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Chapter 47

Chapter 47


I decided to book a small hotel nearby. I can’t go

home empty-handed, not when my son’s life depends on me. As I settled my luggage inside the room, I

couldn’t help but think about Sebastian’s offer. If I would just swallow every ounce of dignity left in my

b*dy, money wouldn’t be a problem anymore. I can already send my son to surgery right away. But I

don’t think it’s worth taking that risk, especially if the risk of Sebastian knowing about Blaze is also in

the picture.

I have no idea how Sebastian will take the news. I didn’t bother telling him when I left. And knowing

him, he’s probably going to accuse Blaze of being someone else’s son. I will not allow my son to be

under that scrutiny. He’s the only innocent one in this whole fiasco. He doesn’t deserve to be doubted.

Sitting alone in my hotel room makes me realize the heavy burden that I’m carrying right now. I felt

tired, so I lay down on the bed. I was just planning to take a little rest, but I didn’t realize that I had

totally fallen asleep.

I was woken up the next day by a ray of light hitting my eyes that was coming from the window. I looked

at the clock sitting on top of the bedside table to check the time. I started stretching my arms up and

preparing myself when I noticed that it’s already seven in the morning.

As I was about to hit the bathroom to freshen up, my phone started ringing. I quickly walked towards

where my bag was and picked up my phone. My heart started racing when I read Ethan’s name. I feel

like a call from Ethan always means that there’s something bad that happened back there with Blaze.

“Hey, Ethan! What’s up? I greeted her, trying to sound so positive.

“I wanted to say everything’s fine, but I’m afraid I can’t,” he answered.

That’s when I started to feel a loud thump in my chest. I’m already thinking of the worst. I immediately

pulled a chair and sat down before I heard what Ethan was about to tell me.

“Tell me…” I said bravely.

I heard his loud sigh on the other line, indicating the severity of the situation. I was holding my breath

while waiting for what he was about to say.

“His heart is getting weaker and weaker by the day, Blaire. The doctor came here a while ago and said

we probably don’t have much time before his heart finally collapses. He needs that surgery sooner

rather than later. The doctor is also worried that they might give the heart to another patient on the list if

it takes us longer to decide,” Ethan said.

Chapter 47 novelbin


The weight of Ethan’s words hangs heavily, and the urgency of the situation is pressing upon me. The

fragility of Blaze’s health pierces through my heart, and the gravity of the decision ahead looms over


“I can’t afford to lose him, Ethan,” I whisper, my voice tinged with desperation.

“I know, Blaire. You need to make a decision, and you need to make it now. Time is not on our side.”

As the reality of the situation sinks in, I find myself torn between the limited options before us.

You have another option, an easy one.

I heard a tiny voice at the back of my head. As I turn to the table, I notice the key card that Sebastian

gave me last night, reminding me about his offer. Ten million in exchange for being Sebastian’s kept

mistress. Ten million in exchange for my dignity. Regardless of what I might lose in the process, it

doesn’t matter anymore. What’s important right now is that I’ll be able to get the money to save my

son’s life.

“Tell them to start the procedure right away,” I say firmly.

“But Blaire, they are asking for a deposit before they start with the procedure,” Ethan says, confusion

lingering in his voice..

“I’ll take care of it. I’ll wire you the money once I have it. Tell them to do the surgery as soon as

possible,” I tell him.

“Blaire-“I don’t give him a chance to ask more questions. I immediately hang up the phone and end the


I walk towards the table and pick up the black key card with the room number printed on it. The weight

of the decision settles on my shoulders, but in the desperate pursuit of saving Blaze, I clutch the key

card tightly in my hand. The door to a path I never thought I’d consider creaks open, revealing a choice

that could alter the course of my

life forever.

I go ahead to the bathroom and take a shower. I’m about to offer myself to the devil; the least I can do

is make myself decent while I walk right into the devil’s lair.

Once I’m done taking a shower, I step out of the bathroom to get dressed. Each article of clothing feels

like armor, shielding me from the impending transaction that awaits. As I carefully choose what to wear,

a conflicting mix of determination and reluctance courses through me.

The room, which was once a temporary sanctuary, now carries the weight of a decision. that

transcends the confines of its walls. The mirror reflects a face caught in the struggle

Chapter 17

between necessity and morality. I take a deep breath, reminding myself that this sacrifice is for Blaze,

for his chance at life.

I slip into a black dress that exudes a veneer of confidence, a facade to cloak the vulnerability within.

The heels click against the floor, each step echoing the resolve and apprehension that accompany this

unexpected journey.

With a final glance in the mirror, I straighten my posture, mustering the strength to face whatever lies

beyond the door. The key card, cold against my trembling fingers, becomes a symbolic ticket to a realm

of compromise.

As I turn the handle and step into the corridor, the hushed anticipation envelops me. The path ahead is

fraught with shadows, and I tread cautiously, knowing that every step takes me closer to a decision that

could alter the trajectory of my life.

I decided to pay Sebastian a visit in his office. I’m not sure whether he’s still here, but I’m shooting my


Upon reaching Sebastian’s office door, I hesitate for a moment, grappling with the gravity of my

decision. With a resolve that borders on desperation, I knock, the sound. echoing through the hushed


“Come in. Sebastian’s voice resonates from the other side, a command that beckons me to enter his


As the door swings open, I find myself face-to-face with the man who holds the key to son’s survival.

The air in the room carries an unspoken tension, the weight of unfulfilled promises and clandestine

bargains hanging between us.


Sebastian, seated behind a sleek desk, looks up, his gaze meeting mine with a hint of anticipation.

“Blaire, I wasn’t expecting you so soon. What brings you here?” he inquires, his demeanor poised but


Summoning the strength to articulate my intention, I meet his gaze squarely. “I’ve come to discuss your

offer, Sebastian. The one you made last night.”

His expression remains composed, betraying no emotion. “Ah, the offer. I assumed you might be

reconsidering it. Please, have a seat.”

I take a chair opposite him; the distance between us is symbolic of the moral chasm


Chapter 47

that separates our worlds. With a steadying breath, I begin, “Two million, that’s all I need.” I started.

He raises his eyebrow before the corner of his upper lip arches. “That wasn’t what I was expecting

when I thought you came here to bargain,” he commented.

“Think whatever you want, but that’s all I am taking from you. Two million in exchange for being your

mistress for one month,” I continued.

“That’s not my offer, Blaire. I demanded three months,” he responded.

“It’s the only time I can give you. It’s up to you whether you take it or not,” I said with finality before I

stood up from the chair. I started walking toward the door. But with each step I took, I was silently

praying that he would stop me. I acted so tough in front of him to save the little dignity I have left for

myself. I needed the money, but I don’t want him to see my desire.

After what seems to be an eternity, he speaks,


I subtly let out a sigh upon hearing his voice. I took a deep breath and put up my game face before I

turned around and looked at him.

“I’m listening, Mr. Foster.”

The room seems to hold its breath, and for a moment, silence reigns as our unspoken pact takes

shape. Sebastian leans back, studying me with an unreadable gaze. “Very well, Blaire. We can discuss

the details of our arrangement.”

“I don’t care about your details or how you want to make this work.” I pick up a small piece of paper

from my bag where I wrote Ethan’s account number. “Wire half of the money into this account, and the

other half we’ll be given once our deal is over. Once you’re done, you can expect me at your hotel

tonight,” I say before putting the paper on his table. After that, I didn’t wait for his answer. I immediately

go straight out of the


The door closes behind me, mu ffling the atmosphere of the office, leaving the unspoken agreement

lingering in the air. As I walk away, the gravity of the decision settles on my shoulders like a heavy

shroud. The hallway seems longer, each step a deliberate move away from the compromise I’ve just


The outside world, with its bustling cityscape and indifferent passersby, offers no solace. I navigate

through the labyrinth of emotions, my thoughts a tempest of conflicting feelings.

“You can do this, Blaire. You can do this for your son,” I murmured to myself.


Chapter 47




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