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Chapter 1010

It was unlikely that there were any men who wouldn't get angered when someone tarnished their reputation this way.

Especially when it concerned their ability in that specific aspect.

Yvonne was clearly targeting Zachary's weakest spot to anger him.

After succeeding in provoking his anger, she started to feel scared of him again.

"D*mn it," he yelled while the blue veins on his forehead bulged non-stop. His fuming anger was as obvious as his bulging veins.At that moment, she was frightened to the point she almost couldn't stand still. She did not even dare to utter anything else.

However, she also knew that she couldn't have retreated as that would let him gain the upper hand immediately. If thathappened, she couldn't even be sure whether she could still walk out of this room alive, let alone run away from him.

"I've answered all your questions. Can | leave now?""You bloody woman," Zachary suddenly grabbed Yvonne by her jaw and pulled her towards him.Her jaw felt pain due to his strong grip.

She instinctively followed his strength while also grabbing onto his arm with all her strength to support herself. That way, shestabilized herself, as she was terrified to the point she nearly fell on the ground.

"Why? Now that you finally found out the truth, was it too much for you to take in?" She seized the opportunity to continue withher insults. "I left because | was so disappointed with you. | was afraid that you would feel embarrassed of yourself, so that's why| left without leaving any message. Wouldn't it have been nice for us to spare one another from such humiliation?"

"Yvonne, are you trying to get yourself killed?" He questioned her word-for-word.

His eyes were terrifyingly aggressive, as if they could explode in a raging fire any time soon.

She cowered fearfully.

They stared into each other's eyes.

He tightened his grip on her jaw as he noticed how terrified, yet stubborn she was.

His eyes were almost completely red, while his body was all tensed up. Everyone who saw him would surely be frightened.

Zachary emanated an aura that was so chilling. Yvonne felt as if she couldn't speak anymore due to how suffocating his auramade her feel.

“Let me go." Her jaw was really hurting.

She couldn't help but plead for him to go gentler on her.

However, that was a difficult feat.

His face was as cold as an icy lake, "Let me ask you again, why did you leave?"Her eyelashes trembled slightly, but she still gave him the same answer, "Because you weren't capable.”"| wasn't?" He chuckled, then proceeded to bite her in anger.

Her entire body went rigid due to the pain, which also made her heart thump crazily.It was too sudden and unexpected.

Most importantly, it was too painful.

However, it was also something that she longed for after all this time.

Yvonne felt extremely pathetic.

Zachary let go in an instant.

His eyes also turned colder as he said word-for-word, "If that was the case, why were you behaving as if it was the end of theworld that night? Why were you holding onto me so tightly?" She instantly felt like crying.

She would never be able to forget everything that happened that night.However, there was nothing she could do even if she could never forget about it.Her eyes reddened slightly.

He narrowed his eyes slightly. There must be something else beyond what she brought up. However, he was unsure about whatelse happened without his knowledge.

There was no way Yvonne wasn't hiding something with the way her eyes reddened.

Right when Zachary thought that she would say something, she grabbed his arm tightly and sneered, "Mr. Lowe, what happenedbetween the both of us was just a one night stand. Why did you have to put so much thought into it? If you insist on asking somuch about it, that's all that | can tell you."

"Just a one night stand?" His voice was so cold that it could seemingly freeze her.

She felt an unbearable heartache.

"That's right." Her tone was indifferent with no room for doubt.

He was taken aback as he didn't fully believe what she just said.

Nevertheless, he still ended up letting her go.

She pretty much ran out of the room pathetically.

She could never forget how Zachary almost killed her with the anger beneath his eyes when she ran away.Her boss noticed that she wasn't well, so he felt worried and asked, "Miss Attwood, did something happen?"“Nothing, I'm fine, boss." Yvonne tried to smile as she calmed herself down.

Late at night, after she went back home, her heart was still in turmoil.

This wasn't the first time that she was separated from her daughter. While overseas, she sent Maria over to her relative's place,as she couldn't have just left the child alone at home.

However, this was the first time she was separated from Maria after they returned to the country. Yvonne felt a deep sense ofemptiness, as well as how her unit with two bedrooms suddenly felt extra spacious.novelbin

She dragged herself into the bathroom to shower.She turned the shower knob to the highest power. Hot water poured all over her body.

All her troubles and sorrows flowed into the drain along with the water as well.

It seemed like it was destined to be a sleepless night.

She remained daze- like until the next morning. She got up and heated up a glass of milk and ate some toast for breakfast.Then, she headed to the kindergarten in anticipation for the arrival of the children.

Seven o'clock in the morning.

Grace woke the children up andfound that all three of them slepttogether in the roony |B BS com

isarganiaed rhahner. Ernest and

aria slept on one end, while LittleGary slept so close to the other endthat he could seemingly fall off at anytime. Please read the original contentat NovelDrama.Org.

Naturally, she felt concerned for her sons upon seeing them in such a state. She quickly proceeded to wake Little Gary up."Little Gary, it's time to wake up," she called out gently.

When Little Gary opened his eyes, he yawned almost instantly. His eyes were slightly swollen and bloodshot.

As soon as he caught sight of her, he said lazily, "Morning, Mommy."

"Did you have a bad night's sleep?" She asked in a concerned manner.

"She was so excited," Little Garypointed at Maria. "We fell asleep attwelve thirty midnight syajehtnves 'latgy-thar our Aetey sleeping time bytwo and a half hours. As soon as wefell asleep, she forced us to wake upto accompany her to the toilet."Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

“Accompany her to the toilet?" Grace was surprised.

"Yes, we waited for her outside at the door and chatted with her," he responded. "Then, she fell back asleep at two o'clock while |slept an hour later. | couldn't really sleep well after she woke me up."

Even without his explanation, she could tell that he didn't get sufficient rest."Thank you for your hard work, baby." She stroked his hair gently.

Little Gary sighed, "It's fine, Mommy. |treated this just as if we adopted adaughter. She was sqaiigg 10. Gea! |witty Ler 's\et Invite her overanymore in the future. If she doescome over, Ernest and | shall headover to live with Great-Grandpa."Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

"Little Gary, am | really that unlikeable? I'll be really sad if you hate me so much."Before Grace even responded, Maria already started voicing out.

Little Gary wailed and got out of bed, "You're extraordinarily annoying. | can't believe | misjudged you. | actually thought that youwere cute.”

“Aunty, he doesn't like me." Maria looked at Grace sadly.Grace also felt helpless. All she could do was comfort her, "It's okay, Maria."

"Yeah, it's okay, Aunty. It's alright if Little Gary doesn't like me since | don't like him either. | like Ernest the most." Maria instantlyturned to look at Ernest who was next to her.

He immediately jumped off the bed and ran away quickly, "| have to pee, move!"

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