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Chapter 4

Chapter 4


The weight of the situation and the unexpected turn of events hung in the air like a storm cloud.

Sebastian and I quickly went to my father’s hospital. room. Sebastian walked silently behind us as we

entered the room. All eyes were on us the moment we stepped in. I couldn’t help but notice the glaring

eyes that my stepsister kept throwing at me the moment I arrived. But my focus remained solely on the

figure lying in the hospital bed.

“Dad…” I whispered, my voice filled with a mixture of relief and concern. His frail form lay there, a stark

contrast to the strong and imposing figure I had known throughout my life.

My father turned his gaze toward me, and his eyes, though weary, held a spark of recognition and

warmth. In that moment, it felt like a lifetime of separation had melted away, and I was once again the

little girl seeking solace in her father’s presence.

“You finally had the guts to show up after all these years?” Stacy, my stepmother, couldn’t resist the

urge to inject a barb of spite into the room. Her words, laced with bitterness, were a stark reminder of

the strained relationships that had defined my life.

“I’ve only been gone for a year, Stacy,” I replied, my tone laced with at touch of sarcasm. Her animosity

toward me had always been a source of tension, but I had grown used to it. novelbin

“Well, it felt like years to us!” Stacy retorted, her hostility undiminished. “Look what happened since you

left. We’ve been getting nothing but bad luck because of you.”

I couldn’t help but roll my eyes in response to her accusation. The idea that my absence had brought

misfortune to their lives was as irrational as it was infuriating. How could one person be blamed for the

twists of fate?

“That’s enough, Stacy,” my father interjected, his voice feeble but authoritative. His words held a sense

of weariness, as if he had grown tired of the family discord that had plagued us for years.


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Chapter 4

My father’s plea for peace was not lost on me, and I took a deep breath, quelling the urge to engage in

a fruitless argument with Stacy. There were more pressing matters at hand, and my father’s well-being


precedence over past grievances.

“Father, how are you feeling?” I asked, and my concern was genuine.

He offered a weary but reassuring smile. “I’ve been better, Blaire, but I’m still here. That’s what matters.

Besides, Sebastian here has been helping us and picking everything up.”

Sebastian, who had remained silently by my side, finally spoke. “It’s what a good son-in-law does, isn’t


I can’t help but grow a frown upon hearing that. My eyes shifted to Catherine, who kept glaring at me.

My eyes lowered to her flat stomach. It seems like she has finally given birth. And hearing Sebastian

refer to himself as my father’s son-in-law, it seems like they finally got married as they should.

The bitter words tumbled from my lips as I gazed at Sebastian, the man who had once been my

husband but had shattered our marriage with his betrayal. “Well, I’m glad things work out between you

and my sister. It will be a waste if it doesn’t after what you and her did to me,” I said with a bitterness

that I couldn’t quite suppress.

My father, who was lying on the hospital bed, looked at me with an innocent expression, as if he had no

knowledge of the turmoil that had unfolded in my absence. “What do you mean, Blaire? Did something

happen between you and Sebastian?” he asked, genuine confusion marring

his features.

Sebastian, ever the composed one, stepped in to defuse the situation. “I think my wife is just tired,

father. Why don’t we go back home so she can. get some rest? We’ll visit again once she’s settled at

home,” he suggested, his tone gentle as he addressed my father.

Without warning, he gently grasped my arm and led me out of the room. I was so stunned by his

actions that I offered no resistance, merely allowing myself to be guided out of the room and into the


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Chapter 4


Once we were finally alone, away from the prying eyes and the weight of my father’s gaze, I found my

voice. “I think you grabbed the wrong wife, Sebastian.”

His brow furrowed in confusion as he glanced at me. “What are you talking about, Blaire? You’re my

only wife.”

His words were like a punch to the gut, and I struggled to comprehend what he was saying. It was as

though my world had tilted off its axis, and the confusion intensified as I heard Catherine’s voice from

behind us.

“Sebastian, wait!” She shouted, and I could practically hear the exasperation in his sigh as he

responded to her call.

In that moment, I stood at the crossroads of a mystery, with fragments of a puzzle that didn’t quite fit

together. My heart raced, and my mind spun with the enigma of Sebastian’s words, and the presence

of my sister in the midst of it all only deepened the intrigue.

As Sebastian turned to face Catherine, I struggled to piece together the disjointed narrative. What had

transpired in my absence? Had there been a deception, a ruse, that I had been unknowingly drawn

into? The tangled web of emotions and relationships was more complex than I had ever imagined.

Catherine’s arrival, with her presence in this fraught situation, only ade layers to the confusion. Her

voice trembled as she spoke, and the lines her face bore a mixture of emotions that were difficult to

decipher. “Sebastian, you can’t just walk away like this. You promised me you’d stay.

Sebastian’s features darkened, and he turned to face her, his voice tinged. with frustration. “Catherine,

I didn’t promise you anything.”

Their exchange unfolded before me like a scene from a drama, and I struggled to find my voice amid

the whirlwind of emotions and unanswered questions. It was as though I had walked into the middle of

a play with a script I had never read.

“Sebastian, what is going on?” I finally managed to utter it, my voice

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Chapter 4

trembling with the tumult of emotions that swirled within me.

Sebastian turned back to me, and his gaze held a mixture of guilt and resolve. “Let’s go. at home.”

We’ll talk

He then grabbed my hand once again and pulled me away from the hospital room.


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