Treasure Hunting

Chapter 49 Take Revenge
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Chapter 49 Take Revenge

Sara and Lewis sat side by side at the elevated platform in front of the training ground. Severalstewards sat on both sides. Elva stood motionlessly on one side. She had her usual icy look thatattracted the loving stares of many disciples.

A bell rang loudly. Eight disciples including Zachary walked in a single row and entered the competitionarea.

The runoff was composed of three rounds of one-on-one matches. Drawing lots was done at thebeginning of each round to determine the match-ups. When the eight disciples completed walking intothe competition area, the lots had been prepared for them to draw from.

But just before the disciples started drawing lots, Sara suddenly stood up from her seat and walkedtowards the front of the platform. Everyone fell silent and the drawing of lots was paused as everyone'sattention became focused on her.

"Before the competition begins, I have something to say," Sara said in a calm voice. Her eyes slowlyswept the crowd as she spoke.

The disciples cocked their heads to listen; some leaned forward in anticipation of her next words.

"I want all of you to know that at this point, after the preliminary and intermediary contests, these eightdisciples who have qualified to enter the runoff should be considered as elite warriors of Welkin Sect.Even if they don't make it to join the Celestial College, they will attain success in the future bycultivating hard. And by that time, I am sure they will be more qualified than anybody else to beenrolled at the Celestial College. Therefore, in order to encourage them, the winners of every upcomingmatch will be given a bottle of third-grade pills. Moreover, the disciple who is lucky and good enough tobe admitted into the Celestial College will be awarded a magical treasure that will help to significantlyimprove their cultivation level." Her words caused an uproar among the disciples. They felt envious ofthe opportunities that awaited the eight lucky disciples.

Other than Zachary, the other seven disciples were also extremely excited. They were so eager to winand obtain the rewards.

Sara then turned and walked back to her seat at Lewis' side.

After drawing lots, the eight disciples prepared for the start of the matches. To everyone's surprise,Zachary's opponent was Benjamin. The disciples were astonished and amused by this match.

Everyone knew that Benjamin's arm was broken by Zachary. And because of this, Benjamin's hatredfor Zachary knew no bounds. As fate would have it, these two rivals were to face each other in the firstround. Benjamin was given a chance to get back at Zachary, and it made him feel that his prayers wereanswered. Even though he was no more than a warrior at the eight-level of the Mortal Level, he knewthat he was powerful enough to defeat or possibly kill Zachary easily at his current state.novelbin

"Haha, the day of reckoning has finally come!" Benjamin started to laugh loudly and maniacally. He hadsuffered much since his left arm was disabled by Zachary. He swore that the day would come for him toavenge himself. And now, as if decreed by heaven that he would have his chance at revenge, Zacharywas to be his match in the first round.

"How completely unexpected that Zachary has to fight against Benjamin in the first round!" When theyheard the results of the draw, the stewards all looked at each other with a hint of amusement on theirfaces.

Barton was secretly thrilled. He had been worried that Benjamin, his personal disciple, would not beable to pass the first round because his strength was weaker than the other disciples of Earth Level.But fighting Zachary would be very easy for him.

A trace of sadness filled Elva's beautiful eyes. She looked at Zachary, worrying about him.

'He's lucky that he is going to fight against the only opponent that he might be able to defeat in the firstround. But if it's true that five of his meridians are broken, then nothing could help him survive thatmatch. Is it fortune or misfortune for him?' Sara watched Zachary with great interest.

When Zachary found out that Benjamin was his opponent, he looked very calm. Like the calm before astorm. The innocent look on his face had completely melted away and was replaced by a cold visage ofapathy. He stared straight at Benjamin who expressed great joy for being given the chance at revenge.

The eight disciples of the Welkin Sect all walked into the fighting rings and prepared for the start of thefirst round.

Zachary and Benjamin stood there face to face. Their eyes locked at each other.

"You little brat. God is on my side today! You are going to pay for what you did with blood!" Benjaminsaid viciously in a low threatening voice. No matter how much he wanted to take his revenge, hecouldn't let the spectators know about it.

"I've told you that if we ever meet again, you'll lose both of your two arms forever. I am serious aboutthat. You are so unlucky and doomed to be handicapped," Zachary replied with mock courtesy.

"Don't be arrogant. You will soon find out that the consequence of your ignorance and arrogance ismuch worse than death!" Benjamin's face twisted into a hideous form.

A gong soon rang across the competition area and the first round of runoff finally began.

Benjamin jumped into action as soon as the gong sounded. He was at the end of his patience waitingfor the start of the round. He immediately activated Cloud Pace and rushed towards Zachary with atightly clenched fist. His fist sliced through air with such speed that it whistled as it went straight forZachary. Even though his left arm was broken, he was talented and had practiced religiously to learn to

attack most effectively with only one arm. His one-arm attack was as deadly as an attack with twoarms.

But Zachary was not worried of Benjamin's attack at all. He remained completely tranquil and easilyavoided any incoming danger by using his Shadow Pace. Benjamin's attack missed its target again andagain.

Zachary moved at an unpredictable speed. He moved either really fast or really slow. But whatever hedid, he managed to avoid Benjamin's attacks with ease. Benjamin became angrier with each of hisattacks that missed Zachary. At the first chance he had, he shouted and violent martial energy burstforth from his fist. "Triple-tiger Fist," he shouted loudly.

The martial energy divided itself into three parts, and then turned into three tiger shadows that aimed atthree vital parts of Zachary's body. The attack was so aggressive and fast.

The disciples of the Welkin Sect all knew that Zachary would not be able to dodge the Triple-tiger Fisteven if he hadn't lost his five meridians.

Just when the people watching were sure that Zachary was bound to lose because of Benjamin'sattack, Zachary suddenly disappeared just as the Triple-tiger Fist was about to hit him. Benjamin'sattack managed to hit nothing but air. Everyone watching was shocked to see the developments in thematch and the sudden shift in the situation. Even Lewis and the stewards stared at each other indisbelief. They had never seen Zachary use Shadow Pace before.

"Master Lewis, the skill that he used is not a unique movement skill of the Welkin Sect, is it?" Saraasked.

"I-It..." Lewis stammered as he struggled to find the right words to say. It was obvious to Lewis thatwhat Zachary used was definitely not the Cloud Pace.

Lewis' embarrassed expression gave Sara all the answers that she wanted. She asked no furtherquestions.

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