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Chapter 1054

At the Yarbrough family's home.

Timothy was very happy that day as he just had lunch with his daughter. When he came back, Grace even gave Quinn a silkscarf as a gift in return.

Timothy gave Quinn the silk scarf. She touched it and smiled. She looked at her husband quietly and said, "How thoughtful.""Yes, she's a good girl,” he agreed.

She smiled and asked, "When did you part with Grace?"

"| left after lunch and went to the company." He looked at his watch and said, "| was busy with work until now."

'TH make you something to eat." She quickly went to the kitchen.

"No need." He said, "I have had a meal with the staff in the company."

"You've eaten?" Quinn looked at him and said, "Have some fruits then. I'll cut some for you. The fruits for Grace, there are still alot left. The children can have a plate each too."

"There is still a lot left?" Timothy was stunned. He rarely went to the kitchen, but he didn't see the fruits earlier either. Why did hiswife say that there was more?

"Yes, | bought a lot." She smiled and said, "The children are busy with school so | gave them fruits to supplement their vitaminintake."

"Let the children have it." he shook his head. "You know | don't like to eat fruits."

“Learn to eat them,” she said. "You'll suffer from vitamin deficiency if you continue to be like this."

"It's okay, I'll just eat more vegetables." He didn't pay much attention to his diet, "They can supplement me with vitamins too."Quinn put down the knife in her hand and watched her husband quietly for a moment.

Timothy was surprised to be stared at. "Why are you looking at me?"

"Your habits really make me feel distressed and upset," she sighed, and turned around to wipe her tears.

Seeing his wife's reaction, he was also dazed. He then walked over, gently hugged her from behind, and asked softly, "You'reworrying about me again?"

"Go away." She shook her head and denied it. "Who worries about you? You don't even care for yourself. Why would | worryabout you?" "You didn’t mean what you said, right?" Timothy didn't let go of his wife, but put his arms around her waist, turnedher over, and had her face him.

Her eyes were full of tears. She lowered her head and did not look at him.

Timothy wiped her tears with his hands awkwardly, bit by bit.

"You are not young anymore, but you still cry like a little girl." His tone was very gentle, "I really don't know what to do with you."Quinn tugged at his hand and complained, "Are you complaining that I'm old, or that I'm acting young?"

“Haha, no." He shook his head and laughed brightly, "You are not old. I'm older than you. Look, you are still a young teacher.Unlike me, people call me ‘uncle’ when | go out."

"They didn't even call you grandpa, and you say you're old." She lifted her face and smiled through tears. "Timothy, how manyyears have we been married?"

He froze.Could he reply that he didn't remember?

She looked at him with a stiff expression and questioned, "Don't tell me that you don't even remember how many years we havebeen married?"

He smiled awkwardly, "Honey, I'm sorry."

She was really speechless.

However, she was not angry. She just sighed, "You just know that | can't do anything to you, so you bully me.""| don't dare to," Timothy shook his head and took his wife's hands. "I don't dare to bully you."

“Alright, you go out first. I'll cut some fruits." she took the cantaloupe and prepared to cut it up.

He had to let her go, but he didn't go out. He just stayed there, "You cut, I'll watch you."

Quinn began to cut the fruits.

He stood there, watching her. He felt that these were good days. His wife was virtuous and wasn't being calculative. His sonswere obedient and did well in their schoolwork. Everything was good.

His daughter was married and didn't blame him.There was probably nothing happier than this.He was truly satisfied. He hoped that these good days could continue.novelbin

After cutting the fruits, she went to the living room with him to eat the fruits. After eating, the two talked for a while before theywent to sleep.

In the middle of the night, the phone rang.

Timothy's cell phone was not turned off or muted.

The ringing awakened the couple. Quinn's face turned pale, and it seemed that she was startled."Who is calling?" She asked while holding her chest, "I was startled.”

“Let me have a look." He looked at his cell phone. It was Heinz's phone number.

He was stunned and immediately picked it up. "Heinz, what's wrong?"

"Mr. Yarbrough." Heinz wassuppressing his anger. His voice wasextremely low. ‘Cometpanec O1")pital'Y'Wospifal Timothy wasshocked as soon as he heard that.He asked in dismay, "What's thematter? Who is in the hospital?"Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

"Grace has been hospitalized. Please come over." Heinz tried his best to restrain himself and tried to sound calm. He did notreveal too much emotion. "| asked you to come because there's a reason."

"What happened to Grace?" Timothywas nervous, and his voice wastrembling. He got qutat bed GLidkt)dregsad) ah Ws ready to leave."Tell me about it, Heinz." "Let's talkabout it when you're here." Heinzquickly hung up the phone. Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Timothy looked at his phone in surprise. He was so worried. What happened to Grace? Why was she still in the hospital?

Quinn saw her husband hang up the phone in a hurry, rapidly got dressed, and was about to go out. She was very confused,"Timothy, what's wrong? Where are you going? It's midnight. Where are you going?"

Timothy was frustrated. He didn'teven look at his wife. Instead, he tookhis cell phone, vgneriselothee andsan, kadeWas hospitalized. | haveto go to the hospital now. | still don'tknow what's going on." Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

"Grace was hospitalized!" Quinn followed him out and looked very surprised, "She was fine. How could she be in the hospital?""| don't know. Heinz called me to go over. I'll go there now," he explained.

"Did he say what happened?" She was still asking.

"He didn't mention it.”

The fact that Heinz didn't say anything made him even more anxious. He didn't know if Grace was safe or not.

He was anxious to death.

"Timothy, take a taxi. Go by taxi." Quinn stopped him and said, "I'm worried about you driving in this condition."

"Don't worry about it." Timothy shook his head, grabbed the car keys, and quickly walked out.

"Maybe Grace is fine!" She shouted from behind.

Timothy left. She didn't know if he heard her.

Quinn stood alone at the door of the living room and looked at the empty house. She seemed very tired. She sat down on thesofa and didn't go upstairs for the time being.

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