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T Chapter 56

Chapter 56


Leaving the plane, I was still clueless about our destination. Gradually, though, things started making

sense. It looked like we were headed to an island. This suspicion became certain when we reached the

port, and there, right in front of us, was a fancy yacht ready for our journey.

But what confuses me even more was that Sebastian doesn’t like going to the beach. He hates the

heat of the sun, and he doesn’t like the smell of the ocean.

“Are you going on an island?” I asked him.

“Yes, we are,” he answered briefly.

“Then, can you at least let me shop for my clothes?” I reminded him. He abruptly took me from my

hotel lobby, leaving me with nothing but all the important things in my handbag.

He looked at me, weighing whether I’m telling the truth or I was scheming another plot to get away from


“I’m not going to run away, okay?” I told him, answering his silent question. “You can’t expect me to

stay in the island wearing only one pair of clothes, can you?”

He raised an eyebrow, his gaze moving leisurely over my figure. A sly smirk played on his lips as he

suggested, “Or you can just stay n*ked. After all, we’ll be the only ones on that island. Clothes won’t be


My eyes widened in disbelief. “You can’t be serious!” I exclaimed, my shock evident.

“Watch me,” he retorted, seizing my hand and guiding me towards the waiting yacht. The audacity of

his proposal lingered in the air, leaving me torn between astonishment and the undeniable pull toward

the unfolding adventure on the secluded island.

Despite my protests, Sebastian’s determination prevailed as he led me towards the awaiting yacht. The

sea breeze carried a mix of uncertainty and intrigue as we boarded the vessel, setting sail towards the

enigmatic island.

As the yacht glided over the water, I couldn’t shake the lingering astonishment at Sebastian’s

audacious suggestion. The realization that we might be the sole occupants of the secluded island

added an unexpected layer of complexity to the journey.

Sebastian, seemingly unfazed by my reaction, wore a confident smirk. “You should stop glaring at me.

If looks can kill, I might be dead right now,” he remarked, his voice carrying a hint of mischief.


Chapter 56



His response only fueled my frustration, but he seemed undeterred, revelling in the playful banter. The

atmosphere on the yacht became a mix of tension and amusement, our exchange shaping the tone for

the island getaway that lay ahead. Sebastian’s nonchalant demeanour hinted at a deeper agenda,

leaving me to navigate the complexities of our shared journey with a growing sense of curiosity and


The yacht sailed smoothly through the azure waters, and despite my lingering reservations, a subtle

sense of anticipation crept in. Sebastian’s playful banter continued as we neared the mysterious island.

As the shoreline came into view, revealing the promise of untouched beaches and lush greenery, I

couldn’t deny the allure of the secluded paradise ahead. The tension between Sebastian and me

seemed to dissolve in the face of the picturesque surroundings.

Sebastian, ever the enigmatic guide, gestured towards the island. “Welcome to our private haven,

Blaire,” he declared, a glint of sincerity in his eyes.

The yacht docked at the pristine shores of the secluded island, and as I stepped onto the sandy beach,

the soft warmth beneath my feet added to the surreal atmosphere. The island, wrapped in tranquillity

and natural beauty, held a magnetic charm.

Sebastian, ever the orchestrator of our journey, guided me further into the heart of the island. “Let me

show you around our paradise, Blaire,” he offered, his demeanour a mix of confidence and a touch of


As we ventured deeper into the untouched wilderness, I couldn’t deny the breathtaking that surrounded

us-towering palm trees, vibrant flowers, and the melody of scenery exotic birds Despite my initial

resistance, the allure of the island began to weave its enchantment, softening the edges of tension

between Sebastian and me.

“Here we are,” he announced, revealing a hidden lagoon framed by lush foliage. The crystal-clear

water reflected the vibrant hues of the surrounding flora, creating a secluded oasis.

Sebastian turned to me, his eyes holding a genuine warmth.

The fading sunlight painted the sky with hues of orange and pink as Sebastian and I found ourselves

on a cliff overlooking the expanse of the island. The cool breeze rustled through the palm leaves,

creating a momentary lull in our conversation.

Sebastian’s eyes held a glint of mischief as he broke the silence. “You can’t deny the allure of this

place, Blaire. It has a way of drawing you in, making you forget the world beyond these shores.”

I couldn’t help but scoff, feeling the tension rise again. “Don’t mistake the beauty of the tion Sebastian.

This means nothing. We’re only here because of our

Chapter 56


Sebastian leaned against a rock, his posture relaxed, yet his gaze was intense. “Ah, but isn’t that the

charm of it all? The island is a sanctuary, a place where we can confront the truths we’ve been


I crossed my arms, unwilling to concede. “What truth? This island doesn’t change anything, Sebastian.

If there’s something we need to talk about, it’s your reason for trapping me into this deal.”

He stepped closer, the playful glint in his eyes evolving into something more profound. “Why don’t we

forget everything that we left behind and pretend that everything is fine. That we’re nothing but two

lovers having our honeymoon.”

“Is that what you want? What will gain from this deal, Sebastian?”

“Let’s talk about that some other time. Why don’t we just enjoy the view for a moment?” A mixture of

frustration and intrigue bubbled within me. “You always had a way with words, Sebastian, but words

won’t change what happened between us.”

Sebastian’s expression grew serious, his gaze unwavering. “Maybe not, but actions can.” As the

tension simmered between us, the island stood witness to the delicate dance of emotions. The banter

and conflicting desires echoed against the backdrop of the fading sunlight, setting the stage for a night

that held the promise of revelation and transformation beneath the stars of our secluded haven.

Returning to the cabin as the last hues of sunset painted the sky, we discovered a table adorned with a

spread of delectable dishes. The aroma of exotic flavours filled the air, and the flickering candlelight

added a touch of enchantment to the setting.

Sebastian pulled out a chair, gesturing for me to sit. “I thought we could enjoy a meal under the stars,

Blaire. A fitting feast for our island retreat.”

I eyed the array of dishes, a mix of curiosity and wariness in my gaze. “Are you trying to distract me

with a lavish dinner, Sebastian?”

He chuckled, a hint of playfulness in his eyes. “Consider it a gesture of goodwill. No ulterior motives, I


As we sat across from each other, the tension from our earlier conversation lingered, woven into the

fabric of the evening. The island’s mystical ambience cast a spell, creating an atmosphere where

unresolved emotions and unspoken desires simmered beneath the surface.

The first bite of the exotic cuisine sparked a sensory journey, each dish telling a story of



Chapter 56

the island’s culinary delights. Despite the tension, a shared appreciation for the flavours unfolded

between us. The conversation shifted from the complexities of our past to the simple pleasure of

savouring the moment.

Sebastian raised his glass, a glint of sincerity in his eyes. “To our successful deal.” novelbin

Under the canopy of stars, the island’s magic continued to weave its spell as we delved into the

sumptuous feast before us. The rhythmic sounds of nature accompanied our conversation, creating an

intimate ambience that was both comforted and unsettled.

Sebastian’s gaze held a sincerity that transcended our banter. “Blaire, there’s something about this

night about being here with you that makes me question the boundaries

we’ve set.”

I raised an eyebrow, wary yet curious. “Boundaries? You were the one who insisted on them,


He sighed, his demeanour shifting into a rare vulnerability. “I know, and I regret the choices that led us

here. But perhaps this island offers us a chance to redefine what we mean to each other.”

The air hung heavy with unspoken words as the evening unfolded. Despite my reservations, the

sincerity in Sebastian’s eyes stirred a conflict within me.

We haven’t talked about what happened to us in the past. He never mentioned it once since we met

again. It makes me wonder what’s the real reason why he’s suddenly acting

this way.

And what happened with Catherine? My thoughts were cut short when I heard him speak again.

Sebastian’s eyes held a mischievous glint as he leaned closer, his voice a velvet whisper. “Blaire, have

you ever danced under the stars? This island is the perfect stage, and tonight is an invitation.”

I scoffed, attempting nonchalance. “You’re not seriously suggesting a dance, Sebastian. This isn’t a

romance novel.”

He grinned, undeterred. “Why not? Let the island be our story, a tale written in moonlight and shared


I rolled my eyes, dismissing his playful advances. “This isn’t a storybook, Sebastian. There are no

grand gestures or stolen dances.”

The night air grew thicker with tension as we continued our dinner, but Sebastian’s persistent charm

began to wear down my defenses. His subtle touches and lingering gazes held a magnetic pull that

became increasingly difficult to resist.


Chapter 56

Amidst the feast and the island’s enchanting backdrop, Sebastian stood, extending his hand. “Indulge

me, Blaire. Let the music of the night guide us.”

I hesitated, the allure of the moment overshadowing my attempts at restraint. Reluctantly, I placed my

hand in his, and as we began to sway under the celestial canopy, the island seemed to echo our

shared history. The tension between us cra ckled with a passion that defied the boundaries we had set.

Sebastian’s words, laced with a potent combination of desire and playfulness, resonated in the air. “You

can’t deny the magic of this night, Blaire. Let the island’s embrace be the canvas for our unspoken


As we danced, the island became an accomplice in the uncharted territories of emotion and longing.

The stars bore witness to a story unfolding, where the boundaries between past and present blurred,

and the island’s enchantment wove a tale of passion and rekindled flames.

Even for a little while, I’ll let myself indulge in the fantasy of us being together. This might be

my only chance to be with him before we go back to reality.



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