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Chapter 72

Chapter 72


We remained silent for the rest of our trip. A lot has changed around the city in the last six years. A few

restaurants that I used to go to were replaced with new establishments. I felt nostalgic as we passed by

some familiar streets. The furrow on my forehead becomes deeper as we continue to take the familiar


I straighten my back and pay close attention outside. It may have been six years since the last time I’ve

been here, but I know this way pretty well. It’s like this path was already carved in my memory.

“Ahmm, excuse me, where are we going?” I asked Brad. Though we are taking the same path that I’m

too familiar with, there’s still a big chance that I might be wrong.

“We’re going to Mr. Foster’s house, Miss Banks,” he answered.

“Where is his house exactly?” I asked again. But this time, he didn’t answer. My suspicion intensified

when I spotted the enormous gate, visible even from a distance as we approached the house. “You’ve

got to be kidding me…” I whispered to myself when I finally confirmed what I’d been thinking since we

started taking that familiar route,

I’m not entirely sure what to feel as we slowly approach the gate. Brad brought me to the house where

Sebastian and I used to stay when we were still married.

Don’t tell me this is where he brought Blaze? What the hell was he thinking?

“We’re here, Miss Blaire,” Brad announced.

I took a deep breath before I stepped out of the car. Each step brought back some familiar feelings that

I’ve been avoiding for as long as I can remember. It also brought back memories that I’ve been trying

so hard to forget.

My heart was racing as I slowly approached the entrance of the mansion. A lot of things are going on

inside my head, but I need to keep my head clear. I’m here to get my son, not to have a trip down

memory lane.

“Mommy!” A loud, squeaky voice pulled me out of reverie. “Is this our new house? I like it! I have a lot

of toys, and I have my own room!” Blaze said it excitedly.

I couldn’t bear to ruin his happiness right now. I’ve kept him away from the world and the truth about his

dad for a long time. I thought I could give him everything he needed with just my love, But now, seeing

how excited he is about things he’s never had before, I wonder if I made the right choices.

I’ve kept him from enjoying simple kid stuff to protect him from the truth. But now,




Chapter 72

seeing him want things he’s missed out on, I worry I’ve done more harm than good. Maybe, by trying to

protect him, I’ve actually stopped him from being happy and having the things he deserves.

I’m torn about my decisions. Is it selfish to keep him in the dark?

I was pulled away from my deep thoughts when I heard Sylvia’s voice. “I’m sorry, Blaire.

I tried to call, but your husband grabbed my phone before I could even dial your number,” Sylvia

whispered, trying hard not to let Blaze hear what we were talking about.

Despite what happened, I’m glad that Sebastian brought Sylvia with them. At least I’m relieved that my

son was in good hands when he picked him up from the hospital.

“Ex-husband, Sylvia. He’s already my ex-husband,” I corrected her, lowering my voice as much as

possible. “It’s okay. I understand. To be honest, I’m glad that you’re with him.”

Blaze switches his eyes in between us as if trying to comprehend what we were saying.

“Did he say anything to Blaze?” I asked Sylvia.

“I never let Blaze out of my sight since we got here,” she replied.

I was relieved to know that Sebastian hasn’t said anything to Blaze. I’m glad that despite everything

that happened, it seems like he’s still giving me the courtesy of telling Blaze everything. He may be a

child, but I’m sure he already has so many questions in his head because of the changes that rapidly

happened right before his eyes.

“Mommy, is this our new house? I missed my friend back home, but I kind of liked it here. I can just call

my friends if I missed them, right?”

I kneeled in front of him until my eyes leveled with his. I gently caress his chubby cheeks. “Honey, we

can’t stay here. We need to leave. Let’s go.”

His shoulder quickly slumped, and he pouted his mouth in disappointment, but I didn’t hear anything

from him aside from his loud sigh. I know my son. Even if he doesn’t agree with what I said, I wouldn’t

hear any objections coming from him, which makes it more difficult for me.

“Okay, mommy.” I grabbed his hand and gently pulled him towards the door. But we hadn’t even

stepped out of the door when Brad blocked our way.

“I’m sorry, Miss Blaire. But I can’t let you leave without Mr. Foster’s approval.”

I roll my eyes. Of course, it won’t be that easy. “Fine. Where is he?”

“He’s upstairs, Miss Blaire,” he answered.




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Chapter 72

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“Can I play with the toys until we leave?” Blaze asked with hope in his eyes. It was evident that he

wanted to cherish the few moments he had left to play with all those expensive toys

“Of course, honey.” I replied as I forced a smile on my face. He still looked

disappointed, but I can see that he’s trying his best not to show it. I need to get him out of here as soon

as possible.

“Please look after Blaze while I talk to him.”

“Sure. Blaire. We’ll be here when you need us she said before going back to attend to Blaze. They

were in the living room. surrounded by all the expensive toys, which I assume came from Sebastian.

I took a glance over at Blaze, who was busy playing, before I went up the stairs. I assume that

Sebastian was in his office, where he usually stays, so that’s where I was planning to


As I walked along the stairs. I couldn’t help but notice how nothing had changed around the house.

Aside from our wedding photo that used to hang on the wall at the end of the staircase, everything

stays the same. It was exactly how I left it.

My heart was racing as soon as I reached the second floor. I stared at the door located at the end of

the hallway. I took a deep breath before I walked towards it. It took some time before I finally had the

courage to knock on the door. I knocked a few times, but I didn’t get a response. I was about to knock

once again when I heard a familiar voice.

“Blaire, is that you?

I turned around and found Candice with her mouth wide open and her eyes widening in shock upon

seeing me. “Hi. Candice.’ I greeted.

“Oh, my gosh!” she squealed excitedly before running towards me and embracing me in a tight hug. “I

missed you so much! I can’t believe you’re here!”

“It’s nice to see you again. Candice.

“Wait, are you back for good?” she curiously asked.

“No, I came here to talk to Sebastian.” I replied.

“Now, that’s disappointing. I thought you and Sir Sebastian finally patched things up.” she said.

“Mommy, look what I made!” I heard Blaze’s voice downstairs as he raised the boat he made from the

Lego pieces that he got.

I peeked over the railings to get a good look at what he was doing before


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Chapter 72


complimenting him. “That looks great.” I turned my head back to Candice, and I found her staring as

her jaw dropped in surprise.

“He’s your son? That means…” She didn’t manage to finish what she’s about to say her surprise.

due to novelbin

“I need to talk to Sebastian. Where is he? Is he in his office?” I asked her, trying to avoid the topic.

“He’s in his room,” she said.

“Oh, okay. I’ll just wait for him here.”

“That might take a while. His room has somehow become his office since you left.”

I frowned. “Was he staying here?”

She shrugged her shoulders. “Occas sionally. He maintains the house but doesn’t stay here regularly.”

“Where does he stay, then?” I can’t help my curiosity.

“I think he bought another house. But I heard he mostly stays at his office penthouse,” she said. I was

just about to ask her one more question, but she interrupted me abruptly. “I’d love to chat more with

you, but I’ve got a ton of stuff to take care of in the kitchen. Sir Sebastian wants us to get everything

ready for some guests, which I’m guessing includes you and your son,” she explained. “I’ll talk to you

again later.”

I smiled. “Sure.”

She proceeded downstairs to attend to her tasks, leaving me alone in the lengthy corridor, my gaze

fixed on the door of Sebastian’s room, which coincidentally was the very room we once shared.

Currently, I have limited options. I could either return downstairs and wait for him. there, or I could

summon the courage to knock on the door before me. However, I hesitate to confront Sebastian with

my son by my side. I must first clarify matters with him privately before broaching the inevitable

conversation. It’s crucial for me to understand his intentions before divulging the truth to Blaze.

Gathering all my strength, I braced myself before tapping on his door. Silence greeted me from within

after a few minutes. I attempted another knock, yet the response remained unchanged.

I was about to walk away when I heard his deep baritone voice. “Come in,” he said from the inside.

I took a deep breath before I pushed the door open. “Holy fck!” I cursed loudly when I

10:13 Fri, 16 Feb u G.

Chapter 72

found Sebastian, who,

Your sign-in rewar. Come to claim your free coins.

aring nothing but a

white towel wrapped around his waist.

“There’s nothing here that you haven’t seen before,” he teased.

“Could you please put some clothes on? I need to have a conversation with you!” I snapped, hastily

averting my gaze. I didn’t mean to feign innocence; rather, I aimed to steer clear of the temptation

looming before me. My vulnerability in his presence was all too familiar, and I refused to let him exploit

it for his own gain.

“I’m decent; you can look now,” he said.

When I removed my hand from my eyes, he’s already wearing a white fitted shirt that hugged every

muscle in his body. He paired it with grey sweatpants. A bulge in between. his legs was visibly

noticeable. I’m not sure whether he’s not aware of it or if he’s doing it on purpose.

“What do you want, Sebastian?” I asked when he’d finally been decent.

“I want my son,” he replied bluntly.

“You know that’s out of the question.”

“Well, you asked me a question, and I gave you an answer, Blaire. I’m not sure what you want from


“We had a deal, Sebastian. You promised me you would release me and never trouble me again after

those three days that we agreed upon.” I reminded him of our agreement on the island.

“Yes, I’m well aware of that. And I have every intention of fulfilling my end of the bargain.”

I furrowed my brow in confusion. “How does taking my son hostage align with your commitment to our


“I agreed to let you go, Blaire. But my son wasn’t part of our deal. I want to be a part of his life, and he’s

going to stay with me whether you like it or not. You are welcome to stay with us if you want,” he said

with a smirk playing on his lips.





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