelashes fluttering like the wings of a butterfly. She had beautiful eyes. At this moment, a mix ofemotions appeared on the young man’s face.

He looked at his mother without saying a word. He just looked at her like looking at a stranger.There seemed to be a lack of mutual understanding between the mother and son.

"Mom, if you did it, you'll have to bear the responsibility. This is what you taught me." Zayne said.Quinn looked at her son dazedly.

Just then, the door opened.

Grace, who had been at the door of the ward, heard everything. She was very surprised. She did not expect Zayne to ask hismother to do so.

She had never personally met Zayne, she had only seen a photo of him shown by Mr. Yarbrough. Zayne and Eamon were herhalf-brothers.

Grace never would have thought that her existence brought Mrs. Yarbrough so much misfortune, making her take such a risk tohurt Grace.

"Okay, I'll surrender myself in." Quinn finally spoke, as if she had come back to her senses and could face herself.Zayne's pupils contracted as he clenched his fists.

Heinz stayed silent the whole time, watching from the side.

He wanted to see how it would end.

All he could do now was to stand aside and

watch.He saw Grace as soon as she opened the door.

Heinz's brows immediately furrowed.He walked over to her and sai gitly,"Why did oy copBSG? R's betterthatly go in and have a rest inside.The air outside is not good." Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

At this moment, Quinn and Zayne also heard the sound and turned to look.

They saw Grace.

Grace also saw them.

Grace didn't expect that they would meet in such a way; Mrs. Yarbrough sat on the ground and Zayne kneeled in front of her.

They turned their heads towards her direction. Their countenance didn't look pleasant, and Grace also felt awkward. They juststared at each other.

Quinn soon came to her senses,looked at her son, and said, "I will callthe police and turn yself incvou '!doit have to da? ou are right. | willown up to my mistakes. This is what| have taught you, so | will do it aswell. | will pay for my actions." Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

She stood up as she spoke.

Then, she walked towards Grace.

Grace stood there and looked at her.

As soon as Mrs. Yarbrough got close,

Heinz was on full alert and protected Grace in his arms.

Quinn looked at Grace, who waswearing a loose hospital ownchter

oy fel Snd er belly

s slightly bulging, showing thatshe was pregnant. Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

"Grace," Quinn stood two meters away and did not move forward."Mrs. Yarbrough," Grace answered by calling her.

Quinn shook her head, "Don't call me Mrs. Yarbrough. I'm not anymore. I've divorced your father. The reason | came was toapologize to you."

Grace was stunned. It was really a surprise."Whether you believe it or not, | just want to tell you that | am very regretful now," Quinn said.No one reacted. Grace did not know what to say.

She just left Mrs. Yarbrough hanging as she did not know what to say.

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