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Chapter 40

Chapter 40


He was k*ssing me so roughly that I could taste the mixture of alcohol and tobacco in his mouth. I keep

pushing him away, but he won’t let me. Instead, he pressed his b*dy. against mine even tighter. I can

already feel the growing bulge in between his legs pressing against my stomach.

Despite feeling the heat slowly crawling into every fiber of my being, I still manage to get my head

clear. We shouldn’t be doing this, not with our current situation. Aside from that, I’m not sure how this

will affect my unborn child. I haven’t consulted with ant OB-Gyne, so I’m not sure if it’s safe for us to do


“Sebastian, wait,” but he was persistent. The more I tried to move my lips away from his, the more

persistent he became,

I was completely taken aback by what he did next. He ripped my dress until my chest. was revealed

right before his eyes. “This is mine,” he murmured as he carefully looked at my exposed breast.

I tried to cover my front by putting my arms up, but he quickly grabbed both of my wrists and pinned

them above my head. “Don’t hide from me, baby.”

I gulped as I watched his last breath consume him. His eyes were burning with desire. A shiver ran

down my spine as his lips brushed against my neck, leaving a trail of fiery k*sses. The room seemed to


in, and the air was thick with tension as the weight of his desire pressed against me.

His touch was both possessive and demanding, tracing a path over my skin that left an indelible mark

on my senses. The passion that had once been a source of comfort now manifested as a turbulent

storm, tearing through the remnants of our fractured connection.

In that vulnerable moment, I grappled with conflicting emotions-the echoes of love intertwined with the

stark reality of our disintegrating marriage. The boundaries between pleasure and pain blurred as I

navigated the tumultuous currents of our tangled history.

But despite the pleasure brought by his touch, I tried to maintain my sanity. We need to stop before we

get to a point of no return.

“Sebastian, no.” I tried to resist, but he quickly silenced me with a k*ss. His other hand started to

massage my forehead, which sent bolts of electricity throughout my b*dy. I mustered the strength to

break free from his touch, gently pushing him away. “Sebastian, we can’t continue like this,” I pleaded,

my words a desperate plea for reason,


Chapter 40

He looked at me with a mix of frustration and desire, his eyes searching for something unspoken. “I’m

the one who’s going to decide whether we will continue this or not. And I always like to finish what I

started,” he responded, completely ignoring my plea.

“Stop, Sebastian! You’re drunk!” I raised my voice, hoping I could convince him to stop. But he fell deaf

to my plea. He continued to k*ss my neck down to my exposed breast until my nose met his playful

tongue. “Ahhhh!” A loud moan escaped my lips when I felt his hot and wet mouth playing with the tip of

my breath.

This doesn’t feel right, but I feel helpless. I have no match for his strength. Despite my constant

rejection, he continued his assault. My b*dy was filled with a mixture of desire and shame. I feel

violated. Even though I’m starting to feel my arousal at the back of my head, I’m still aware that what

he’s doing isn’t right. But no matter how I tried to convince myself that this isn’t right, my b*dy feels like

it has a mind of its own. It was too late when I found myself surrendering to my selfish desires.

He didn’t bother removing the remaining pieces of my clothing. He pulled my underwear underneath

my dress, I felt the cold breeze brushing against my exposed center as he pulled the hem of my dress

aside. I was surprised when he suddenly thrust his whole thickness inside me without a warning. No

foreplay, no preparation, nothing. It was as if he was in a rush, and he doesn’t care whether I enjoy it or


I winced when I felt the pain because of his sudden movement inside me. He was rough. He was far

from the man I used to share a bed with.

“Look how you shamelessly grind your hips against me. Are you always like this with every man you’ve

slept with? Do you like it rough, huh? Tell me, Blaire. Is this what you and that ba t ard Alexander did

the whole night?” he asked, with a devilish smirk on his lips.

“What are you talking about?” I was surprised by the way he talked to me. I also don’t understand how

Alexander fits in the picture. Did he think I slept with Alexander?

“You don’t have to lie, Blaire. I know what you’ve been up to since last night. I saw you get out of his

car. Is he a good fvck?” He asked as he continued his ruthless thrust against my center. “You know

what? You don’t have to answer that. I’m sure as hell that I’m better than him.”

My hand automatically landed on his cheeks. Despite the tingling sensation brought by his thrust into

my core, it wasn’t enough to numb my heart from his ruthless insults. “I will not let you disrespect me

like this,” I coldly told him. I leaned my hand against his chest as I tried so hard to push him away. “Get

off me!” I yelled at him.

He completely disregards what I said. Instead, he grabbed my wrist and pinned it over my head. “Stop

acting as if you don’t like being fvcked like this. You’re a warrior, so act like one,” he said before

continuing his assault despite my refusal. He continues to


09:12 Mon, 22 Jan ti

Chapter 40

thrust inside me. His movement becomes faster and faster. We were filled with nothing but a loud


1 bit

my lower lip to stop myself from making any noise. I will not give him the satisfaction of hearing me

enjoy what he’s doing.

“Moan for me, Blaire. I want to hear you scream in pleasure,” he said before he tugged on my chin to

stop me from biting my lower lip.

In the midst of the conflicting emotions, a tingling sensation begins to weave its way through my b*dy,

defying the hatred that simmers within me. Sebastian’s touch, though tumultuous, sparks a fire that

refuses to be extinguished. It’s as if the tempest of our emotions has birthed a tempest of passion,

swirling and colliding in a dance of paradoxes.

My mind rebels against the conflicting sensations, torn between the resentment I harbor and the

undeniable allure of the chemistry that lingers between us.

As he looks into my eyes, I see mirrored turmoil, a reflection of the storm we’ve become. But aside

from that, I can also see rage and despise. I don’t know how we ended up in this situation or what

might be the reason why he was suddenly filled with anger towards me. But regardless of what the

reason might be, seeing how he can be ruthless makes me more determined to think about my future

and my unborn child.

“Ahhh…fck! I’m cymming!” He screamed in pleasure as he continued to move his hips. against my


I clenched my lower lip forcefully, suppressing any moans as my b*dy trembled with pleasure alongside

his. The taste of blood lingered in my mouth from the intense biting. Tears welled up and trickled down

the sides of my eyes.

I lay there, a mix of conflicting emotions swirling within me. The aftermath of our encounter left an eerie

silence in the room. Sebastian, now spent, rolled off me without uttering a word.

As I gathered what remained of my composure, I couldn’t shake the feeling of betrayal, not only by him

but also by the circumstances that led to this moment. The room, once a sanctuary, now bore witnessnovelbin

to the shattered fragments of a relationship pushed to its limits.

I picked up all my clothes and ran to the bathroom before locking myself inside. The cold tiles of the

bathroom floor provided a stark contrast to the tumultuous emotions swirling within me. As I dressed in

haste, I could still feel the lingering touch of Sebastian on my skin, a haunting reminder of a moment I

wished I could erase.

The sound of water running from the showerhead drowned out the muf fled s obs escaping from my

lips. Each drop echoed the cascade of emotions: the shame, the


Chapter 40

regret, and the profound sense of loss. In the confinement of that bathroom, I grappled with the harsh

reality of the choices that led me to this precipice.

The mirror reflected a distorted image of a woman, her eyes swollen from tears, a mere shell of the

person she used to be. With a deep

breath. I steadied myself, determined to face the consequences awaiting me beyond the bathroom

door. As I turned off the water, the room was engulfed in silence. I knew I couldn’t hide forever.

I removed my torn dress and grabbed the bathrobe before wrapping it around my b*dy to cover my

n*kedness. I wiped away my tears from my cheeks as I tried to even my breathe. Once I’m finally calm,

I prepare myself to get out of the bathroom to face the inevitable. It’s time to confront the truth.

I wrapped my arms around me, trying to console myself as I slowly opened the door of the bathroom.

As I stepped outside, I found Sebastian standing beside the bed, fixing his pants.

I gulped before finally breaking the silence. “I want divorce.”

He turned in my direction with a dead look in his eyes, as if my request didn’t surprise. him at all. He

then walked towards the center table and grabbed a folder that was sitting on top of it. My heart was

racing as I followed his every move. After that, he then walked towards me and handed me the folder

he had grabbed from the center table.

“I’ve been having a hard time considering whether I should do this or not. But you only made my

decision easier by sleeping with that man. Consider what happened today as our parting gift to each

other,” he said as he buttoned his shirt up. “I was trying to be considerate, given our history. But it

seems like there’s no other choice. Catherine and I have already talked about our relationship. And we

agreed to start over and give our relationship another chance,” he added.

Every word feels like a knife piercing right through my heart. I know I already decided that it was better

for us to go our separate ways, thus my asking for a divorce. But I wasn’t expecting him to admit that

he’d already chosen Catherine over me.

The air hung heavy with the finality of Sebastian’s decision. I stood there, a silent spectator to the

dissolution of a marriage that had once held promises of forever. His words echoed in my mind,

a’relentless reminder that the man I once knew had chosen to rebuild with another.

“I’ll be the one to initiate the divorce proceedings. Just sign the papers, and I’ll take care of it. The

papers will be delivered to you soon,” he stated with a detached tone, as if the unraveling of our

marriage were a mere formality. The gravity of his words settled over me, and the weight of our shared

past became an indelible scar on my heart. “You will be thoroughly compensated for our marriage. Half

of my assets will be yours, as well as


Chapter 40

the alimony.”

“I don’t want your money or anything that has to do with you. All I want is your promise that you’re

going to take care of my father when I’m gone, I said coldly before grabbing the folder from his hand.

“You have my word, Blaire.”

My hand was shivering as I affixed my signature to the piece of paper that would finally put an end to

whatever connection was left between me and Sebastian. This divorce is completely different from the

first one. Everything is clear. There was no misunderstanding like the one before. Though he thinks that

I slept with another man behind his back, I don’t see the need to clear that one out. It wouldn’t change


After signing the paper, I gave it back to him. “Can I have the room for a little while? I just want to fix my

things before I leave,” I said.

“You don’t have to. I’m planning to give this house to you, he answered.

This house is filled with memories of him. I don’t think staying here after what happened is a good idea.

“There’s no need for that. As I said, I want nothing from you. I will only bring things that I brought when

I came back here.”

“Don’t be stubborn, Blaire, Once we’re divorced, you’ll be left with nothing. Accept it; you earned that,”

he insisted.

“I’ll be fine.” I refuse once again.

He sneered, “Why are you refusing to accept my money? Did Alexander promise to take care of you

after you leave? Are you going to run to him as fast as you can once you step outside our house?”

His continuous insults mean nothing to me now. “Think whatever you want to think, Sebastian. I’m tired.

Please, leave. I still need to pack my things.”

He remained silent. I saw his jaw tighten as he looked at me intently. After a couple of minutes, he

decided to leave the room. I breathe out a sigh of relief once he’s finally gone. And once again, I let

down the streams of tears that I have been holding back.

The room echoed with the sound of silence after Sebastian’s departure. His lingering gaze left an

imprint-a weight I hadn’t realized I carried until he walked away. As the door closed behind him, I

released a sigh of relief, a subtle acknowledgment of the emotional tension that had enveloped the


Alone in the quiet aftermath, I allowed the tears, restrained for so long, to flow freely.


Chapter 40

Each drop bore witness to the culmination of a relationship, once vibrant with love, now reduced to the

echoes of unspoken words and shattered promises.


In the midst of my tears, I found a peculiar sense of liberation. The divorce, while painful, marked the

end of a tumultuous journey and the beginning of profound self- discovery. I grieved not only the loss of

a marriage but also the unraveling of dreams intricately woven into the fabric of our shared history.

“We’re going to be okay, peanut. Mommy’s going to be okay,” I murmured to myself as I gently rubbed

my belly, hoping to find comfort from the little life that was slowly growing inside me.






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