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Chapter 82

Chapter 82


Tears streamed down my face as | pleaded with Catherine, my voice trembling with desperation. “Please, Catherine, I’m beggingyou. Let go of my son. Do whatever you want with me; just leave my son alone. He’s innocent. He has nothing to do with any ofthis.”

My heart clenched painfully as | continued, and my words choked with emotion. “If you want to kill me, go ahead. I’m more thanwilling to accept my fate. But my son-he’s still young. Please...” My voice cracked as | watched helplessly, my son’s handsbound behind his back beside me and his innocent eyes filled with fear and confusion.

“You still don’t get it, do you?” She sneered, her voice dripping with contempt. “None of you will ever leave this boat alive.”

As Catherine’s menacing words echoed through the cabin of the speedboat, a heavy silence fell upon us, broken only by therhythmic thrum of the engines and the distant sound of waves crashing against the hull. In that moment, time seemed to standstill, each heartbeat echoing the ominous finality of Catherine’s threat.

Despite the fear gnawing inside me, | refused to let despair consume me. Clenching my fists, | summoned every ounce ofcourage | could muster, determined to find a way out of this nightmare and save my son from whatever fate Catherine had instore for us.

“Please, Catherine,” | implored, my voice trembling with a mixture of desperation and defiance. “I'll do anything you ask, butplease spare my son. He’s done nothing to deserve this.” | pleaded once again. | may sound like a broken record, but | won'tstop begging her if it’s my only way to save my son.

Catherine’s lips curled into a cruel smile, her eyes gleaming with malice as she regarded me with disdain. “Oh, how touching,”she sneered, her tone dripping with sarcasm. “But it’s too late for bargaining now. You should have thought about theconsequences before you decided to show yourself again with your ba st ard son.”

Her words hit me hard, but | refused to lose hope, even though things looked really tough. | believed there was still a chance tosave Blaze, somehow outsmart Catherine, and make it out of this nightmare alive.

As the boat raced over the dark waters, | urgently scoured the cabin for an escape route. Yet, the confined space left me feelingtrapped and helpless. Even if we


11:22 Sat, 16 Mar

Chapter 82


could break free from these ropes, returning to shore without seizing control of the yacht seemed impossible, especially witharmed guards patrolling the vessel.



| knew | couldn't afford to act recklessly. Every move had to be carefully calculated if we were to have any hope of surviving thissituation.

With my mind racing, | weighed our options carefully. We needed a plan and a strategy to outmaneuver our captors and secureour freedom.

Gathering my resolve, | turned to Blaze, my heart heavy with the weight of the situation. “Stay calm, sweetheart,” | whispered,my voice barely audible over the roar of the engines. “We'll find a way out of this.”

“Mommy, I’m scared,” he said weakly. He was catching his breath, and he’s starting to look pale.

| reached out to comfort Blaze. | extend my arm and put my arms over his head so | can wrap him around my arms despite myhands being tied. “It’s okay, sweetheart,” | murmured, my voice filled with reassurance. “I’m here with you, and | won't letanything happen to you.”

But inwardly, my heart clenched with worry. Seeing Blaze’s pallor and hearing the fear in his voice only strengthened my resolveto find a way out of this perilous situation. Time was running out, and | couldn’t afford to waste a single moment.

“We'll get through this together,” | promised, my voice steady despite the fear gnawing at my insides.


“Aww, that is so sweet.” Catherine’s tone dripped with sarcasm as she approached

her steps deliberate and menacing. With a cruel smirk, she reached out and grasped Blaze’s delicate cheeks in her hand, hergrip tight and intimidating. “You look exactly like your mother. But your eyes-you have Sebastian’s eyes, which makes medespise you even more,” she said.

“| said, don’t touch my son!” | shouted, attempting to pry her hand away from Blaze’s face. But my defiance was met with avicious blow to my own cheek, sending a sharp pang of pain shooting through my face. | tasted the metallic ta ng of blood in mymouth as | recoiled from the impact.

“You don’t get to give orders here!” she spat, her voice dripping with venomous


Despite the searing pain in my cheek and the metallic taste of blood in my mouth, | refused to let Catherine’s assault deter me.With a surge of determination, | gathered my strength and pushed myself back up, my focus unwavering on



Chapter 82

protecting my son.

“Leave him alone!” | demanded, my voice quivering with a mixture of fear and anger.

Catherine's laughter cut through the air like a knife, sending shivers down my spine. “You really are as pathetic as they say,” shesneered, her grip on Blaze tightening.



| lunged forward, desperation fueling my actions as | attempted to wrestle Blaze free from her grasp. But Catherine was farstronger than | had anticipated, her hold unyielding as she effortlessly fended off my attempts to rescue my son.novelbin

“Stop struggling, Blaire,” she hissed, her voice low and menacing. “It'll be much easier for everyone if you just accept your fate.”But | refused to surrender; my resolve was hardened by the thought of losing my son to this cruel and heartless woman. Withevery ounce of strength | could muster, | fought on, determined to protect Blaze at all costs.

Suddenly, the sound of approaching footsteps echoed through the cabin, drawing Catherine’s attention away from me for a splitsecond. It was all the distraction | needed. Gathering my strength, | launched myself at her once more, my hands clawingdesperately at her grip on Blaze.

In a moment of pure adrenaline-fueled determination, | managed to break free from Catherine’s grasp, pulling Blaze into myarms and holding him tightly against me. But our victory was short-lived as Catherine lunged forward, her eyes blazing with fury.With no other options left, | braced myself for the inevitable confrontation, determined to do whatever it took to protect my sonfrom harm. The battle for our survival had only just begun, and | knew that the stakes had never been higher.

As Catherine’s hand closed around my throat, cutting off my air supply, | felt a surge of panic coursing through me. Gasping forbreath, | fought to break free from her grasp, my vision swimming with black spots as the world spun around


In a desperate bid for freedom, | twisted and turned, clawing at Catherine’s arm with all my might. And then, just when it seemedlike all hope was lost, | felt her grip falter, her fingers loosening their hold on my throat.

With a final burst of energy, | pushed myself away from her, gasping for breath as | stumbled backward, Blaze cradled safely inmy arms. But even as | fought to


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Chapter 82

catch my breath, | knew that our ordeal was far from over.

“I'm going to kill you!” she shouted as she snat ched the gun from the waist of one of the armed men. She pointed the gun at us.l instinctively pulled Blaze closer to me, using my body to shield him from harm. Just when despair threatened to consume me, |spotted a speedboat drawing near, its outline blurry in the distance. | didn’t need a clear view to recognize it as Sebastian's. | hadfaith in his ability to locate us, even after | tossed my phone overboard as Catherine had instructed. | trusted that he would find away to trace our location.

Clutching Blaze tightly to my chest, | braced myself for whatever unpredictable move Catherine might make next. My sole focuswas on keeping Blaze safe until Sebastian arrived to rescue us. My own well-being matters little compared to ensuring Blaze’ssafety.

I shut my eyes, waiting for the bullet to hit my body, as | silently prayed for my son’s safety.

“Sebastian, please save our son,” | whispered.



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