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Chapter 64

Chapter 64


I was caught off guard when he suddenly claimed my lips without a warning. I gasped for air in

surprise, and he deliberately used that opportunity to fully invade my mouth. I tried to press my palm

against his chest with the very intention of pushing him away. But it seems like my carnal desire that is

starting to engulf my whole system is much stronger than the ounce of self-control left in my body.

He took a step forward, forcing me to take a step back. He continued to move until the back of my legs

hit the edge of the bed. I was caught by surprise when he suddenly pushed me, causing me to fall on

top of the bed.

I hadn’t fully composed myself when he unexpectedly crawled on top of me, catching me off guard.

Before I could react, he claimed my lips once again, silencing any protest that threatened to escape.

His kiss held a raw intensity, and I could feel the familiar surge of conflicting emotions. “Sebastian,

wait,” I managed to whisper between stolen breaths, attempting to assert some semblance of control.

He pulled back slightly, a hint of desire smoldering in his eyes. “Don’t fight it,” he murmured, his voice

low and husky.

I couldn’t deny the magnetic pull between us, but the rational part of me knew the consequences of

surrendering to the awakening monster within him. “Sebastian, I can’t breathe,” I urged. It was

obviously my faint attempt to avoid him.

He scoffed, his gaze darkening with a predatory glint. “You can’t deny that you want this as much as I


He was right. A conflicted desire stirred within me, and with that acknowledgment, I decided to throw all

my inhibitions aside. Three days-that’s the finite time left for me to indulge in the warmth of his

embrace. Only a fleeting few days remained before I would completely surrender to the tumultuous sea

of emotions that I had harbored for


Sebastian’s hands traced a delicate path along my skin, reigniting the familiar flames of passion. “No

more holding back,” he murmured, his voice a sultry invitation.

I met his intense gaze, my eyes reflecting the intricate dance of longing and resignation. “No more

holding back,” I echoed, succumbing to the magnetic pull that had always drawn us together.

In the hushed moments that followed, our entangled bodies spoke a language only we could

understand. The dim moonlight filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle



07:26 Fri, 2 Feb BR

Chapter 64

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glow on the contours of our tangled limbs-a poignant tableau of a reunion marked by desire and

impending separation.

Sebastian’s fingers traced delicate patterns on my skin, each touch leaving an imprint of shared history

and unresolved emotions. His lips sought mine with a hunger that mirrored the urgency of our limited

time together. In that suspended reality, the past and the present collided, blurring the lines of reason.

As the night unfolded, whispered confessions and passionate exchanges became the soundtrack to

our temporary reunion. The weight of unspoken emotions hung in the air, a silent acknowledgment that

the sands of time were slipping away.

“You’re mine,” he whispered, his voice a velvety promise that resonated through the


I nodded, surrendering to the magnetic pull of our connection. In those stolen moments, I chose to

immerse myself in the depths of our shared desires, allowing the impending farewell to become anovelbin

distant echo in the recesses of our minds.

His kisses slowly travel down the valley of my breast, gently removing the knot on the towel that was

covering my naked body. I held my breath when my naked body was finally revealed right before his

eyes. He didn’t waste another minute. I gasped for air when he finally put my nose into his mouth. He

flicked, sucked, and played with it like a hungry wolf. The tingling sensation brought on by his mouth

against my chest was more than enough to ignite the fire within me. He awakens all my suppressed

desires with the mere touch of his hands.

“Aaahhh!” A loud, involuntary moan escapes my lips as he gently bites my nose. The mixture of pain

and tingling sensations was enough to make me go crazy and crave


I thought that was the end of it. But fondling my chest was not enough for him to be satisfied. Once he

felt he had enough of my chest, his lips slowly traveled down to my belly. Though I noticed that he had

no plans of stopping as his lips continued to move down until he finally reached the center of my


“W-Wait!” I gently pushed his head, stopping him from executing whatever his plan


“I had enough of waiting, Blaire,” he responded as he grabbed my wrist and removed it from his head.

Before I could even respond, he quickly dove in between my legs, resulting in an involuntary moan that

escaped my lips. “Oooohhh…fck!” I moaned loudly as his hot mouth touched the lips/of my treasure.

He started swirling his tongue around my neck, sending shivers down my spine. His


Chapter 64

other hand was tightly gripping my thigh, spreading my legs wider.


His skilled tongue danced with purpose, teasing the very core of my being. Waves of pleasure

cascaded through me, and I couldn’t help but surrender to the intoxicating rhythm. Despite the

familiarity of our passionate encounters, each moment felt like an enchanting voyage into uncharted


My head moved in rhythmic denial, caught in the spell of ecstasy he effortlessly conjured. With every

flick of his tongue, he unveiled new layers of desire, turning our union into an ever-evolving exploration

of pleasure that left me trembling with blissful anticipation.

I clenched the edge of my pillow as I bit my lower lip, trying to suppress the loud moans that were trying

to escape my lips. It seems like Sebastian noticed my silence, so he moved his hand into my mouth

and gently tugged my lower lip. When I didn’t let it go, I felt his fingers forcing themselves into my


It feels like something possesses me as I quickly welcome his fingers into my mouth. “Hmmm…” I

moaned in pleasure as I started to mimic his tongue on his fingers. I licked it, sucked it, and played with

it as if I were eating ice cream. I suddenly had an urge to taste him and eat him, not just his fingers.

Despite my mind being hazy from too much pleasure brought by his mouth, I pushed myself up from

the bed. He was a little bit surprised by my actions, so he lifted his head from my center and looked at

me with a confused look. I took that chance and grabbed his nape so I could kiss him. I inserted my

tongue inside him, invading his lips. I can. taste myself in his mouth, and it excites me more. He was so

taken aback by my sudden aggressiveness that he couldn’t react immediately.

I took that chance to take over from him. I pulled him up, guiding him so he could lay down on the bed

properly. He laid his head on the pillow and strengthened his legs. Once he’s finally in the position I

wanted him to be, I let go of his lips.

I felt him protesting when I stopped kissing him. I silenced him by pressing my finger against his lips.

His eyes grow darker as he watches me plant soft little kisses on his chest before slowly moving down

on his chiseled abs.

When I reached his stomach, I let my tongue play with his belly button, which immediately earned a

loud moan from him.

“Ooohh…fck! Stop pleasing me,” he complained as he bit his lower lip in frustration.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk. You should start learning how to be patient, Sebastian.” I smirked as I watched him slowly

lose his patience in too much anticipation.

“You’re killing me!” he responded.




Chapter 64

Feb BR



“Am I? But it seems like your little friend here is very much alive.” I teased even more as I gently

wrapped my hand around his hard member.

“Ooohh… G od!” He screamed as I started to move my hand on his shaft. “Please… move faster,” he


But I didn’t listen. I’m the one who’s in control. I’m going to move at my own pace. Though I love to

watch him beg for more, He looked at the ceiling before closing his eyes as he tried to feel the pleasure

of my movement.

Just when he least expected it, I lowered my head in between his legs, stuck my tongue out, and then

licked the tip of his member. “Fck!” he cursed in surprise as he quickly lifted his head to check what’s

happening. “Blaire, what are you doing? Fck!”

I didn’t let him finish. I immediately put his whole body into my mouth. He was so big that it stretched

my mouth widely. I started moving my head up and down, which immediately earned a loud moan from

him. It hadn’t been long since I started sucking him, but I could already feel the strain on my jaw. But

despite my discomfort, I continued to please him.

I twirl my tongue on the tip of his shaft while sucking him whole alternately. I’m not really good at this,

but hearing a loud moan from Sebastian gives me the impression that I’m doing a pretty good job.

The thought of pleasing him to the extent of my ability makes me feel proud. So without much thought, I

tried to take his whole mouth into my mouth. I almost gagged when I felt the tip of his huge member

bump into the back of my throat.

“Aaaahhh…holy fck! I’m going to CVM!” he shouted.

Tears started to come out of my eyes as I started gagging from his cough inside my mouth. But my

determination to give him pleasure was strong, and my willpower is taking over my whole system. I

continue to move my head up and down, thrusting his shaft inside my mouth.

“Stop! That’s enough! I don’t want to finish in your mouth!” he exclaimed, forcefully pushing me away

from his arousal. Despite his vigorous attempts, it seemed too late. As he pushed my head away from

his shaft, a viscous white fluid sprayed across my face. “Oh, fck!” Horror spread across his face as he

watched the mess that he just made. He quickly ran towards the bathroom to get a clean towel and

wipe away his CVM from my face. “Sorry,” he said, feeling apologetic as he continued to clean it up.

Once he’s done, he looks at me with the same eyes full of fire and desire. “I think you deserve a price,”

he said with a mischievous smile on his lips.



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